Similar to the Thunderbolts thread -
Captain America: Brave New World will surely be in theaters next year as planned, regardless of delays.
But - what if it was delayed so much that Hasbro decided to put together a quick comic wave?
Who would be in your BAF wave?
I'd do:
Falcon and Redwing
Demolition Man
Baron Blood
Death Adder
BAF - Anaconda
I love all those choices. I’d probably want Dr Faustus as well. And Golden Age Bucky Barnes.
Yep — D-Man and Diamondback for sure.
I'd also like to see Nomad. And Voice from when he was running with the Skeleton Crew in the late '80s.
And of course any and all remaining Serpent Society members
They can still do a comic wave even with a movie wave. I honestly think that's how it should always be done.
The only Cap related figure I'm really hoping for is Falcon from the F&WS show. I'd love to get the entire Serpent Society but don't have the room and won't spare the funds heh.
I'm happy with all of Beamish's choices but will offer a few alternates: classic Nomad (with swappable blond Steve Rogers and brunette Jack Monroe heads), Flag-Smasher, Vagabond, classic Jordan Stryker Viper, Vermin, Scourge (skull-head white duster look from the Handbook, plus ANY of his victims), armored 90s Cap, Vamp, Blue Streak, first appearance green Falcon, ULTIMATUM army builder, Watchdog army builder, Battlestar, Solarr, updated Bucky, Zeitgeist, and any Resistants members.
I'm a Cap fan from way back and would take anything Hasbro wanted to give us.
Whatever gets me a classic 80s Falcon and the Serpent Squad.
@beamish Perfect list for a Cap wave! Highlights for me are Death Adder, Diamondback, and Anaconda. That would be an amazing wave!
Captain America (eagle instead of an "A")
Red Skull (suit & tie)
Nomad (90s trench coat look)
BAF Dr. Faustaus
Deluxe Ameridroid
5pack (Battle Damaged Cap, Sidewinder, Death Adder, Bushmaster, Anaconda)
Beamish, I would switch D-Man with Flag-Smasher or Hate-Monger (they'll never make that character, I know). Otherwise, your wave lineup is perfect.
You kind of nailed it Beamish, as others have said. A few other Cap figures I'd like to see:
Invaders Classic Bucky and WWII-era Cap are my first priority, with Jim Hammond, Toro, and the rest right behind.
Isaiah Bradley (I wouldn't mind getting a Master Man for him to beat up on, but of course he'll never get made. And to be honest I don't want that symbol displayed in my home, even under a boot)
Serpent Society (my first picks are actually the ones Beamish listed, but including the rest for posterity)
Nomad & Jack Flag I've got a soft spot for the run of comics Nomad sprang from, even if his design (and honestly maybe the book itself) don't hold up as well as I'd like. Jack Flag, on the other hand, is a design that still kicks, even if the character hasn't done much of note (but he doubles as a Guardian of the Galaxy, which is fun!)
I'd also love to see D-Man come with extra hands and head to recreate this look from Busiek's Avengers run. An extra head at least would be awesome1
1. Classic Falcon (w/Redwing)
2. Death Adder
3. Baron Blood
4. Dr Faustus
5. Bushmaster
6. Diamondback
BAF: Anaconda
Invaders boxset: FA Cap (bare neck/triangle shield), FA Bucky (preteen), Hammond Human Torch, Toro, Spitfire & original Vision.
Say whaaat? Gotta have Porcupine.
abso-frikkin’-lutely! Any self-respecting Avengers Mansion display needs that in a display case with the “Honored Foe” plate on it.
Porcupine would definitely be fun!