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Cabal 3-pack

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@akatsuki I totally agree and I love how Dwight and the team are always trying to improve the product. Doom with the "removable cloth cape" is something I would have never imagined.

Akatsuki reacted
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Whenever I've gotten notices that my pre-order price decreased it has been overnight.  They probably run the job to adjust open orders during the least-busy hours.

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I keep trying to justify pre-ordering this in my head, but all it boils down to: "Do I want to spend $75 for one figure I want (Taskmaster) and two that I don't?" And that's what keeps me from hitting the button.

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I would be interested in purchasing extras that people may not want. Though I don't think it will be as cost efficient with shipping charges.

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I'm wondering how long Iron Patriot will stay exclusive to this set - I'm fully expecting to see him again with a different deco, hopefully with more Dark Avengers in tow.

Ru1977 reacted
Red Ogre
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Posted by: @thor-el

I keep trying to justify pre-ordering this in my head, but all it boils down to: "Do I want to spend $75 for one figure I want (Taskmaster) and two that I don't?" And that's what keeps me from hitting the button.

If the comments in this thread are any indication of the toy community at-large there is a market for each of these figures individually and there really won't be an abundant dud in the bunch.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Posted by: @normdapito

I would be interested in purchasing extras that people may not want. Though I don't think it will be as cost efficient with shipping charges.

Same here, Norm. Especially Iron Patriot!


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Pretty sure there will be singles to be had on eBay.

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@akatsuki I'll be selling my Norman when the pack comes in.

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I got this set in the mail today.  I don't really have time to go into detail but it's pretty cool.  Taskmaster doesn't come with the Daredevil style billy club but that's okay.  I'll just use the one that came with the original figure.  Overall it's amazing and I am looking forward to more Dark Avengers.

I'd stay and talk more but I've got that whaddayacallit SDCC Comic Con thingamabob that I've gotta scoot off to.  Be good to yourselves and each other.  And here's hoping the FWOOSH doesn't crash.  'bye!

hmmberto, puckace, Ru1977 and 1 people reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Posted by: @jakeekiss

@akatsuki I'll be selling my Norman when the pack comes in.

I’d be happy to take you up on that! Thanks!


Magneto Was Right
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I'm just looking for Doom if anyone wants to part with him. I'm @fwooshtsi on Instagram if you want to hash it out.

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My set arrived today and I like the figures a bunch. Literally, my ONLY gripe with it is the way they handled Iron Patriot's mask. The way mine came, there's a couple lines painted on his face plate. One that outlines the cheek/lip ridge, and one that follows the lines coming from the temples to the center of the forehead/brow. Both lines on mine were painted/applied too low, not lined up with the actual sculpt. I used acetone to remove both lines, and I like it much more. I wonder how good it would look if the paint was actually aligned. So we all have that to look out for.

Doom is fine, I dig the cloth cape, which is sewn so it clears his shoulders, but I kinda would like it if it covered his shoulders a bit more, like Darth Vader capes. I'm sure I could pull the cloth out a bit since it's kind of pleated. He's otherwise exactly like the original version. Tunic skirt is a big shorter.

Taskmaster is the standout for me. The peg for his cape seems a bit short and pops out often when handling the figure. But the weapons are all great, the Vulcan body is appropriate. Quite pleased with this one. Now I want redos of all of the Dark Avengers, especially ARES.

SDcomics, hmmberto, Akatsuki and 1 people reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I love this Cabal set! It is as cool as I anticipated—I think all three figures came out great! Dark Reign and Dark Avengers were one of my favorite times in comics. It was such a thrilling story and remains so relevant. 

Iron Patriot— There is only a limited amount of reuse from Extremis Iron Man—just the arms, lower torso, and feet. So a ton of new sculpting which makes Iron Patriot feel unique. Excellent sculpt, articulation, and colors.  When he debuted, Iron Patriot instantly became one of my all-time favorite villains who I love to hate. Instantly iconic look. I’ve wanted a good figure of this armor for so many years. I always wished that we could have gotten so more fight scenes with Iron Patriot, like getting to see him lose to Iron Man, or Thor, or Ms. Marvel in some one on one fights. 

Taskmaster— Another one of my favorite villains! This new Taskmaster came out great! The Vulcan body finally gives Taskmaster both the proportions and articulation that he needs to really look the part abs be able to move and pose. The new head sculpt is killer. 

Dr. Doom— Love Doom as a character, and after recent announcements, I assume I am going to be liking him even more fairly soon. This was already a great Doom figure, but I think the fabric cape and Doombot head really make this one feel new and special. 

Overall, this is a perfect set for my tastes! It really fulfilled a lot of my wishes! 


puckace, JOEL aka JoMiHa, NORM and 1 people reacted
JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Yep, don't have much to say about the 3 Pack, other than I was planning on selling Iron Patriot, but now that I have it in hand, will be keeping him. Great updates to the older figures. Happy with the accessories included as well.

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