It’s already the #1 Best seller in Toys and Games category for the day.
I'd be more worried about this being an "Amazon testing the water" thing if not for the rumors that this was originally a 4-pack. It's entirely plausible the listing just wasn't adjusted properly when plans changed.
That, and Dan straight up said it was a mistake.
So, I think you're right, and I agree with this - however...
I am slightly concerned about the opportunity for Amazon (and by extension Hasbro) to learn the wrong lesson here. If enough people forge ahead with the pre-order at $99.99 - even if it does indeed eventually get fixed to the originally intended price - do they try a hike like this for real in the not too distant future because the data shows there was strong interest even at the higher price?
Possibly! I'm sure they're always collecting whatever data they can to justify pushing prices upwards. But, they'd have to factor in how quickly the information that the price would be adjusted was disseminated - presumably a lot of the preorders in the first hours are the hard-core fan base, exactly the ones who follow Dan Yun/Preternia/other figure accounts, and got the message that the price would go down. Also, they have years of sales data showing how most of their exclusives end up on clearance to factor in.
In general it really feels like the pricing has been reigned in to a new normal and there haven't been a lot of surprises. I'm hopeful that we can enjoy some price stability for a little while.
I’m starting to cave a little, but I refuse to pre-order it until and unless they fix the price. I won’t cast a vote at $25 over.
Let's not forget all the pre-orders Amazon listed below what they were supposed to...
Recent example, Superior Spider-Man. Errors happen, we can put the tin foil hats away 😊
Looks like they fixed it:
Let's not forget all the pre-orders Amazon listed below what they were supposed to...
Recent example, Superior Spider-Man. Errors happen, we can put the tin foil hats away 😊
I do recall them fixing that error a lot faster though!
They fixed it for the listing, but my order still said $99. So I cancelled it and they ask you why you are cancelling. One option is “Price is too high”. Put that in your algorithm pipe and smoke it, Amazon!
I then of course reordered at the $75 price lol
$75 feels like a steal now!
OK... so they fixed the price. That's good psychology because now it does feel like a deal 😀
They did fix the price but didn't update my pre order price. So, I just cancelled the old one and placed another order for the updated price.
I don't know about anybody else but Amazon adjusted my pre-order price. That gave me the incentive to pre-order one more.
Well then preorder made.
Robo’s review was so sweet. Had to set up a set to buy.