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Cabal 3-pack

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I pre-ordered. If the price adjustment e-mail doesn't come through before they ship, easy enough to cancel or just return.

Akatsuki and NORM reacted
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I'd be more worried about this being an "Amazon testing the water" thing if not for the rumors that this was originally a 4-pack. It's entirely plausible the listing just wasn't adjusted properly when plans changed.

That, and Dan straight up said it was a mistake.

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While I'd LOVE to get this Taskmaster upgrade, I just can't justify the price. I have zero interest in that rendition of Norman, and the Doom isn't different enough from the Super Skrull wave one for me to want to purchase (the Doombot head is cool, but c'mon...including an army builder piece in a three pack? Really?). Really wish they'd just released these as singles, as I would probably have picked up a few Dooms to make a Doombot army.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Happily preordered. I saw that Dan Yun said this was a price mistake on Amazon’s part. Not worried about it. Love the look of this set. 

SDcomics and NORM reacted
Squirrelly Member
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After all this time I should probably know this answer, but does Amazon charge at check out or when it ships?

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@monkey-joe  When item ships.

Perpetually Confused
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Amazon charges when it ships, and they've always been good about automatically applying price adjustments for me. I'm not worried about this one, especially since Dan already said it was the wrong price.

monkeyjoe and SDcomics reacted
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this is why I hope Hasbro treats the Legends team well and appreciates their effort. What other line has someone with the level of community trust and good will of Dan and the rest of the team who can jump in like this? Like, I BELIEVE Dan when he tells us this stuff. You never get that kind of good will as a big corporation.

hmmberto, NORM and SDcomics reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Robo has a review already!

TheGillMan, Red Ogre, hmmberto and 2 people reacted
Squirrelly Member
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Good review. Made me take the chance and I ordered the set. The upgrades on taskmaster are so nice

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I cant be the only one that would really rather flank Doom with 2 Servo Guards instead of 2 Doombots.

Posted by: @popoman

Amazon charges when it ships, and they've always been good about automatically applying price adjustments for me. I'm not worried about this one, especially since Dan already said it was the wrong price.

I know! I keep getting their 4 cent price match refunds on these ML preorders!

puckace reacted
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In Robo's review you can see that Taskmaster's chest strap could be removed.  Not sure if it can be reversed to go across the chest the other way to allow it to work more naturally as holding up a left-handed quiver, but I doubt it.

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Posted by: @h-bird

I'd be more worried about this being an "Amazon testing the water" thing if not for the rumors that this was originally a 4-pack. It's entirely plausible the listing just wasn't adjusted properly when plans changed.

That, and Dan straight up said it was a mistake.


So, I think you're right, and I agree with this - however...


I am slightly concerned about the opportunity for Amazon (and by extension Hasbro) to learn the wrong lesson here.   If enough people forge ahead with the pre-order at $99.99 -  even if it does indeed eventually get fixed to the originally intended price -  do they try a hike like this for real in the not too distant future because the data shows there was strong interest even at the higher price?


Ru1977 reacted
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@panthercult exactly. Just a soft float of the idea.

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Still $99.99 on Amazon and already a Best Seller.  You all talked me into ordering and hoping for a price match.

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