I absolutely LOVED Dark Reign and am a fan of all 3 of these characters, but I'm definitely grappling with waiting for this to hit clearance or not since it's so much reuse. I definitely prefer cloth capes, so that certainly makes this Doom a major upgrade in my book, and Tasky looks moderately better as well. Hoping Norman looks much better in hand, too, as the paint they chose to go with on this makes him look extremely flat and a tad cheap. It also reeks of a potential store exclusive re-release with upgraded metallic paint, which I think we should've just gotten this time around, but then Hasbro wouldn't be Hasbro. 🧐
I can justify the way Iron Patriot looks because that’s kind of what he’s supposed to look like.. an ostentatious cheap copy. (He doesn’t look cheap to me anyway)
I could be talked into getting this Taskmaster if he were single carded.
I'll never need another Doom again after the Super Skrull wave release.
Norman looks cheap to me as well and unfortunately MOST of ML's Iron Man armor-type figures are trending in that direction, IMO. For me, molded, shinny plastic still reads as plastic and not metal, whether it's marbly or sparkly....still looks like dollar store plastic to me. There's ways to make it look metallic, but that involves paint and Hasbro typically won't give that extra effort. The fact that they are upping their game with face print technology to make their heads look like adult collectibles makes for a weird contrast when you put one of those heads on a body that's almost completely unpainted.
If Hasbro wants to start doing more cloth capes then they should take note of what one of their competitors is doing and get them wired. Wired softgoods are awesome - unwired ones are lame.
in that case, they really need to revisit Cloak. (Dagger wouldn’t hurt either.)
A new Cloak would be a hell of a way for Hasbro to introduce wired soft goods to the line - I'd love it. Cloak isn't a big draw though and it probably wouldn't be the smartest first investment in a new-to-the-line feature - better to put it on a new Thor or someone they know will sell.
Taskmaster is using the bow right-handedly but has a left handed quiver.
What makes it left-handed--the fact that it leans towards his left shoulder? If that's the case then I don't see a full pic of the quiver in the Looper photos, but I assume it's the same one we've been getting for over a decade and that one can lean in whichever direction you want by just turning the quiver by the peg.
I'm not a professional archer, but with the strap supporting the quiver as well, the arrows would be drawn with your left hand, with the bow held in the right. If he's holding the bow in his left hand, he can't also draw with that hand.
I know this is massively nitpicky, but it's one of those things that bothers me and would every time I looked at him on the shelf. I guess you can turn the quiver to be drawn with the right hand, but that would look bad to me as well because the chest strap wouldn't make sense.
EDIT: I looked at a Storm Shadow figure who also has the quiver on that side with his strap going the other way (so, left handed quiver with a strap for a right handed one), but what counters that are his scabbards are both for the right side so the strap is really supporting those. Maybe Taskmaster has a scabbard for his sword on the right side like that.
I'm listening to the Toymigos interview with Dan and Dwight, and Dwight said that the quiver is permanently attached to the back of his cape. So I guess he's stuck with a left-handed quiver.
Never seen them do that before. I'm pretty confused about the design since the quiver strap goes UNDER the cape.
Huh. All weird.
I guess just have him copy the moves of Jeremy Renner, so he shoots left handed.
99.99 is a bit steep
Yeah, I was going to cave at $75, I think... but $100 for a 3 pack of figures that I mostly already have. That is laughable. What a joke.
Where’s the listing? I can’t find it in any of my searches.
I think Amazon is padding for the eventual sale at $75…
$99.99 - nope.
That's some McFarlane-level price creep! This price must be leftover from when this was rumored to be a four-pack.
Thanks to everyone who said a good wired cape is equivalent to the cost of a figure itself - Hasbro heard you! 😉
Thank you! Also yeah, at that price I’ll pass
What in the actual Hell? $99.99 for 3 figures? Especially when two of them are just about straight re-releases? Nope.
I thought this would have been $75 as well. I would have bought it at that and even that was a stretch since I have all the previous Taskmasters and Doctor Dooms. But $75 is at least the cost of 3 figures. This is the cost of 4.
Hasbro has dropped the ball on Cabal
Here's the link inside of code tags. You can't paste Amazon links here anymore for some reason.