This whole Amazon 8/9 deal is a triumph of marketing over actual sale prices.
Man, that Fantasticar is tempting, but when you zoom in, you can see the print lines. For $375, I'd need mine sanded perfectly smooth.
I'm pretty sure you can't sand out 3D print lines. They run throughout the plastic.
You should be able to paint over them. Not sure what kind of paint works on 3D printer materials, but I know not everything works. I've bought 3D-printed and painted Etsy items where the paint clearly doesn't stick to the printed resin very well.
@enigmaticclarity as opposed to extruding or melting a solid substance and applying it in successive layers/coils like a toothpaste, I believe liquid resin printing solidifies precision points/areas using UV lasers? ...or something to that effect.
I was close.
"Resin printers typically operate at a higher resolution than FDM printers. This high resolution enables the production of models with smoother surfaces and less visible layers, which often eliminates the need for extensive post-processing. The result is a finished product that appears more refined and professional."
So I guess there still are lines but they are much finer.
Now that I'm separating my X-Men and Spider-Man villains from my other Marvel villains, I want something to make Doom the clear focal point of the general Marvel villains shelf. That throne would certainly do the trick, but it is pricey.
Doom, to me, is forever the #1 villain in Marvel, whether he really is canonically or not. I keep him top center as well. But it prevents me from wanting to display something like Kang's Time Chair because that thing gives him more visual importance. Right now, on that literal top tier, I've got Doom, Kang, Ultron, High Evolutionary, Super Skrull, Ronan the Accuser, Thanos, Loki, Dormammu (from memory, I'm not home to look at the display). I'd display Doom in a throne, but that kind of thing would also take up so much room I'd have to eliminate other figures from the tier.Now that I'm separating my X-Men and Spider-Man villains from my other Marvel villains, I want something to make Doom the clear focal point of the general Marvel villains shelf. That throne would certainly do the trick, but it is pricey.
Doom, to me, is forever the #1 villain in Marvel, whether he really is canonically or not. I keep him top center as well. But it prevents me from wanting to display something like Kang's Time Chair because that thing gives him more visual importance. Right now, on that literal top tier, I've got Doom, Kang, Ultron, High Evolutionary, Super Skrull, Ronan the Accuser, Thanos, Loki, Dormammu (from memory, I'm not home to look at the display). I'd display Doom in a throne, but that kind of thing would also take up so much room I'd have to eliminate other figures from the tier.Now that I'm separating my X-Men and Spider-Man villains from my other Marvel villains, I want something to make Doom the clear focal point of the general Marvel villains shelf. That throne would certainly do the trick, but it is pricey.
Years ago, I might've argued that it's Magneto, but he's more of a hero/anti-hero now.
It's gotta be Doom. Who else even has a case? Thanos? I'd take Doom over Thanos, Loki, and all the Spidey villains.
Doom, to me, is forever the #1 villain in Marvel, whether he really is canonically or not. I keep him top center as well. But it prevents me from wanting to display something like Kang's Time Chair because that thing gives him more visual importance. Right now, on that literal top tier, I've got Doom, Kang, Ultron, High Evolutionary, Super Skrull, Ronan the Accuser, Thanos, Loki, Dormammu (from memory, I'm not home to look at the display). I'd display Doom in a throne, but that kind of thing would also take up so much room I'd have to eliminate other figures from the tier.Now that I'm separating my X-Men and Spider-Man villains from my other Marvel villains, I want something to make Doom the clear focal point of the general Marvel villains shelf. That throne would certainly do the trick, but it is pricey.
Years ago, I might've argued that it's Magneto, but he's more of a hero/anti-hero now.
It's gotta be Doom. Who else even has a case? Thanos? I'd take Doom over Thanos, Loki, and all the Spidey villains.
They continue to neglect Dr. Bong and Paste Pot Pete in the figure department, so Doom can have center stage for now.
I dragged my feet on picking this set up - just wasn't champing at the bit to drop $75 for what is technically three repeats, and figured I'd wait until a slow month. Anyway, it's currently sold out and sitting at $185 sold by 3rd parties on Amazon. It's not unheard of for Amazon exclusives to be sold out and have a few pop back into stock after a while, but...I might be SOL on this one.
Hasbro is definitely ordering more manageable quantities these days.
I dragged my feet on picking this set up - just wasn't champing at the bit to drop $75 for what is technically three repeats, and figured I'd wait until a slow month. Anyway, it's currently sold out and sitting at $185 sold by 3rd parties on Amazon. It's not unheard of for Amazon exclusives to be sold out and have a few pop back into stock after a while, but...I might be SOL on this one.
Damn! Glad I was able to get through my little Ponzi Scheme to army build the doombot heads while it was still plentiful!