Then I think the Serpent Society deserve their own Top 10.
Oh man… SO many bad guys they still need to get to… such an insanely long list of great choices available. So many amazing characters are going to get left off even with 20 choices
#1 on my list will be no surprise I’m certain but…
1 M’Baku the Man Ape
2 Deathbird
3 Attuma
4 Skurge
5 Blastaar (classic)
6 Man Wolf
7 Baron Blood
8 Exodus
9 Mesmero
10 Moonstone (classic yellow/silver)
11 Swarm
12 Mastermind (trenchcoat)
13 Diablo
14 Sidewinder
15 Anaconda
16 Death Adder
17 Spot
18 Mandrill
19 Wizard
20 Will O’ the Wisp
If they made these 20 this year I would have another list of 20 must have bad guys ready to go instantly.
I also left off most of the BAF sized bad guys from this list - though there are tons of those I want (Stegron, Supreme Intelligemce, Griffin, Orca, Zzzax).
1. M'Baku
2.Blastaar (Controller sized, the giant Annihilation version is fine but the classic shouldn't be a Hulk)
5.Moonstone (classic)
9.Cassandra Nova
10.Gladiator (Daredevil villain)
11.Killmonger (original white pants look)
12.Baron Mordo
13.Awesome Android
14.Mad Thinker
15.Puppet Master
17.Cameron Hodge
18.Any Marauders (Scalphunter top priority)
19.Any Serpent Society
20.Any Imperial Guard
Just so y'all know, I want about 90% of everything already listed here. Wow. Some of mine are ambiguously "bad guys". Here they are, in no particular order:
Baron Blood, Blackout, Boomerang, Diablo, Diamondback, Executioner, Goliath, Mandarin, Scalphunter, Scarecrow, Sidewinder, Sin-Eater, Super-Patriot, Swordsman, Vanguard M'Baku, Wizard, Yellowjacket, Machete, Zaran and Scourge.
- High Evolutionary (MCU)
- Bullseye/Hawkeye (Dark Avengers)
- Frenzy
- Scorpia
- Graviton
- Proteus
- Maximus
- Mangog
- Erik Killmonger (comic)
- Stegron
- Olivia Octavius (Into the Spider-Verse)
- Chitauri army builders (Comic or MCU)
- Ezekiel Stane
- Ikari
- Moonstone/Meteorite (Thunderbolts)
- Atlas
- Hammer drone army builders (MCU)
@akajomiha seriously. I look at others’ lists and think, “Crap, I missed this character” and “crap, I missed that character.” XD
1 - 10 . Dracula, Deathbird, Skurge, Attuma, M'Baku, Korvac, Swarm, Supreme Intelligence, Wizard, Baron Blood (As pictured by @Beamish)
11 -13. Moonstar, Blastaar, & Graviton (as pictured by @chooch)
14. Baron Mordo
15. Annhilus
16. Nightmare
17. Yellowjacket (Rita)
18. Karnilla
19. Nebula
20. Crimson Dynamo
Characters I only leave off b/c my custom can tide me over and it opens a spot. (Awesome Android, Trapster, Red Ghost & Puppet Master) Ask me on another day and I'm likely to include Gladiator, Volcana, Blackout, Melter, Fixer, Immortus, Living Laser, Man Wolf)
Edit: Damn; now where do I put my Ringmaster and Princess Python?
I'm pleasantly surprised with how many times Madcap is on people's lists. 🙂
I have eight villains who are absolute must-haves:
Annihilus, Diablo, The Wizard, Trapster, The Mandarin (in this exact costume), Mastermind, Plantman (again, this exact costume), and Loki in his Simonson duds.
Then there are the only six Serpent Society members worth collecting:
The original four Squad members: Sidewinder, Anaconda, Black Mamba, and Death Adder; and the two interesting joiners: Bushmaster and Diamondback.
And as long as I have 20 slots to fill, some might-as-wells:
Mr. Fish, Beetle, Porcupine, Mr. Fear, a more human-sized Absorbing Man, and a shelf-friendly 12" Sentinel.
Just so y'all know, I want about 90% of everything already listed here. Wow. Some of mine are ambiguously "bad guys". Here they are, in no particular order:
Baron Blood, Blackout, Boomerang, Diablo, Diamondback, Executioner, Goliath, Mandarin, Scalphunter, Scarecrow, Sidewinder, Sin-Eater, Super-Patriot, Swordsman, Vanguard, Wizard, Yellowjacket, Machete, Zaran and Scourge.
Joel... this list is very good... very strong... but you seem to have made a silly little mix-up and you accidentally slipped Vanguard - who is clearly a SUPER-HERO, into this list where you meant to have M'Baku. I'm sure it was just a silly little cut and paste error, but I thought I should point it out. We wouldn't want your otherwise excellent list marred in perpetuity with such a mix up
@panthercult I'm down with that! I was on the fence but wanted to squeeze Vanguard in somewhere. M'Baku it is! Fixed my original post 😉
@fletch I agree, those're the exact same costumes that I'd like to see Mandarin and Plantman in, too. 😀
@panthercult I'm down with that! I was on the fence but wanted to squeeze Vanguard in somewhere. M'Baku it is! Fixed my original post 😉
🤣 What do you know... peer pressure works sometimes 😊
In all seriousness - your list is your list and I actually very badly want a figure of Vanguard as well. Hasbro alleges that the Red Guardian figure they gave us is Nikolai Krylenko - but that just doesn't cut it. We need him in his Vanguard costume for sure.