Weren’t the Disir on some Marvel Legends poll? They would be cool to get as figures. Creepy though.
If there were to be a BAF Builder series (6 builder figures, 1 builder BAF), what would you like to see?
I had to read this four times to understand it. Interesting premise though...
1) Skrulls
2) Kree
3) Moloids
4) Capekillers
5) Brood
6) Doombots
BAF) Frost Giants
Purifiers would be cool, too. 😀
1) A new Hellfire Club Guard
2) Purifiers
3) Friends of Humanity (with several interchangeable parts)
4) Brood
5) Sentinel Sentinel
6) MRDs
Aakon alien
Ba-Bani alien
Badoon warrior
Z'Nox alien
Druff alien
Megans alien
Ciegrimites alien
BAF AcantialienAutocron alien
Ovoid alien
Rigellian alien
Queega alien
Grunds alien
Judans alien
Galactus' Punisher robot
BAF Procyonites alien
Wow, those are some deep cuts! Bravo
I really like the army builder with army builder BAF wave idea. Would almost make too much sense. Would be interesting to see how it does if at retail.
Regarding Moloids, could they maybe be two per box, as they should be small? Is that possible? If not, I imagine they'd come with the torso of the BAF.
Draugr (Asgardian zombies)
BAF Dire Wraith
The Kree should come with a few different heads (skin tones). The Draugr as well (multiple heads and weapons).
Weren’t the Disir on some Marvel Legends poll? They would be cool to get as figures. Creepy though.
I don't recall seeing them, but I'm far from fully aware of stuff like that. But I'd absolutely love the Dísir as well. As it stands, I've been using Mythic Legions female skeleton troop builder figures as the Dísir on my shelf surrounding Hela.
@basil-elks Just leave the Army-Builder figures on their site. I got four HF goons and would happily get four more, same with the skrulls. The price point of $15 was awesome also. It'd be like printing money for Hasbro.
AND stop putting the Army builder in the waves! If they are in the wave, make those the figures without BAF parts, then I wouldn't mind getting two of them! Why would someone order a full case to get two Daredevils instead of two Fist ninjas?
If Army Builders are in the wave, make those the figures without BAF parts, then I wouldn't mind getting two of them! Why would someone order a full case to get two Daredevils instead of two Fist ninjas?
I agree with this. If a wave includes an army builder that should be the one without the BAF piece. What are people going to do with 10 left legs of Zzzaxxx or whatever.
Also, stop doing BAF army builders. That's super annoying. I might have bought several Kree Sentries if they were for sale separately, but there was no way I was building multiples.
@kablam I'm banking on the Mindless One's deluxe figures, my first thought was this is an Army builder figure and I need several, but there's no way I'm buying six cases of that wave and the after market is going to be ridiculous. Can't believe they haven't released a Gold Mandroid yet, they included it's head in the Hulk 20th anniversary throwback figure. The Mattel Lightyear Battle Equipped Zyclops 8" Figure is pretty close to the Hellfire mandroids from Uncanny X-Men 129-132. If we don't get a Legends version, that may be my next project.
I agree, don't make the army builder come with the BAF piece, and Army builders shouldn't be the BAF, unless the entire wave is all army builders.
There was one instance of a troop builder having a BAF piece thoughtfully included: Hand Ninja with Stilt Man legs. Obviously, that's not going to apply to just about any other BAF, since having a repeated piece from a figure repeatedly purchased wouldn't come in handy. But that Stilt Man situation couldn't have been more perfect. That is, if you wanted to buy the Into the Spider-Verse figures in the wave. I know that turned a bunch of people off. Otherwise, I'd agree, single army builders in a wave of unique characters should not come with a BAF part.
Mine is all MCU...
- Hammer Drone
- Chitauri
- Dark Elf
- Ravager
- Iron Legion
- Border Tribe Warrior
- Zealot
BAF: Outrider
Mine is all MCU...
- Hammer Drone
- Chitauri
- Dark Elf
- Ravager
- Iron Legion
- Border Tribe Warrior
- Zealot
BAF: Outrider
Nice. Most of those could use multiple heads too (Chitauri could have masked/unmasked, Dark Elf... I guess could include a Malekith head, Ravager could have a few, Iron Legion could have swappable chest pieces for the numbers, Border Tribe guys could have a few heads as could Zealots. The Hammer Drones are always tough since not only is each branch a different color but also different add-ons). Great list!
I'd like to see an all-comic army builder wave:
AIM Soldier - Female
Hellfire Club Guard - Female
Dora Milaje
Kree Soldier - Private, not Captain
Asgardian Soldier
Atlantean Soldier
Dark Elves
BAF - Doombot (not just a Doom with a robot head but the more mechanical robots)
Make it an 8 figure wave. Have each figure that isn't masked come with at least two head sculpts.
Kree Officers could be sold as a 3-pack later.