Personally i much prefer just it when hasbro releases as deluxe rather than BAF as its rare for me to want more than 1-2 figures in a wave these days. But if they want to make a big to-do about the 100th BAF, Lockjaw is a pretty decent choice. I'd think Spider-Hulk or Man-Spider would be pretty cool as well. And i still want a new Annihilus altho if Hasbro takes too long i may end up getting the select, and just mentally fudge the scale differences.
We have Odin, Thor, and Hercules. I say now is the time to give us Zeus.
Just wishlisting but my top wants would be:
Blastaar (classic look)
Aaaand the winner of BAF 100 is: Nemesis. A bit of an anti-climax, but a cool looking figure nonetheless.
Not so "Epic" in my book 🙁
Was the biggest "awwwwww man" moment for me in an otherwise likable wave. Maybe AOA will be a deluxe, but that gun arm does not compare to the Joe Mad one with all the energy port holes. Plus just the way the armor glowed from inside. Yes it's a containment suit, but this figure looks more like Iron Man / Monger was taken over by a Ghost Rider spirit to me. I know it's accurate to X-Force, it's just not what I was pining away for.
I would like a classic AOA Nemesis as a deluxe figure.
but this figure looks more like Iron Man / Monger was taken over by a Ghost Rider spirit to me.
That's exactly what this looks like! If Tony's armor turned on him and fried him inside. The red really does look Heroes Reborn-y.