@tsi This is 2024 now. We can have 20 and we don't have to walk barefoot in the snow to vote for them anymore either.
It wasn't easy, but this would be my Top 10:
#01.) Captain America (George Perez art based with a stern head sculpt, an alternate smiling head, triangular shield accessory from the "Heroes Return" run, and a saluting right hand)
#02.) Thor (classic look on a new body mold, with a new cloth or soft cape, calm head sculpt, alternate angry head sculpt and Mjolnir accessory)
#03.) Beast (George Perez art based with a smiling head, an alternate angry head, open hands and alternate fist hands)
#04.) Wonder Man (early 1990s black-and-red West Coast outfit with a smiling head sculpt, an alternate angry head sculpt, open hands, alternate fist hands and ionic energy accessories for his fists)
#05.) Scarlet Witch ("Red Zone" costume with a smiling head sculpt, an alternate angry head sculpt, open hands and reddish-pink energy effect accessories for her hands)
#06.) Falcon (classic red-and-white suit with a smiling head sculpt, an alternate angry head sculpt, open hands, alternate fist hands and Redwing figurine)
#07.) Loki (green-and-yellow outfit with cape with an angry head sculpt and alternate smiling head sculpt)
#08.) Absorbing Man (classic with ball-and-chain accessory, calm head, alternate angry head, and alternate metal arms and hands)
#09.) Titania (classic with a calm head sculpt, alternate angry head sculpt, open hands and alternate fist hands)
#10.) Firestar ('90s uniform with jacket/"Heroes Return" era with a smiling head sculpt, alternate angry head sculpt, open hands, and fire blast accessories)
An honorable mention goes to Hawkeye in his early-'90s "Avengers West Coast" suit, who was just edged out of the Top 10 by Firestar.
I might edit it to be a Top 10 Heroes list and Top 10 Villains list, but I'm actually happy with my choices for now. I deliberately left off "Avengers" #1 Hulk and other Hulk characters, as I'm hoping Beamish decides to make a Top 10 thread for the Hulk. There are so many great characters I'd love to list there, from Ringmaster and Tyrannus to the Leader and Doc Samson.
1.) Moonstone
2.) Blackout
3.) Absorbing Man
4.) Wrecking Crew Bulldozer
5.) Mr. Hyde
6.) Titania
7.) Yellowjacket, Rita DeMara
8.) Goliath, Erik Josten
9.) Tiger Shark
10.) Fixer
+ top 10 good guys
1.) Iron Man - pinless upgrade & full classic paint scheme
2.) Yellowjacket
3.) Doctor Druid
4.) Moondragon
5.) Beast
6.) Swordsman
7.) Mantis
8.) Wonder Man
9.) Starfox
10.) Black Widow - super articulated classic with some blue wash/overspray/whatever
Ok here's the updated list. All classic unless noted otherwise.
1. Mantis in the green and yellow, flesh colored skin preferred.
2. Swordsman as he appeared with Mantis in the Avengers comics.
3. Falcon in red and white with Redwing pack-in.
4. Jack of Hearts with the level of paint detail shown on Ikaris.
5. Perez Beast in blue.
6. Stingray
7. Yellow Jacket (redo)
8. Two Gun Kid w/horse
9. Jarvis w/vacuum cleaner
10. Thing in the West Coast Avengers black leotard and boots. Well he is in my avatar after all
Although several of these I would also put in Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther, and Secret Wars Top Ten lists.
1. Mandarin Green robes or the green samurai look from the smaller Iron Man line would be ideal. I would pass on a green skinned version.
2. M'Baku/Man Ape Just make him Fan channel Hasbro! It's well past time he's made.
3. Griffin He has to have functional wings.
4. Graviton
5. Skurge/Executioner One of many head scratchers when it comes to Thor characters. Where is he?!?!
6. Super Adaptoid (redo) Classic look with wings and including the Hawkeye bow and quiver. (I'm still bummed that Hasbro half-assed my pick for the one a day.)
7. Attuma Namor needs his main adversary ASAP.
8. Titania I'll be shocked if she's not in the rumored Secret Wars wave.
9. Goliath MOE 12" would be about right for me.
10. Madcap I would love an official version of this guy. Never really warmed up to Deadpool. But Madcap just is so much looney wacky fun! He better come with a bubble gun 😉
Honorable mention to a classic Collector.
Still hard to keep the list to 10 each. The Avengers have such a rich history.
So.. revision, hm?
Mr Immortal
Dr Druid
Jack of Hearts
Human Torch (Hammond)
Dr Demonicus
Yellowjacket II ( Rita)
Terminus (dare to dream)
Revised lists, with top ten heroes and top ten villains (once again in no particular order).
Classic 70s/80s Falcon
Classic Moondragon
Jack of Hearts
Perez Beast
Classic Hercules with his skirt
Classic Adam Warlock
Classic Starfox
Morgan Le Fey
Classic Moonstone
Classic Baron Blood
Classic Living Laser
Absorbing Man redo
Hela redo
Terminus would be an amazing choice that I was saving for the FF Top Ten.
Watch Hasbro give us the wimpy guy inside without his armor and call it good 🙁
Okay, doing a separate post for baddies, apologies if that gets confusing @beamish
Screaming Mimi
If Bucky would be considered an honorary Avenger, I'd take him in a heartbeat.
My perfect Golden age releases would be, breaking them into the 2-pack/multipack formats since Hasbro likes that. They can all be mixed around in various multipacks, a wave etc., but these are the biggies for me:
Human Torch and Toro 2-pack
Jim Hammond (circa WCA) human form red suit Fan Channel retro card
1940s Cap, Bucky, Namor and Blazing Skull boxset
Miss America and Whizzer 2-pack
Spitfire and Baron Blood 2-pack
a BAF set with
Cap, Bucky, Blazing Skull, Miss America, Whizzer, Spitfire, Baron Blood
Namor sold separately, maybe an Avengers retro card
Human Torch and Toro still a 2-pack
Jim Hammond still a retro card
Everyone else is gravy.
Pipe Dream - The Twelve boxset
Id put Namor in a two-pack with U-Man (Merrano). They can just leave the swastika off his belt buckle, since it’s such a small part of his outfit.
I’d include the Mighty Destroyer, maybe in a two pack with Iron Cross. As a bonus pack in a Dyna-mite.
The Executioner
Falcon (bronze age)
Yellow Jacket
The Fixer
Beast (Perez)
Charlie-27 BaF