@basil-elks The Shroud- nice pick! Surely he's gotta be made sooner rather than later...I hope. Only new sculpt he would need is head and cape. Fingers crossed!
If we are updating as villains and heroes then I guess my changes are
Villains / Foils
1. Attuma
2. Collector
3. Yellowjacket (Rita)
4. Moonstone
5. Titannia
6. Korvac
7. Graviton
8. Immortus
9. Blackout
10. Man Ape
Hurts to leave out; Fixer, Melter, classic Living Laser but I guess they can all go in an IM one.
Heroes / Allies
1. FA Wonderman
2. Classic Falcon
3. Yellowjacket (Hank)
4. Swordsman
5. Mantis
6. Dr Druid
7. Hercules (skirt version)
8. Starfox
9. Firebird
10. Classic Valkyrie (sort of a cheat but she was a Secret Avenger)
Feel its too big of a cheat: Green costume Sersi, the Demon .... uh i mean Gargoyle
My much deliberated on top 10. I still had my old collages from a few years ago for my personal top 10s and referred back to those. It is crazy how many I was able to cross off (a new classic Hawkeye, classic Mockingbird, jumpsuit Hank Pym, classic Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel, Safari jacket Wonder Man, and Crystal). I did those in July 2021, so 3 years ago. If in 3 years I am able to cross off 7 more off this new top 10 I will be a very happy nerd).
In no order:
1. Gilgamesh - I don't really care about the character but I really want an Avengers shelf with the lineup from Avengers #300 because it was so off the wall and he is needed for that.
2. Goliath (Clint Barton) - Operation Galactic Storm was the first comic event that I was able to collect and read all of the issues of (from a local grocery store because we had no comic shop). Clint will always be Goliath to me first and foremost.
3. Sersi (green costume) - also from my favorite era of Avengers
4. Starfox - needed to help round out the 80s shelf.
5. Firebird - I don't know why I want Firebird because I don't know if I've ever actually seen her in an Avengers comic. I remember reading about her in the Avengers Logs and seeing her in the Marvel handbooks so she was a mysterious character I wanted to know more about and she grew into a weird legend in my kid mind.
6. Living Lightning - I was buying the Pacific Overlords arc monthly from the local grocery store and he figured heavily into that. I need him (and a later WCA Wonderman) to feel like my Avengers West Coast lineup is complete.
7. Moondragon (classic) - the one we got does not work for me at all. Hasbro can make the green parts larger and the skin parts smaller, I don't care, I just need one that fits in with my 70s Avengers.
8. Quasar - despite him appearing that way in Galactic Storm, I wasn't a fan of Quasar's later costume. Give me the earlier Avengers one in the picture.
9. Doctor Druid - one of my biggest Avengers wants. I want to recreate that famous Avengers cover so bad. I feel like his cloak with sleeves will be complicated for Hasbro to pull off correctly so this worries me a bit.
10. Mantis - as pictured only. I don't want her Guardianed or green. Make the costume less skimpy if that is an issue. I ran out of room for Swordsman but he isn't needed personally for me as much as the others.
Okay, if we're redoing these based on 10 heroes and 10 villains, my lists would basically break down as follows...
1) Edwin Jarvis, first and foremost. The heart and soul of the team. Always going to be my number one pick no matter what.
2) Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne)
3) Mantis (as close to original costume as current prudish considerations will allow)
4) Starfox
5) Dr. Druid
6) Beast (Pérez version)
7) Goliath II Clint Barton
8) Yellowjacket I Hank Pym
9) Wonder Man (Pérez/Beast-designed costume)
10) Stingray
1) Skurge
2) Living Laser (classic handbook costume)
3) Goliath Erik Josten
4) Melter
5) Moonstone Karla Sofen (classic costume)
6) Titania
7) Yellowjacket II Rita DeMara
8) Blackout
9) Fixer
10) Graviton
9. Doctor Druid - one of my biggest Avengers wants. I want to recreate that famous Avengers cover so bad. I feel like his cloak with sleeves will be complicated for Hasbro to pull off correctly so this worries me a bit.
I propose for this to do an overlay top that splits open quickly on the torso; not dissimilar to the Reed and Bruce Banner lab coats. New upper arms cast with a large sleeve opening at the elbow; blank buck forearms. Sort of like this picture here but I'd prefer a slightly newer chunky but not fat torso. Surely it could be used elsewhere. They have to resist the urge to do cloth goods. It will just look like a big purple blobby diaper.
And now for my Avengers villains aka my Serpent Society top 10.
I'm a snake guy and always have been so it should come as now surprise that the Serpent Society ranks atop my Marvel favorites list.
1. Bushmaster - I'd love to think this is the epic BAF that Dwight mentioned but probably not.
2. Death Adder - one of the cooler looks from the Serpent Society
3. Princess Python - barely a member but she would also start us on the Circus of Crime
4. Black Mamba - Serpent Society ladies are some of the coolest designs and she is no exception
5. Black Racer - probably the coolest female design on the team.
6. Coachwhip
7. Copperhead - Serpentor, is that you?
8. Fer-De-Lance
9. Sidewinder
10. Anaconda
Honorable mentions Man-Ape, Mandarin, Executioner but let's all be real here. They are well below the Serpent Society as far as importance as Avengers villains.
Honorable mentions Man-Ape, Mandarin, Executioner but let's all be real here. They are well below the Serpent Society as far as importance as Avengers villains.
How DARE you, sir. Pistols at dawn!
Also - I didn't include any of the Serpent Society in my list because it felt rude to include some and exclude others. And I'm confident the Serpent Society will get their own, separate Top 10 List post. Also your list of 10 is in a crazy weird order when the objectively top two needs for the Society - Sidewinder and Anaconda - are at the bottom. Sidewinder, Anaconda and Death Adder are my top 3 serpent wants by a country mile. Bushmaster, Asp and Diamondback come after that. Then the rest.
Must resist posting my Serpent Society ranking order...Must resist posting my Serpent Society ranking order...Must resist posting my Serpent Society ranking order...
Honorable mentions Man-Ape, Mandarin, Executioner but let's all be real here. They are well below the Serpent Society as far as importance as Avengers villains.
How DARE you, sir. Pistols at dawn!
Also - I didn't include any of the Serpent Society in my list because it felt rude to include some and exclude others. And I'm confident the Serpent Society will get their own, separate Top 10 List post. Also your list of 10 is in a crazy weird order when the objectively top two needs for the Society - Sidewinder and Anaconda - are at the bottom. Sidewinder, Anaconda and Death Adder are my top 3 serpent wants by a country mile. Bushmaster, Asp and Diamondback come after that. Then the rest.
I chummed the waters a bit and up swam Jaws 😂
I failed to mention the top 10 was in no particular order.
We really do need a list of future top 10s because if Serpent Society is indeed getting one then that would change this list completely for me and Man-Ape MIGHT even make an appearance then.
Man-Ape will be on my top 10 Black Panther figures list, if/when it gets done. 🙂 😉
Updating this
- Mantis
- Swordsman
- Hulkling
- Wiccan
- Gargoyle
- Stingray
- Jack of Hearts
- Adam Warlock
- Yellow Jacket
- Mandarin
- Graviton
- Madame Masque Redo
- Man-Ape
- Attuma
- Executioner
- Morgan Le Fay
- Cthon
- Mandril
- Beyonder
Updating my list for heroes and villains. Thanks for doing that Beamish, it was tough to leave out so many great villains the first time around!
1.Swordsman (Classic)
2.Mantis (Classic)
4.Dr. Druid
7.Two-Gun Kid
9.Jack Of Hearts
1.Moonstone (classic Karla Sofen)
3.Graviton (80s Handbook costume)
5.Living Laser (80s Handbook costume)
6.Melter (80s Handbook costume)
7.Skurge the Executioner
8.Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara)
9.Black Knight (Nathan Garrett)
10.Space Phantom
I feel like 10 is lenient enough. 😀 We used to have to pare it down to 10 Marvel characters.