No teams? No groupings? You’re just mean Beamish. 😫
There go my entries on. Forever Yesterday, Brave Old World, and the Gatherers. Now I gotta pick single entries. Ya big meanie.
Mr Immortal
Dr Druid
6. Attuma
This is a great list, and I'd take every single figure here. But, I will be *that guy* and point out that this picture is of Tyrak (another Atlantean Avengers Adversary) and not Attuma. I'd absolutely take a figure of both, though!
Holding it to only 10 characters is rough. There's so many characters that could fit under an Avengers banner that it's painful to try to narrow it down. But key characters that are absolute musts at this point are:
1) Edwin Jarvis, first and foremost. The heart and soul of the team.
2) Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne)
3) Mantis
4) Starfox
5) Dr. Druid
6) Firebird
7) Graviton
8) Skurge
9) Wonder Man (Pérez/Beast-designed costume)
10) Stingray
But seriously, on top of those we need Jack of Hearts, Clint Barton Goliath, Original Human Torch, Black Goliath (my preferred Bill Foster design), Yellowjacket (Pym and Rita DeMara), Wasp (blue and white Pérez design), Korvac (cyborg version), the missing OG Guardians of the Galaxy, Living Laser, Chemistro...just so, so many more.
To get to the cruel, cruel limit of 10 I had to narrow down card-carrying main team(s) members, no alternate costumes, and prune anyone that could go on another list (like Thor, Cap, etc.). It was cruel.
Dr. Druid
Human Torch
Living Lightning
Jack of Hearts
Well, this is rather embarrassing. Good picks, I guess, Beamish.
- Jarvis
- Thor - Heroic Age/Coipel
- Rogue - Uncanny Avengers
- Loki - classic
- Jack of Hearts
- Mantis
- Skurge
- America Chavez
- Korvac
- Graviton
@thwippersnapper Sadly, the rules state no 2packs/multi-packs, so you can't have The Wrecking Crew as one vote.
Just 10 huh? This list could go on forever but here goes just 10 heroes addition:
1. Classic red and white 70's Falcon
2.Jack of Hearts
3. Starfox
4. Any version of Wasp costume not made yet
5. Yellow Jacket
6.Two-Gun Kid (anything to get some western characters!!!)
7.Dr. Druid
8. Beast (Just take the grey retro one and paint it blue Hasbro!)
9. Bill Foster Goliath
10. Stingray
Villains 10:
1. Attuma
2. Updated Absorbing Man
3. Graviton
4. Skurge
5. New Radioactive Man (mine broke at thigh swivel)
6. Melter
7. Moonstone (classic edition)
8. Blackout
9. Red Ghost and his Super Apes
10. Titania
1) Stingray
2) Attuma
3) Living Lightning
4) Firebird
5) Jack of Hearts
6) Starfox
7) Mantis (classic)
8) Graviton
9) Yellowjacket
Avengers Top 10.... it's going to be hard to keep it to only 10....
2. Starfox
3. Jack of Hearts
4. Attuma
5. Skurge/Executioner
6. Stingray
7. Swordsman
8. Mantis
9. Red Wolf
10. Firebird
And of course
#1. M'Baku the Man Ape
But Avengers is a deep roster that has a lot of needs to get to - I even included some re-dos
11. Two Gun Kid
12. Dr. Druid
13. Jarvis
14. Living Lightning
15. Graviton
16. Triathlon
17. classic red/white Falcon
18. Thing - black leotard w/ red belt
19. Yellow Jacket
20. Korvac
Okay.... you asked for 10 and I gave you 20.... that seems fair
Man the fact that I could do another list of 20 without thinking too hard is crazy. Can't believe I left off Gilgamesh. Synapse is good to mention and Deathcry and Silverclaw should get a little love. And classic Moonstone of course. This vein is so rich it can get mined for a long time.
Great lists; I'd buy them all!
1. Dr. Druid (really want to complete the Under Siege team)
2. Swordsman
3. Executioner/Skurge
4. Titania (Gimme those MOE)
5. Starfox
6. Erik Josten Goliath
7. Jarvis
8. Attuma
9. Demolition Man
10. Triathlon
Man, that was VERY hard to narrow down to just 10.
Just know that all of you leaving Man Ape off of your top 10 lists are dead to me.... and are getting lumps of coal for Christmas 😥