UPDATE - Feel free to do a Top 10 Heroes and a Top 10 Villains. The Avengers cast too big to contain into a single Top 10.
Also, keep in mind that you can certainly double up on a character from one Just For Fun thread to another, like if you want Perez Beast here, X-Factor Beast in the upcoming X thread and Kelsey Grammer Beast in the upcoming Film thread - go for it!
It's been almost two weeks since the Spidey poll went live - I'm switching the day to every other Sunday.
Time for another major group: The Avengers! Everybody's been an Avenger. Everybody's fought the Avengers. A lot of Avengers in various media. A lot of choices.
From any media, from any era, from any dimension, from any size - who are your Top 10 most wanted Avengers, Top 10 Avengers Villains and Avengers adjacent characters you'd like to see as figures?
No restrictions at all. All Wasp costumes? Cool. Alternate realities? Sweet! Updated figure on a new body? Nice!
No need to separate between standard, BAF, Deluxe, HasLab - it's all your Top 10. If you'd like to notate what size/format you'd like to see it made in - go for it!
Mix and match media! A few comic, a few cinematic, a few animated, a few video games? It's up to you - it's your list!
Let the fun begin!
NOTE - One character per line please. No 2-packs or multi-packs.
My Top 10 Avengers Characters:
1) Jack of Hearts - as many paint aps as possible, please
2) Mantis - classic pointy bodice. I'll take the green skin version if that's what it takes to get the classic version.
3) Firebird - classic or modern
4) Two-Gun Kid
5) Red Wolf
6) Stingray
7) Jarvis
8) Marrina
9) Swordsman
10) Dr. Druid
I'm going straight down the list on needed members to complete the Classic/pre-Disassembled roster:
Dr. Druid
Demolition Man
Living Lightning
Jack of Hearts
It's just the tip of the iceberg - had to leave off classic versions of Falcon and Beast, Jarvis, Two-Gun Kid, Triathlon, Silverclaw, and a whole host of honorary members.
1.Swordsman (Classic)
2.Mantis (Classic)
4.Dr. Druid
7.Moonstone (classic Karla Sofen)
9.Jack Of Hearts
Of course I'd love some updates like classic Falcon, Hercules, and Pérez Beast but on a wishlist new, never-been-done characters will always take precedence.
I didn't realize we were including villains. I could probably make a whole list of them. But I do love me some Avengers 🙂
1. Classic Mantis in the green and yellow, flesh colored skin preferred.
2. Classic Swordsman as he appeared with Mantis in the Avengers comics.
3. Classic Falcon in red and white with Redwing pack-in.
4. Jack of Hearts with the level of paint detail shown on Ikaris.
5. Griffin
6. Graviton
7. Skurge/Executioer
8. Two Gun Kid
9. Super Adaptoid redo. Classic look with wings and including the Hawkeye bow and quiver. (I'm still bummed that Hasbro half-assed my pick for the one a day.)
10. Thing in the West Coast Avengers black leotard and boots. Well he is in my avatar after all 😉
I really want many more. It was hard to leave off great characters like Stingray, Attuma, Perez Beast, Yellowjacket (redo), and especially Jarvis w/vacuum cleaner.
Let's see - I will focus on the core unmade team members from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Plus I'd really prefer a set of Giant Men about 15" in height - 12" seems to short, the HasLab to me is too big to have the three named, but 15" I think is the sweet spot for Legends scale. Saving Skurge for a Thor top-10, but this seems like a good spot for Attuma.
1 - Jarvis
2 - Mantis
3 - Swordsman
4 - Starfox
5 - Dr Druid
6 - Beast (Perez style)
7 - Goliath (15")
8 - Bill Foster (15")
9 - Giant Man (15")
10 - Attuma
:::cracks knuckles:::
Let's Fuckin' Go.
The Golden Age Whizzer Pee pee jokes aside, Robert Frank played a fairly significant role in Avengers history. He was a member of the Invaders and the All-Winners Squad, to boot. He needs a figure.
The Silver Age Hulk I want to recreate the below iconic cover and this version of the Hulk is the last figure we need. He should have the Frankenstein like flat head, purple trunks, he needs to be wide but about the same height (Maybe a little shorter) as Thor and Iron Man, have three toes on each foot and a hairy chest.
A Classic 70's Style Falcon The Toybiz figure was cool for it's time, but it needs to be retired and sent to the old action figures home. Give us a much needed update, Hasbro. Please.
The Two-Gun Kid Matt Hawk was from a different century but he played a crucial role in Avengers history. While on his death bed in the 1930's, he relayed his time travel adventures to a reporter and that gave birth to the age of Marvels. I will never consider the Avengers complete until we get the Two Gun Kid and Hasbro knows that.
Red Wolf We can never have enough Native American representation. And Lobo too, please.
Star Fox Thanos' brother.
The Swordsman He started as a villain. But like Hawkeye and the Black Widow before him, he found his redemption. The saga of the Celestial Madonna was one of the greatest stories in Avengers history and the Swordsman played a huge role.
Yellowjacket The early Hasbro effort was ... well, it was an early Hasbro effort. It's painful to look at it now. We need an improved version. Dwight told me a few years ago that Yellowjacket is one of those characters they need to revisit. It's time.
Wasp Another founder that desperately needs an update. She has so many cool costumes it's hard to pick a favorite, but it should be something from the 60's, 70's or 80's.
The Beast Throughout their 60 + year history, there was probably no better artist on the Avengers than George Perez. And for a book that had the likes of Jack Kirby, John Buscema, Barry Smith, Neal Adams, John Byrne and Jim Starlin drawing stories that's REALLY saying something. And I think the character that people ten to associate with George the most throughout his run is the Beast. You know what to do, Hasbro,
Will there be more? You bet there'll be more. I'm just getting warmed up!
This was actually kind of difficult because I have most of the Avengers related figures I want already.
But here's my list.
1. Graviton
2. 1st Appearance Wonder Man
2. Clint Barton Goliath
4. Classic Falcon (Updated figure)
5. Absorbing Man (decent update)
6. Tyrak
7. The Executioner
8. The Mandarin (Any version)
9. Adam Warlock (classic)
10. Korvac
Ok, here's my Top 10 most wanted for The Avengers. #1 was an easy call and it's not at all close.
1. Edwin Jarvis
2. Henry Gyrich
3. Starfox
4. Maximus
5. Oracle
6. Danielle Cage
7. Manifold
8. Stingray
9. Swordsman
10. Doctor Druid
Mantis - From the days when comics were brilliant. One of the great sagas in Avengers history.
First Appearance Hercules - A another early Hasbro effort that was ... well, it was orange. I don't know why it was orange, but it was orange. Man, they sucked hard at Marvel Legends in those days. But they can do so much better now. And this is a figure that desperately needs a re-do.
The Original Human Torch - I've been asking and asking and asking and asking and asking and asking and asking. He was a West Coast Avenger, an Invader, an All-Winner and a Hero for Hire. He was also featured prominently on the cover of the very first comic book Timely/Marvel ever published. He checks all the boxes to be included in a line called Marvel Legends. But here it is over 20 years later and we still don't have one. Why, Hasbro?
Jack of Hearts - A cool visual
Stingray - Provided the Avengers with a temporary HQ (Hydrobase) after the mansion got trashed in Siege.
Moondragon - a sort of sister to Mantis
Firebird - A West Coast Avenger
The Super Adaptoid - Do it again and do it right this time. The quiver, the bow and arrows, the right shield and wings. That first effort wasn't even close.
The Melter - We need more Masters of Evil
The Executioner - Speaking of Masters of Evil, there's this guy
Man-Ape - The Masters of Evil more or less became the Lethal Legion. Either way, Man-Ape is another one.
Attuma - Should have been done a long time ago.
1. Jack of Hearts
2. Triathlon
3. Starfox
4. Dr Druid
5. Firebird
6. Stingray
7. Man-Ape
8. Mandarin
9. Executioner
10. Grandmaster
And there are just so many more. The Circus of Crime, Zodiac, Graviton, Phantom Rider, Crystal, Living Lightning, Triathlon, Lionheart, Rita DeMara Yellowjacket, Immortus, Moonstone, Nebula, The Collector, Korvac, the original Squadron Supreme, the Mandarin, Doctor Druid ... Hasbro has enough material to keep this line going for years.
Of course I'd love some updates like classic Falcon, Hercules, and Pérez Beast but on a wishlist new, never-been-done characters will always take precedence.
I see what you're saying, especially when we've been waiting decades for some of those never been done characters, but when I look at my Avengers shelf that Hercules, Falcon, Beast and Yellowjacket make me and little baby Jesus cry. Bitter, bitter man tears. A torrent.
(It's kinda shameful, really)
Great thread! I want all Avengers and Avengers villains!
Some top wants for me:
Wasp (super articulated black and gold)
Skurge the Executioner
Crimson Dynamo (classic and modern)
Titanium Man
Hank Pym Ultron
Blizzard 1
Living Laser
Captain Marvel (modern Carol)
Jack of Hearts
Serpent (Cul Borson)
Thor (Coipiel)
Dark Ms. Marvel
Daken (Dark Avengers)
Ezekiel Stane
Iron Man! Let’s go modern, Mark 72 Mysterium Armor: