Hopefully this year the ToyBiz Falcon and Hasbro Yellowjacket and Warbird will be retired for new versions.
And we'll get a Mantis/Swordsman 2-pack.
And a Crystal and Lockjaw 2-pack.
And Stingray in the Deadpool wave.
And Jack of Hearts.
And Firebird.
That'll tide me over until 2025 when I'll ask for more classic Avengers 😀
LOL, I'm glad you added the last part since I'd still be asking for Starfox (come on!), Dr. Druid, Gilgamesh, Two Gun Kid ...
@panthercult Doctor Druid, Gilgamesh, Jack of Hearts, Stingray, Firebird, and Crystal, in a Lockjaw Build-A-Figure wave.
The Classic/pre-Disassembled Avengers lineup is the group of characters I most want to complete in ML. Beamish and others have listed them out before but since it's on topic...
Two-Gun Kid
Dr Druid
Moon Knight*
Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
Living Lightning
Demolition Man
Jack of Hearts
Honorary members
Rick Jones
Guardians of the Galaxy 3000 - Martinex, Charlie-27, Starhawk, Aleta, Nikki
Moira Brandon
Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara)
Magdalene & the other Swordsman
Teen Tony
* next to anyone who has a figure but the costume isn't right for their iconic (to me) Avengers look.
I don't really need a figure of Hawkeye's aunt Moira, but hey she's on the list!
Which Rage costume would you rather have for an Avengers shelf?
@chooch555 Maybe they want to have the word rage written on the back of the jacket, like I believe he had, back in the 90s.
Looking at hmmberto's list above always makes me forget how many characters we have yet to go for a "complete" pre-Disassembled line-up.
@chooch555 Maybe they want to have the word rage written on the back of the jacket, like I believe he had, back in the 90s.
I can dig that.
The fact that MCU Mantis has been around since 2017 and has appeared in several films and we still don't have a comic counterpart in figure form is irritating.
Which Rage costume would you rather have for an Avengers shelf?
I went to pull the image of this page which I think of as the most iconic moment of Rage's brief stint with the Avengers and realized I had the wrong costume in my mind. This is the one we got! I would have loved to see "Rage" emblazoned across the back, but not badly enough to request a redo. So I'll strike Rage from that list.
This is what I was thinking he wore with the Avengers, but was mistaken. I would, however, like to see this costume made for the New Warriors shelf.
So, I was kinda right, about the word written on the back being wanted. 😉 😛 😆
If Rage is redone then Hasbro should use the new X-men 97 Bishop body. That body should have been used for Luke Cage to be better scaled to his 6ft6 height. The same as Hasbro is doing for a redo for Tombstone.
Latter costume Rage and Thrasher with original costume Silhouette would go greatbin a box set with original Marvel Boy and Namorita.