I'm focusing my collection on team building and I am mostly an Avengers fan from the MCU but I only collect comic figures because that's my aesthetic. I might go back and read some Avengers comics eventually.
Let's discuss the different Avengers Rosters over time. Starting with the MCU, according to Wikipedia:
MCU Founding Members
- Iron Man
- Captain America
- Thor
- Hulk
- Black Widow
- Hawk Eye
MCU Expanded Members
- Quicksilver
- Scarlet Witch
- Vision
- War Machine
- Falcon
- Spiderman
- Captain Marvel
- Nebula
- Rocket
- Antman
Personally I disagree with the expanded members list being useful because if not for
Onto comics. Also from Wikipedia because I lack history reading the comic.
Original Team
- Iron Man
- Thor
- Antman
- Wasp
- Hulk
Additional 1960's Members
- Captain America
- Hawkeye
- Quicksilver
- Scarlet Witch
- Hercules
- Black Panther
- Vision
- Black Knight
1970's New Members
- Black Widow
- Swordsman
- Mantis
- Beast
- Moondragon
- Hellcat
- Wonderman
- Two Gun Kid
- Captain Marvel
- Falcon / Sam Wilson Captain America
1980's New Members
- Tigra
- She-Hulk
- Spectrum
- Starfox
- Namor
- Dr Druid
West Coast Avengers (80s)
- Mockingbird
- Thing
- Moonknight
- Firebird
I've hit the point where I've long passed any characters I recognize. Here's the wikipedia link that shows these and the rest.
I do have a Grey Beast Marvel legends that I dont know what to do with and was hoping to put him on some Avengers team but I don't recognize any of the characters from when he was around according to this wikipedia time frame. I'm a bit overwhelmed already with how many characters I don't recognize, and since MCU is where I learned to like the Avengers, I think I'll stick to comic versions of the MCU roster.
But that shouldn't stop the rest of you from creating amazing Avengers displays of various iterations of their team! Please post what your Avengers rosters look like, and how you group them together in your display!
An Avengers Beast is generally blue. He prob should be posed around Safari Jacket Wonderman. The main Avengers during his time are more or less Vision, Scarlet Witch, Cap, Iron Man, Wasp, Wonderman and Yellowjacket. Give or take.
I believe that Quasar, Sersi, and Gilgamesh/Forgotten One all joined in 89, same it Reed and Sue. Also, possibly US Agent, and Jim Hammond Torch.
I organize my Avengers by team roaster, but I’m behind now. Hasbro recently completed several teams (mostly), which I need to get into displays.
My teams on display:
Avengers—big catch-all shelf. The original idea was one of each character.
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes—sort of counts as a display. The main team and villains featured on the show are theoretically on display in the living room, but they are usually in a state of chaos due to play time with my kids.
Heroic Age Avengers
All-New All-Different Avengers
MCU Avengers 1
Team Iron Man (MCU)
Team Cap (MCU)
Dark Avengers
Teams that I have but still need to find dedicated display space:
New Avengers
Mighty Avengers
West Coast Avengers
These are the team rosters I am building. Characters in parentheses are missing:
Avengers First Appearance:
Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man
Avengers Classic:
Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Wasp
Cap's Kooky Quartet:
Cap, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver (green Suit)
Return of Goliath Team
Goliath, Wasp, Cap, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Hercules, Black Knight, (Need FA Black Widow)
Only An Android Can Cry Team
Black Panther, Hawkeye, Goliath/Yellowjacket, Wasp, Vision
Kree-Skrull War Team
Thor, Iron Man, Cap, Vision, Captain Marvel, Quicksilver, Wasp, Goliath II, Ant-Man
70s Era Team ("Michael" Storyline)
Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Yellowjacket, Wasp, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Moondragon, Wonder Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, Hercules, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Jocasta, Vance Astro, (Charlie 27), (Yondu), (Martinex), (Starhawk), (Nikki)
Full Pre-Disassembled Roster:
Hulk, Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Yellowjacket/Giant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Moondragon, Wonder Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, Black Knight, Beast (Blue fur, no X-Belt), Hellcat, Hercules, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel/Warbird, Jocasta, Vance Astro, (Whizzer), (Two-Gun Kid), (Mantis), (Swordsman), (Charlie 27), (Yondu), (Martinex), (Starhawk), (Nikki), Falcon, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Quasar, Scott Lang Ant-Man, Photon, Sub-Mariner, (Dr. Druid), (Jack of Hearts), (Starfox), Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Machine Man, Sersi, (Gilgamesh), (Demolition Man), Sandman, Rage, (Crystal), (Deathcry), Justice, Firestar, (Silverclaw), (Triathalon/3D-Man); WCAV: Mockingbird, Tigra, War Machine, Thing, Jim Hammond Human Torch, Moon Knight, Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), USAgent, (Firebird), Living Lightning, Darkhawk, Black Goliath
I just have "Classic" and "Modern" Avengers shelves and organize them that way. I'm not as precious about Avengers eras as I am X-Men.
My main ML shelf display consists of two Bronze Age shelves, one for heroes, one for villains spilling out onto the floor, generally late '60s through '70s rosters. One shelf for '90s, heroes and villains. One shelf for 2000s, one shelf for 2010s. But I have bins where I store stuff that doesn't fit on those shelves, but I still want to build the teams. For Avengers specifically, I've got a first appearance team, the '60s expanded team (Cap's Quartet, etc), the '80s teams when West Coast started and the New York team, then other post 2000 teams like Initiative and Marvel NOW. What bites is that so few of these teams are actually complete. Always one or two members they haven't gotten around to or haven't updated.
I'm not precious about eras at all. I've got my favorite Avengers in my favorite costumes they've worn and the same for the X-Men.
Love seeing all the different Avengers rosters people group their figures into!
Broadly speaking I think of the Avengers in "classic" and "modern" buckets, with Avengers Disassembled being the dividing line. The classic Avengers are the group I'm most interested in completing, but there are still plenty of modern characters I'm happy to be getting and more I'd want.
They've released enough versions of characters from more specific teams that it's fun to see how many different eras of Avengers can be made. Legendsverse has a feature where you can tag figures to custom groups that is a lot of fun. These are all the Avengers groups I've collected various figures into:
All-New, All-Different
Avengers World / Hickman era
Dark Avengers
Dark Avengers II
Heroes Return
Mighty Avengers
Mighty Avengers (Cage's Team)
Mighty Avengers International
New Avengers
New Avengers II
Original lineup
Secret Avengers
Uncanny Avengers
West Coast Avengers
The list favors more modern eras as that's when the books have gone through so many various teams and titles, relaunches, and shakeups. You could definitely be more specific with the classic era (Cap's Kooky Quartet, Kree-Skrull War, Secret Wars, etc) but those aren't as clearly defined in my mind as they represent a more continuous team of "The Avengers."
My Avengers shelf is going to look very meager compared to anyone else here. I don't have/don't want it to get too big. I basically stick to the six main characters that were in the first Avengers movie and a few other choice members. I'm more of an X-Men guy so that roster gets a lot deeper. But for Avengers my big "wow" moment with that team was the first movie, so I build off of that. This is about as big as I ever want my team to get.
My current Avengers display is everyone they've made so far pre-Bendis excluding Reed, Sue and Ben since they're in my FF display.
Hopefully this year the ToyBiz Falcon and Hasbro Yellowjacket and Warbird will be retired for new versions.
And we'll get a Mantis/Swordsman 2-pack.
And a Crystal and Lockjaw 2-pack.
And Stingray in the Deadpool wave.
And Jack of Hearts.
And Firebird.
That'll tide me over until 2025 when I'll ask for more classic Avengers 😀
I have a very small collection of ML figures (literally less than a dozen atm), but the bulk of them are evenly split between two groups: Avengers and X-Men. My group of Avengers currently includes the Alex Ross versions of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor, and Ultimate Spider-Man (specifically the one from the 2-pack with Vulture). If that Warbird/Ms Marvel rumor turns out to be true, I'll more than likely be adding her to their ranks.
My current Avengers display is everyone they've made so far pre-Bendis excluding Reed, Sue and Ben since they're in my FF display.
Hopefully this year the ToyBiz Falcon and Hasbro Yellowjacket and Warbird will be retired for new versions.
And we'll get a Mantis/Swordsman 2-pack.
And Stingray in the Deadpool wave.
And Jack of Hearts.
And Firebird.
That'll tide me over until 2025 when I'll ask for more classic Avengers 😀
Your keyboard to Hasbro’s ears. Throw in Starfox and Dr. Druid and I’ll be satisfied for some time.