Amazon has started moving up
shipping dates for these for me to next Wednesday.
Same... Wolverine and Cortez are now expected on March 12. Marrow now says March 31. The rest of the wave still says April 24. Honestly I won't mind if half the wave waits. I have about $300 worth of pre-orders about to hit my BBTS pile of loot next week, so this entire wave arriving at the same time would be bad timing for me. I like getting the figures, but I'm OK spreading it out a little.
Amazon sent me an email today that Fabian is supposed to arrive at my house on Monday the 10th. If that is true then I'll only still be waiting on Marrow and Nightcrawler. I already picked up the others. I absolutely love the Husk figure. It's one of my favorite figures in quite some time.
Put me on the list of folks supposedly getting Wolverine and Cortez this week. I'm not in a huge rush, to be honest, though if Marrow shipped soon I'd be thrilled. And Husk. The others I'm less impatient for, but Marrow's always been a fave and it's nice to be getting another Gen-X character.
I want pics of the 2 Gen X girls side by side to see the color difference on the outfits. That may decide if i start that team or not.
Also, where to talk about Archangel?
Marrow in stock at Deep Discount for $20.78 -
They have Cortez as well but he's above MSRP. And all of these preordered at a different price still. They're all over the map!
I received Cortez, Marrow and Wolverine yesterday from Pulse. They look so good in package, I don't know if I want to open them, lol.I have Cortez, Marrow and Wolverine shipping from Pulse and Cyclops, Nightcrawler and a second Husk listed as shipping pending.
I received Fabian today (Saturday) from Amazon even though he wasn't supposed to arrive until Monday. I'll take it. I really like this figure and am very glad that they did it. Just waiting on Marrow and Nightcrawler now to finish off the wave and the BAF.