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2025 X-Men Nemesis BAF Wave

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Anyone got any suggestions on who makes custom "doll clothes" in Marvel Legends sizes?  I've always preferred AOA Gambit in his jacketed look, and having options for this figure would greatly increase my enjoyment of it.

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Picked up Marrow on the Amazon pre-order. Will get Fabian and Husk when I see them, or order them online later. Staying away from the Wolverine, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, and Gambit since I don’t have the teams/displays for those looks. Still kinda want the BAF though…

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@jtmarsh You might try 3d marine customs he will probably be able to make a  jacket but not in soft goods. I've been working with him on some various figures, he's excellent. He did  the ML scale tunic for DOFP Storm, ML scale armor for DOFP Wolverine, and 1/6 scale vest and body mod for 1/6 scale Last Stand Beast (note that Storm and Beast are not finished but Storm is close, one of the arms broke in the mail for Beast waiting on a replacement.) Also know that you will have to get someone to paint almost certainly unless you want to yourself. My next project when Beast is done will probably be Fan Bing Bing Blink from X-Men Days of Future Past from him in 1/6 and ML scale. I found a neat headsculpt to use as a base for 1/6 Blink already made by Howetoys as its intended to be of Fan Bing Bing.    

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@supercamel-1982 totally get it. I only had Pulse Premium for one year and you better believe that to maximize my investment I ordered everything off of Pulse. Never mattered to me how quickly I might get something, though most of the stuff I ordered was Pulse exclusive (hence, why I ponied up for the membership).

Super Camel reacted
Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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I won't be renewing my Pulse Premium membership when it runs out. It hasn't payed off for me in any beneficial way. Every time something pops up I want to order it's sold out. So to hell with it.

magnusprimal, SDcomics, Lucid Silverback and 2 people reacted
JOEL aka JoMiHa
Lover of D-List Characters
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Same, @thor-el. POed Cyke (and Marrow), skipping the rest. I did not renew my Pulse Premium membership that expired shortly after the Secret Wars wave went up for pre-order. As of now, zero regrets.

SDcomics, Lucid Silverback, puckace and 1 people reacted
Lucid Silverback
Resident Knuckle Dragger
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I abandoned Pulse years ago the moment they wanted everyone to pay for membership.  I have never looked back or regretted it at all. Then again, for the most part, I only cherry pick classic figures, wait for phoned-in figures to go on sale, and don't tolerate no BaF shenanigans.

My Legends-Fu is strong.

rocko, magnusprimal, puckace and 2 people reacted
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Pretty much the only thing that I ever buy or have ever bought from Pulse are their own exclusives. I've never necessarily had a bad experience with them, but certainly never seriously considered buying the $50 membership.

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Posted by: @stephenwdavis

Pretty much the only thing that I ever buy or have ever bought from Pulse are their own exclusives. I've never necessarily had a bad experience with them, but certainly never seriously considered buying the $50 membership.

Yup this sums it up nicely.  I had the free membership when it all started.  But I've never felt the need to pay the $50 and don't miss being a member.


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I paid for Pulse the first two years they charged when it more or less covered the shipping costs for Sentinel and Galactus and thus got me free shipping for every other release.   After that I stopped and never looked back.

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If you get a lot of stuff on their 35% off sales and purchase a lot of their exclusives or HasLabs, it makes a lot of sense to have Premium. But last year I let mine run out and didn't re-up until there was a sale or exclusive I wanted, so I "saved" two months. I never order any regular figure through them at MSRP.

2nd most posts
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You guys are all so lame. I love paying $50 for Pulse membership! I don’t even know what the benefits are!

rocko, JOEL aka JoMiHa, Thwiptster and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @bolt

@jtmarsh You might try 3d marine customs he will probably be able to make a  jacket but not in soft goods. I've been working with him on some various figures, he's excellent. He did  the ML scale tunic for DOFP Storm, ML scale armor for DOFP Wolverine, and 1/6 scale vest and body mod for 1/6 scale Last Stand Beast (note that Storm and Beast are not finished but Storm is close, one of the arms broke in the mail for Beast waiting on a replacement.) Also know that you will have to get someone to paint almost certainly unless you want to yourself. My next project when Beast is done will probably be Fan Bing Bing Blink from X-Men Days of Future Past from him in 1/6 and ML scale. I found a neat headsculpt to use as a base for 1/6 Blink already made by Howetoys as its intended to be of Fan Bing Bing.    

Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.  I feel like I may have to go the soft goods route only because while the plastic may look cooler, I dunno if the sleeves would have to be separate pieces or impair flexibility if they're rigid or even soft plastic.

Very cool your display, and nice that you have the Kelsey autograph to go with X3 Beast.  I think Beast and to a lesser extent Multiple Man were the only redeeming things about X3 until they retconned Cyclops' and Xavier's deaths in DOFP.  So glad to see Kelsey back as at least the voice of CGI Beast for the MCU, he and Patrick Stewart as Xavier were really spot on casting.

I'm not sure if FanBingBing has been let out of lockup, as I know she disappeared for a while for supposed tax issues back home.  Would love to see an AOA accurate Blink, or at least Hasbro to include an AOA accurate head for her as a pack in somewhere else, maybe with AOA Holocaust.

If they never make the Infinite Soldiers, I'll definitely save some money, but I very much hope they do.


BAT reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 208

Speaking of AOA, How about a 4-pack box set with Abyss, Mikhail Rasputin, Holocaust, and Sinister.

ditko, BAT and supreme_d reacted
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Posts: 436

I pre-ordered the whole wave and I'm looking forward to the BAF the most. I used to pre-order everything from Pulse, GI Joe, Star Wars, ML and Power Rangers. I only purchase now from Pulse for exclusives. I started having issues with a FedEx driver signing my name on their handheld which meant I had the package in my possession which I didn't. It happened twice before I got tired of it and called FedEx explained to them what had occurred and if it happens just one more time I will file a Federal lawsuit against the company and the driver. It hasn't happened again and I don't know what happened to the driver and don't care. I lost my trust in FedEx after that. I mostly get everything from EE now who use UPS the majority of the time and I have zero issues with UPS drivers. 

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