Yup! It’s been 35 years. As a Marvel Legends collector from Day 1 and Inker on the book its first 4 years, I believe it’s time Hasbro acknowledged this team with their own anniversary set. I know we’ve already gotten some but some upgrades would be nice in addition to members yet to be made. Classic green suited Namorita is a must. Speedball with a more expressive face and open hands. And Silhouette and Turbo to round out the team. A box set? A wave of individual figures? We know how much Hasbro loves anniversaries so here’s another one for them to consider. Whaddaya guys think?
New Warriors jumped around in my top 3 favorite teams as a kid and have always been a major want of mine in Legends. As a collector from way back in the ToyBiz days I never thought we'd get this close to having them all.
If I were doing a standard 5 figure boxset here's what I would do:
Namorita (green costume, pony-tail and short hair heads)
Marvel Boy (New Warriors early costume, two heads - exposed and covered hair)
Night Thrasher (re-release of the first one. I have him but he is was released a long time ago so it makes sense)
Speedball (more classic headsculpt, otherwise a repaint)
We don't need another Firestar again and Nova has a Marvel Comics Unlimited release right now. If they were to release Nova with an actual sculpted torso with the side buttons in his red I wouldn't complain but the loose red costume one I bought off Ali Express recently will do for me for now. I also really don't care about Turbo personally.
Yes please! Love the New Warriors. A box set of the classic team feels like a no-brainer, though I agree I don't want to rebuy some of them again. Marvel Boy, Namorita, redone Speedball all sound great. Love the idea of adding Silhouette and Turbo.
I'd love to see Speedball redone on a more articulated body - since he was a teenager when introduced I think the Amazing Fantasy body would be perfect. Definitely needs extra hands for more expression too.
Pics for the occasion! Very cool that you worked on the book back in the day @whitlow.
Bengal would make a cool figure too.
A 3-Pack could round out the original line-up with one-piece green suit Namorita, Marvel Boy with skull cap and exposed hair and removable cape, Silhouette in her original black/yellow. Then throw in blue suit Turbo, Powerpax when he had all 4 powers. And Bandit. And Hindsight. Oh! And a classic Darkhawk. Definitely Timeslip. Helix BAF.
Then we start on latter costumes.
Definitely want all New Warriors!
Particularly Firestar in her short jacket (Sepster had a great custom. Where is sepster?! I miss you, buddy).
And Rage in his silver mask.
From Iron Man #303
I’m all for more of the original New Warriors team. There’s plenty of material for a wave(s), or a box set:
”Kid” Nova: Nova in his red and gold costume.
Nova: mullet head
Namorita: In classic green outfit, one piece or bikini.
Marvel Boy: skullcap and hair, removable cape
Justice: in his first costume
Firestar: short jacket
Speedball: thinner build, original costume
Turbo I
Turbo II
Rage: armored costume
Night Thrasher: Rerelease
Dagger: update
Scarlet Spider: rerelease
add to that list some rogues: Sphinx, Folding Circle, Psionex, Sea Urchin, Force of Nature, Bengal, Star Thief,
I think all that should be excellent material for more New Warriors love.
I'd also love to get Firestar with the jacket - gotta complete that Maximum Carnage set. Also need her in her Busiek Avengers costume!
I'd probably buy most/all of the original New Warriors and would definitely buy Bolt and Aegis from New Warriors vol. 2. Mostly expecting they won't make Bolt in Marvel Legends, so I've got customs of him now. Still gathering pieces etc for the X-men Origins Wolverine version of him in Legends scale. https://imgur.com/a/llaHbei
That X-Men Unlimited issue was one of my favorites back in the day, but I didn't follow his continuing adventures. Has he shown up anywhere else besides the New Warriors?
@h-bird He was in a Maverick solo series and also later in iirc a Weapon X book and an issue of X-Force. I never saw him come back in Krakoa era though. https://newwarriors.wordpress.com/bolt/
I do remember him showing up in the Maverick solo series! Loved that one too.
For all the minor characters that showed up in Krakoa it's surprising he didn't make an appearance. Feels like someone who could be due for a comeback.
Yes, classic New Warriors would be great, also, I NEED Firestar in her 2nd costume, that she wore, during maximum Carnage. That's my favorite look, for her. 🙂