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2025 Spider-Man Retro Card Wave

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Posted by: @fingfangfoom


You could pump out 10 waves like this.

One civilian (probably in a suit),one Parker variant outfit, one ally, and just about every 616 villain has fought Spidey.

Great way to fill out the collection with a little more economical execution.


On the flipside, to cost out Swarm or Cardiac in a wave, just have Grizzly as the BAF using the Ursa Major body, just a new head.


puckace and SDcomics reacted
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The last few years of Spider-man have had some fun comics.  I'm glad to see Electro here and Tombstone but there are some other great characters that would have made great BAFs.  I still think Regent should be made from Renew Your Vows for starters.

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The Clone Saga was hot garbage, but it did spawn some cool designs. I like Scarlet Spider, and Kaine is one of those "so bad it's good" 90s looks. I might get him, since I did get Scarlet Spider.

Looks like they put a lot of effort into that Spider-Man Unlimited sculpt. Of all the places to throw resources, that's certainly an odd one. The lack of shading on the face though kills it for me, though I don't know that I would have bought it even if it looked perfect.

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I've been wanting a classic clone sage era Kaine since the Marvel legends brand took off. And I'm not gonna lie, now that we have the figure, I hope this encourages some writer out there to create another Kaine book but they put him back in his classic costume, or do a flashback series

ditko reacted
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I think I’m in for Kaine and the Chameleon. 

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This is a solid wave, but I'm very, very excited for Chameleon and Kaine. Kaine has been a want since I started collecting ML, and this very of Chameleon shot up on my top ten list once it became clear Hasbro was going to do animated looks. 

I'd love to see some more Clone Saga characters. I know it's not everyone's favorite era, but it was actually the era that got me to regularly read Spidey comics. I'd like to see Spidercide. 

ditko reacted
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I'm ordering Kaine and Agent Venom straight away. The rest will surely end up on sale at some point. Maybe not Chameleon, but I've no interest in him.

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I pre-ordered the whole wave just now. I was iffy on Spider-Man Unlimited and Agent Venom, but ordered them anyway. Spider-Boy is the one that I most want, followed by Francine Frye Electro. Chameleon and Kaine will replace prior versions on my shelf (black/red Scarlet Spider version of Kaine). Unlimited will go with the Spider-Verse stuff. Agent Venom is the one that might just stay on retro card as it's not my favorite costume for Flash. Might still cancel it too, especially if we get an official announcement on a new Anti-Venom before it comes out.

hbhfback reacted
Super Camel
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I pre ordered Kaine, Electro, and Agent Venom.  All 3 look awesome, but I am most looking forward to Kaine.

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Posted by: @tfitz

I'm ordering Kaine and Agent Venom straight away. The rest will surely end up on sale at some point. Maybe not Chameleon, but I've no interest in him.

You made the right call, both are sold out on Pulse already. I put in orders at Pulse and Amazon, but did not order Unlimited or Spider-Boy yet. Between the two, I ordered the rest.


TFitz reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I have no idea what Spider-Man Unlimited is, but that costume is seriously eye-catching.

Just Electro on sale for me.

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Just Chameleon and Spider-man Unlimited for me.

Good grief. Admin
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Posted by: @tsi

I have no idea what Spider-Man Unlimited is


He'll save you pretty quickly for the first 100 GBs, but after that his promptness drops considerably.


rocko, TheSameIdiot, hmmberto and 1 people reacted
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Really digging Spider-Boy's design and open-mouth head, it's a shame he's on such basic Bucky Cap-levels of articulation body.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

Really digging Spider-Boy's design and open-mouth head, it's a shame he's on such basic Bucky Cap-levels of articulation body.

I tried reading his comic twice. Struggled through about 4-5 issues. Did not care for it at all so its sale or nothing for his figure.


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