I suspect ‘25 might be a bit packed for Spidey now - this retro wave, plus ones rumoured for the animated show and Gamerverse. If that all pans out, there may not be much room for more Spider-Man stuff - maybe a box set or a few exclusives?
Shame, as there’s still a bunch of classic stuff I’d go for.
I'm so freaking hyped for this wave! 2025 is going to start with a bang thats for damn sure. this is the happiest moment in all my years of collecting. I was shaking during that whole god damn stream.....We're getting Nick Hammond Spider-Man, Animated Chameleon....classic Kaine??? I can't believe this is real life. All the releases have me excited if I have to be honest. Just one more thing I'll be ordering in 2024 that will have me on pins and needles until 2025 rolls around.
Since Spidey BAF waves are either a thing of the past or on a lengthy hiatus, I think the best bet any of our formerly listed beloved classic characters have a shot at getting a figure is through Fan Channel release on Retro Cards or 2-packs like Wasp & Giant-Man. Maybe Carrion & Will o' the Wisp may not move a lot of units at Target as part of a 6-figure Retro Card wave, but I'd bet a limited run Fan Channel 2-pack would sell well.
Stegron and my #6 wanted figure Swarm may have the hardest time ever getting made due to tooling, but they both had ToyBiz figures and sometimes Hasbro will go in that nostalgia vein. Once they do an update to Werewolf By Night, an update to ToyBiz Man-Wolf shouldn't be far behind, or vice versa. One will lead to the other because of shared parts. Same with Vermin. So even if Man-Wolf and Vermin aren't popular enough or in any current storylines or media, the shared tooling will bump them into the doable category.
Amazon 5-packs, which was our best way to get "D list" characters may be a thing of the past as well. We didn't get one last year, instead we got the Cabal 3-pack with three A-B list characters. Maybe 5-packs aren't feasibly and economically doable anymore.
Regarding a comic accurate Spot, probably the easiest and most economical figure Hasbro could make next to Dr. Spectrum (Spot is actually cheaper than the good doctor because only two colors are involved), methinks the old "comic vs, film IP confusion" thing may be involved, as well as the first film release being a peg warmer.
I am so excited for a new Agent Venom. The original run was one of my favorite Marvel solo titles (much more interesting than the recent Brock/King in Black stuff), and it was coming out right around the Hasbro legends relaunch period. That first Walgreens figure was okay, but the stupid y-slotted hips were annoying. Just like the updated Bucky Cap, everyone else might not care but I’ll very grateful for the character getting a revisit. Somewhere in my top 3 anticipated figures for next year.
Just Agent Venom & Chameleon for me.
Spider-Man Unlimited looks pretty nice though, so I'll likely pick him up if I see him in store.
Hate to break it to some people, but the 90's are classic/retro now...
The remaining 60/70/80's Spider-Man villains are all D-List at best, just like Rose & Tarantula from the last wave...which ended up at Ollie's.
I just don't see the team clamoring to tackle the likes of Vermin or Will O' The Wisp 😐
Just a guess, but I think Vermin MIGHT have a shot at getting a figure seeing how he was part of the highly rated "Kraven's Last Hunt" story
They all very much have a shot. In a line that's given us the Human Fly, Rock Python, and Spymaster it's more a question of when, not if.
Plus Vermin would be a very easy reuse of parts from the Jackal body.
So the Clone Saga, I was like 15-16 and had gotten into comics a couple years prior. Spider-man was my intro then X-Men took over. Clone Saga was Bob Harras' baby and I think the problem was they were building the boat while in the water. It kept going back and forth and dragging on. Peter hitting Mary Jane was a lowpoint for me. It was taking on a dark tone that seemed unnecessary and just trying to mimic X-Men, Batman and Spawn from the time.
However, it did eventually end and the art was pretty. There are good things in there and Kaine is just a badass design and now figure 🙂 Spidercide would be cool lol. I would take Stunner and even Judas Traveller. No idea how we have never gotten a Cardiac figure. I don't even think it's a copyright issue.
Francine Frye Electro is actually my favorite reveal for this wave. I'm mostly a classic comic guy but I like the current books and characters too, and she's a lot of fun (plus the figure looks awesome). And she gets us over the half-way point on completing the modern Sinister Syndicate. Lady Ock and Scorpia need to come soon!
Wow, didn't know that was a thing - love it! Kinda surprised we still haven't gotten a Lady Ock after Spider-Verse!
Wow, didn't know that was a thing - love it! Kinda surprised we still haven't gotten a Lady Ock after Spider-Verse!
Especially considering the comics version has been around since the Clone Saga era, which they've been hitting hard lately.
Wow, didn't know that was a thing - love it! Kinda surprised we still haven't gotten a Lady Ock after Spider-Verse!
Especially considering the comics version has been around since the Clone Saga era, which they've been hitting hard lately.
I would be really down for both Lady Octopus and Scorpia to continue the Clone Saga love they've been showing! Spidercide as well.
Yes. More Sinister Syndicate. Lady Ock and Scorpia would be awesome.
Swarm is one of those figures where the sculptors get to have fun. Cardiac is the painter’s grand challenge. Stegron is a BAF that only comes from that concept. You have to buy many figs at lower costs for them to tool up Stegron.
Hasbro could possibly cost out a BAF Stergon wave with a bunch of characters that can be made mostly with existing parts and wouldn't cost much to produce, Fan Channel only, limited run:
1) A version of Spidey
2) Aunt May (comic version)
3) Jackpot
4) Spot (borrow effects from Spider Verse versions)
5) Will o' the Wisp
6) Man-Wolf or Vermin (shared tooling budget with Werewolf By Night, or WBN already tooled for another wave)
7) Slyde
You could pump out 10 waves like this.
One civilian (probably in a suit),one Parker variant outfit, one ally, and just about every 616 villain has fought Spidey.
Great way to fill out the collection with a little more economical execution.
I have been having just as much fun watching the breakdowns and post livestream coverage on various youtube channels as I did watching Hasbro's unveiling of these waves over the past 48 hours. And I've been foaming at the mouth over the announcement of Kaine and several of the other reveals. I've been dreaming about several of these announcements for at least the last 20 years.