Francine is the only one that I don't have in hand yet. I received Chameleon from Target and the other 4 from BBTS. I've got her pre-ordered at all of Amazon, BBTS and Target but none have shipped yet.
I'm just waiting on Kaine via amazon.
Amazon's been really wonky with my last 2 pre-orders (this wave and the X-men wave) I use to be able to pre-order stuff, and apply gift cards to a pre-order but that option has since disappeared and the customer service people can't seem to do it either.
about a week and a half ago i got Electro and Unlimited spider-man from target, so tried to cancel my pre-order of them and I kept getting an error when trying to do that. Customer Service couldn't figure that out either, but have "escalated my case" to get them canceled... but that time frame in which that's suppose to happen is probably at this point going to cross over with them shipping
Got most of the wave from Pulse. They look very cool in package.
I had found Kaine at Target a while ago. Don’t think I wrote about him—he’s a very cool figure. Great sculpt and articulation. I like the character design and colors.
Got Kaine and Chameleon today - really like them both - although does anyone else's Chameleon have a pretty big gap between the waist/torso?
yeah mine had the big gap too so I got restless and boiled him then split him apart to see what kind of peg socket his waist was on. It’s just a peg going up into the abdomen which the mushroom on mine is now a bit deformed so I’ve left it aside to at some point reassemble. I’ve noticed the same but inverted peg and socket connection on a few other gigs recently such as ultimate cap and the new shield agent bodies, it’s annoying as they could either make the figures separatable so we can mix and match upper and lower halves or I’d prefer they phase out waist swivels entirely and every figure have a GI Joe Classified abdomen and pelvis for more customising options.
It's not so much the gap is big on mine but the belt just won't come down enough to cover it! The bandolier needs to be just a tad longer.
When I first picked up Kaine at Target, there were two on the pegs. I should have known I'd want another, but I left it anyway. I wound up ordering online a week or so ago, but I keep having to approve delays on him. I've got POs at Amazon that are also not moving. Wonder what's going on with this wave.
So, I only got Kaine, Chameleon and Agent Venom from this wave and now I’ve had them a few days I’m surprised at how I’ve barely posed or played around with Kaine. His waist cut and ab hinge articulation really underwhelms him for me, as well as the rigid cape piece that basically freezes his neck and shoulder articulation, so I think I’ll probably try and make him a soft fabric cape at some point, but not having stuff like toe hinges or a diaphragm ball and ab hinge combo makes him feel like he’s an outdated figure when we’ve had some really good updates Peter/Ben figures recently.
im surprised by contrast how much I like Agent Venom. I know nothing about the character or story other than he’s Flash Thompson, but I’ve switched the Flash head from the animated spidey/vulture 2pack instead and he’s pretty good to pose with guns thanks to hood range of motion on his shoulders and diaphragm. The ankles are a bit restricted but not awful, and generally he’s more dynamic than you’d expect. I’ve noticed how good the Revoltech figure is and it’s a big shame that this figure has no back tendrils and extra guns like the older figure, it really deserves them so I’m going to probably customise this at some point. Also I need to think what I’ll do with this Aaron Eckhart head as it’s very nice but I don’t want it for this figure, might put it in a SHIELD body as a stand in for one of their lesser known characters perhaps 🤔
I keep finding the figure that looks like Nikolaj Coster-Waldau when all want is to find an Electro at Target or have BBTS ship my preorder.
Got Spider-Man Unlimited today. I didn't watch the cartoon but I'm just a sucker for a fun redesign of Pete's costume and ... I love this figure? I mean the main thing I want from a figure is that they're fun to pose and mess with and he's a LOT of fun. Arguably he should've had one of the newer torsos but I don't really care. He's just a really fun figure in hand, probably my favorite in the wave. (Eh. Maybe Francine's my favorite. She's a hoot.) Still waiting on Flash and Spider-Boy but I don't mind the wave trickling in.
Kaine is really nice too, but for some reason he just doesn't pop the way the Pete figure does, to me. I feel like I should like him more than I do.
Have we seen the body on Chameleon before? The torso specifically.
I now have 5 of the 6 figures from this wave in hand - just missing Agent Venom which Amazon still says won't be here for another month. Honestly a little surprised but my favorites so far are the Francine Electro and Spider-Boy... they are just fun figures, good looks and well done. I'm not unhappy with the others - they just look pretty much exactly like the 5 inch figures I had of them and are less exciting somehow.
I now have 5 of the 6 figures from this wave in hand - just missing Agent Venom which Amazon still says won't be here for another month. Honestly a little surprised but my favorites so far are the Francine Electro and Spider-Boy... they are just fun figures, good looks and well done. I'm not unhappy with the others - they just look pretty much exactly like the 5 inch figures I had of them and are less exciting somehow.
I am 0% surprised that your two favorite figures of the wave also happen to be the two brand-new characters!