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2025 Spider-Man Retro Card Wave

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Posted by: @supreme_d

@sgtstinky you monster. I have seen everyone except Agent Venom, who ironically was the only one I really wanted. Also due to the emoloyees not knowing how their system works and me having a day job, I missed the limited stock that arrived at both of my local Targets. I’m big mad that I might have to eBay this figure.

Sorry! My Targets seem to just be getting this wave in solid cases. Another Target had several solid cases of all but unlimited Spidey. It is really weird. This wave they are getting solid cases of individual characters but an assortment case on Secret Wars. I have no idea how they determine it for each new wave. I have seen Agent Venom now multiple times so be patient maybe... this wave doesn't seem to be selling as fast as past Retro waves around here. Hopefully you'll find him soon.


supreme_d reacted
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Posted by: @supreme_d

@sgtstinky you monster. I have seen everyone except Agent Venom, who ironically was the only one I really wanted. Also due to the emoloyees not knowing how their system works and me having a day job, I missed the limited stock that arrived at both of my local Targets. I’m big mad that I might have to eBay this figure.

Hang in there! I bet you'll find him soon. This wave doesn't seem to be moving as fast around my area as past retro waves have. I saw a ton of this wave at a different Target that had multiples of all but Spidey unlimited.


supreme_d reacted
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I asked one of the guys in Target if they had any Francines since was saying limited stock. Still two left on the floor, but I couldn't find her even after doing a slow walk around toys and sporting goods. Agent Venom is out of stock on .com, but they actually had one left from the five I saw yesterday. Can't trust Target's darn inventory numbers.


supreme_d reacted
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@sgtstinky dont mind me, I’m just jealous. It actually went up for preorder on bbts yesterday so I ordered one. As long as I get one eventually, I’m good. Initially it looked like Agent Venom sold out on both bbts and amazon, so I thought id have to track it down like power princess.

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Any other Spider-man figures have the same chest spider logo as Spider-man 77 and Japanese version?

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Pulse shipped 4/6 of these for me yesterday, then got notification that Agent Venom is shipping soon. Still waiting on Spider-Boy but to be fair, I was iffy on him and ordered him like a week after the others so I'm not in a rush. The Unlimited costume intrigues me most - I never watched the show but I am such a sucker for any redesign of the spider-suit. I have infinite interest in displaying different looks. I'd still buy like another dozen costumes they included in the Playstation games that haven't been made yet. I'm an easy mark but at least I can admit it. 

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Yeah... the whole Spider-verse angle really opened up a door for me to display all variations on the Spider-Man outfit together on a single shelf ... kind of the same way the Hall of Armors idea does for Iron Man... so I never balk at a new take on a Spider-Man because I just pop it into the Spider-Verse display...

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I received Chameleon from Target today. All of the rest except for Francine are en route from BBTS. I've got her pre-ordered at least 3 different places, so we'll see who ships first.

Magneto Was Right
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Dan Slott should get a 10% kickback on all Marvel Legends Spider-Man figures.

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Posted by: @tsi

Dan Slott should get a 10% kickback on all Marvel Legends Spider-Man figures.

In the form of a living room filled to the ceiling with clearanced Spider Boy figures.


VonDoom, kailryu, Aleks and 1 people reacted
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Finally made it to Target to see about picking up any figures from this wave.    All they had was two Spider-Boy figures,  but I still had a target gift card with a balance on it so I grabbed him and cancelled my Amazon pre-order which was still saying it wouldn't be here until the 27th.   Who wants to wait another three weeks?    

2nd most posts
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Francine and Chameleon have left the building from Pulse. I've spotted Chameleon a few times at Target, but I've only seen Electro once. I still have an open preorder for Agent Venom with April ETA. Might just cancel.

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Saw multiple Kaine, Electro, and Spiderboy at Target in Oahu.

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I'm properly offended that any unique or new sculpts are not featuring the ab-hinge and ball-diaphragm combo as standard, still getting waist hinges on figures like Kaine really sucks balls

supreme_d reacted
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Posts: 1223

Just got the first three from this wave without shipping notice - Kaine, Chameleon, and Francine. Francine looks delightful. Kaine's solid. I like Chameleon getting a proper non-civilian suit figure. I DID just get shipping notice for Spidey himself, but no movement on the last two. 

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