Found Kaine at a distant Target in Massachusetts. He looks great, but I haven’t had a chance to open the package yet. He was the only one I found.
Chameleon has a Voldemort nose though. Would that even pass as Morph?
That's what I'm trying to determine. If it's a wash bringing out the accentuation of the nostrils, I'd look at removing the paint so they're less noticeable. He had the snub nose in certain looks in the books, not to the extent of Tombstone or Morbius, but if any paint is removed and it's just white plastic on itself, I'm curious to see how it looks.
Why even bother?
Morph was rumored to be in a new Animated X-Men 97 wave. AOA Morph doesn't have a nose. Animated Chameleon head is also too big for Legends AOA Morph body.
Why even bother?
Morph was rumored to be in a new Animated X-Men 97 wave. AOA Morph doesn't have a nose. Animated Chameleon head is also too big for Legends AOA Morph body.
Got a pic for comparison? I already stated I don't want a Morph head with ears, which 97 has and AOA doesn't. Some nostrils that might be able to be mostly removed with some light sanding or nail polish remover would be less of an ordeal. Plus the 97 version is likely to have some goofy raised eyebrow expression like the AOA head I'm trying to replace.
Probably way too early to tell, but I’m starting to see Spider-Boys pile up.
@normdapito saw three Spider Boys at one target, and saw two Chameleons and Unlimited Spideys at another. Pretty sure these are given their own character specific code in Targets system, because when I scanned the barcodes its gave the exact figure I was holding. So these are probably solid cases of one character, so that may explain the SpiderBoy buildup.
These have now started hitting my Pile of Loot at BBTS today, one at a time. Not shocked since I've shipped said PoL twice in the past two weeks. LOL!
I saw a whole case of Agent Venom today but passed on him. Not sure I need him. Chameleon is a definite buy but I was not overly thrilled about this years Retro Spidey wave. Still need to pick up Beyonder and Titania from Secret Wars wave so saving money for when those preorders hit Gamestop. I think this wave will hit Ollies in mass come this falls Christmas reset.
Not sure how this wave is shipping to Target, but I stumbled across 1 Agent Venom on the pegs and 2 Chameleon & 1 Spider-Boy in a repack box sitting in the aisle.
Happily grabbed Flash & Chameleon.
I did one of those things yesterday where I got sick of leaving stores empty-handed because I wasn't finding what I was looking for that when I came upon some of this wave I ended up buying figures I had no intention of getting.
Spider-Man Unlimited: surprised at the torso articulation. This must be an all new sculpt to accommodate the sculpted logo so I'm surprised it has such a dated setup with just the ab crunch. Butterfly joint is nice, but I wish he had the diaphragm joint modern Spideys tend to have. He's not as poseable as he should be, but the look is at least interesting even if the show it's from really wasn't. I still think they should have at least applied some shading to the face and I may just do that myself.
Chameleon - this look just always worked for me even if I didn't necessarily care about the character. A fairly basic articulation setup, but I suppose Chameleon doesn't need to do much. The Jameson mask is effectively creepy, but I wish they came up with a better way for him to hold it. Something like how the card art depicts him would have been my preference as it's awkward as-is given that he has to grab the mask by the back of the head. I wish the belt was done a little differently too because the right side is pulled up by the shoulder strap. They could have faked it like they did for the animated Cyclops and I think that would have been less annoying. The neck hinge setup is also pointless on this figure as his big collar negates the only good feature that setup has. I'd have much preferred the double ball. He's fine though.
I'm going to stop by my Target today to see what they have (along with Best Buy, Gamestop, Ross, Walmart and a 2-3 comic books stores). I've already got 4 of the 6 figures from this wave sitting in my BBTS Pile of Loot, but would pick up Chameleon or Francine if I come across them today.
Honestly though I'd much rather finally find a DC Multiverse Geo-Force (either version) or a Captain Thunder. I'm always a Legends guy first and foremost but I'm starting to get nervous about finding those two and really don't want to pay ebay prices.
Update: My Target had 1 lone Agent Venom left and 1 each of Beyonder and Titania. They were loaded up on the 3 Brave New World deluxe figures. None of the other stores had anything new.
Checked my local Target today and they had three Spider-Boys, one Unlimited, and one Chameleon.
I was going to get both Unlimited and Chameleon, but ultimately only left with Chameleon.
Got my shipping notice from EE. On top of a bunch of LooseCollector items arriving today from BBTS. I need a new home. Great figures though!
@sgtstinky you monster. I have seen everyone except Agent Venom, who ironically was the only one I really wanted. Also due to the emoloyees not knowing how their system works and me having a day job, I missed the limited stock that arrived at both of my local Targets. I’m big mad that I might have to eBay this figure.
Five Agent Venoms this morning. Looks like I'll be waiting for whoever ships a Francine preorder. After all these years I'm still undecided if I approve of Target's solid cases.