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Posted by: @mentalmanipulator

I would personally love AOA figures of Storm, Mystique, Banshee, Exodus and Dazzler.

I'm on board with this but would add Bishop, Havok, Sinister, Angel, a corrected Blink, Quicksilver, and at least an Infinite soldier army builder...I also need to buy more toy skulls, since everything in the AOA was covered with skulls when anyone was outdoors.


wthiotina, Red Ogre and BAT reacted
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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Posted by: @mentalmanipulator

I would personally love AOA figures of Storm, Mystique, Banshee, Exodus and Dazzler.

I'm on board with this but would add Bishop, Havok, Sinister, Angel, a corrected Blink, Quicksilver, and at least an Infinite soldier army builder...I also need to buy more toy skulls, since everything in the AOA was covered with skulls when anyone was outdoors.


..or anywhere else, when they bothered to draw backgrounds.


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Posts: 317

So, I had a thought...

We haven't seen the rumored Crossbones/Constrictor 2-Pack that was actually a 2024 rumor.

What if someone got their wires crossed and this turned out to be the Punisher/Bushwhacker 2-Pack?

Crossbones & Punisher both have the skull motif and Constrictor & Bushwhacker (other character, so in name only) are both members of the Serpent Society.

Not sure how it could have happened, but maybe the leak/listing was coded a certain way and someone made an assumption?

Just kind of weird we never saw it come to fruition...

hmmberto reacted
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And I sold my old Constrictor 🤣 

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Posted by: @andru

So, I had a thought...

We haven't seen the rumored Crossbones/Constrictor 2-Pack that was actually a 2024 rumor.

What if someone got their wires crossed and this turned out to be the Punisher/Bushwhacker 2-Pack?

Crossbones & Punisher both have the skull motif and Constrictor & Bushwhacker (other character, so in name only) are both members of the Serpent Society.

Not sure how it could have happened, but maybe the leak/listing was coded a certain way and someone made an assumption?

Just kind of weird we never saw it come to fruition...

This is actually a solid theory. A Crossbones/Constrictor 2-pack never really made sense anyway.

I still might ditch my old Constrictor though. They'll get back to him eventually.


Basil Elks
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That's Bushmaster, not Bushwhacker, that's a Serpent Society member. 😀 But, I can see the confusion.

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I think I'd rather be a Bushmaster than a Bushwacker ...

NORM, rocko, TheSameIdiot and 1 people reacted
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@basil-elks Whoops, thanks 😊

Basil Elks reacted
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I really want a new Constrictor. It's a fun costume design if done with any effort. The one we have is still on a remnant Toy Biz body, but worse with the crap ankles.

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@mentalmanipulator Definitely would take all those Age of Apocalypse figures. Would love Havok, Forge, the Madri, and really any other members of Factor X or Generation Next too.

wthiotina and BAT reacted
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I'm gonna guess that if the Constrictor/Crossbones 2-pack is still in play it will be revealed next month around the release of the Cap film.

I wish there would be a surprise Fan Channel classic Falcon release at the same time.

rocko and hmmberto reacted
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Posted by: @andru

So, I had a thought...

We haven't seen the rumored Crossbones/Constrictor 2-Pack that was actually a 2024 rumor.

What if someone got their wires crossed and this turned out to be the Punisher/Bushwhacker 2-Pack?

Crossbones & Punisher both have the skull motif and Constrictor & Bushwhacker (other character, so in name only) are both members of the Serpent Society.

Bushwhacker was never in the Serpent Society.  You’re confusing him with Bushmaster, who is part of the Serpent Society.  There’s a similarity to the names that can be understandably confused.


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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@normdapito Oooh, imagine a Maximum Constrictor? 😮 Different heads, different tendril lengths, various hands, etc.

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Long as he comes with an open mouthed-Cottonmouth head.

Basil Elks reacted
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Posted by: @bennroe

@mentalmanipulator Definitely would take all those Age of Apocalypse figures. Would love Havok, Forge, the Madri, and really any other members of Factor X or Generation Next too.

I'll hope for Bishop, the remaining members of the 2 main X-Men teams, Havok, Sinister, some Horsemen (primarily AOA Holocaust) and Angel.  I don't necessarily need Forge or Deadman Wade, but if they make em I'll buy em.  I'd be very surprised if we got the Madri, Jubilee, Polaris or any of the Gen Next kids.  I'm sure some folks would like Mystique and Juggernaut, but I'm pushing for Nightcrawler, which I think is reasonable as I think he's the most likely after AOA Gambit.  I'll take what I can get.


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