@renfield75 I bet Serpent Society HR was really steamed that they wasted all that time on her new hire paperwork. I know I am when my employees quit on the first day.
All I'm hearing is good news with Princess Python - she continues the Serpent Society AND kickstarts the Circus of Crime. Bring on the Gambonnos!
And, to be fair - she was a member of the Serpent Society's precursor group - the Serpent Squad as well - so it's not like it was entirely a one and done thing.
Plus, she is the ex-wife of Stilt-Man (who we already have) AND Gibbon - who we don't have yet but I hope we eventually do.
Anyway - Circus of Crime is also a good thing... just not as good as Serpent Society.
None of this is terribly exciting for me - I'm just hoping to see some of these new bodies repurposed for worthy updates. Spider Woman on the new Ms. Marvel body would be amazing. Banshee repaint... just do it.
None of this is terribly exciting for me - I'm just hoping to see some of these new bodies repurposed for worthy updates.
See... we were getting along fine and then you had to declare yourself my mortal enemy. Sigh
I respect the deep cuts - and I know they have their fans 🙂
@enforcer Classic SpiderWoman and Hellcat are just calling to be redone on the new Warbird / Black Widow body. I too want new characters but some of the classics done as well as they can be has its appeal too.
@derrabbi Perfect versions of the classics will help with moving the obscure guys. That's a win-win.
Definitely need a new Hellcat as well, good call.
If 2025 brings us Hypno-Hustler, Slyde and Princess Python, hopefully 2026 (or sooner) brings us Vermin, Man-Wolf and Rocket Racer.
@panthercult Very true, which is why I sort of give up on getting every update of things I already own.
Yeah but... considering the unprecedented run of the Legends line, the popularity of the updates to the latest innovations on the big names have kept things going long enough that we *can* get to the real obscure guys. Might take a while, but the line will keep going long enough to get to them.
excited about the x movie figures and hoping it's the classic trilogy. i'm thinking it's more likely them since we've already gotten a Mystique, Magneto and Professor X.
I'm expecting
X1-X3 Wolvie (in black outfit with multiple heads)
X1/X2 Cyclops
X1-X3 Storm (with x1 and x3 heads)
X3 Phoenix (with alt Dark Phoenix head)
X2 Nightcrawler
X3 Beast
Yeah but... considering the unprecedented run of the Legends line, the popularity of the updates to the latest innovations on the big names have kept things going long enough that we *can* get to the real obscure guys. Might take a while, but the line will keep going long enough to get to them.
You say that and yet 20+ years in and still no Rachel Summers, Attuma, Skurge, Starfox it's a long time to wait for some regular mainstays when a dude like Kraven gets five figures and people still want an updated version or people are asking for another Bullseye figure...
2025 could be your year 🙂 Maybe 2026.