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2025 Rumored Leak List

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@ru1977 Beast and Nightcrawler were also both in Dark Phoenix but Wolverine wasn't there. The only movie with all of above listed characters is X-Men Apocalypse, so unless its different eras/movies or the listing is slightly wrong, it would be X-Men Apocalypse. Beast has a very very small cameo as well in X2, but I doubt he was even credited as Beast as it was pre Kelsey Grammer (and untransformed). and If I was betting, I would guess its different eras/movies. We are coming up on the 25th anniversary of the film series, right? Maybe that's a clue.

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Interesting leak if true.   

Only really interested in Princess Python and Hypno-Hustler.   With a maybe for Slyde.   Everything else is either a pass, or maybe on sale.

So where's Rektangular?   I remember Dave from Displaying Model Behaviour had another leak last year and then shortly after Rektangular leaked a near massive 2024 list.   

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In an ideal world the Phoenix would be Jean in her team uniform from X2, to hopefully match the rest, with a swappable longer haired head from her "resurrection" in The Last Stand, where it's technically Phoenix who kills Scott.

Knowing Hasbro, it may be her red dress The Last Stand outfit, in their continuing effort to right the wrongs of figures past.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
Lover of D-List Characters
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Out of that leaked list the only ones I'm interested in are Slyde and Princess Python. If Big Wheel is the BAF, that would be great for me, since I have no interest in that character.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Looks like there's some truth to the Spiderverse wave, at least. I think they all look pretty good. Definitely in for Spider-Man India and Prowler Peter. Tempted by Hobie, but wish he wasn't painted that shade (I know it's screen accurate, but still- you lose a lot of the awesome detail of the full-color Spider-Punk). Gwen is tempting for May Day, and unmasked 2099 is tempting too, but I think I'm good on the 2 ITS Peters




As for the X Men wave, I really hope it's those original movies. Would be a bummer to still be missing some heavy-hitters like Rogue, Iceman, and some of the villains, but I loved those versions (Nightcrawler especially), and they're all long overdue for figure re-dos. 

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So...perhaps Spider-Man Unlimited was moved to Spider-Man retro wave...or maybe this leak is wrong.

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I'd buy everything from the Spider-Man retro card wave except the actual Spider-Man. 😆 Arachno-Man, Hypno Hustler, Princess Python, Slyde and Spider-Boy are all must purchases for me.

I'm not a fan of the Spiderverse animation figures in general but I'll definitely get Spider-Man India from that wave and maybe Prowler Miles and Gwen.

I'm a huge X-Men fan but not a movie figure fan so I'd skip the entire Fox X-Men Legacy wave.

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@joshsquash729 Quick note, that's not May Day with Gwen, it's Lyla, Miguel's hologram helper.

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So... the Spiderverse wave looks to be accurate.    That gives me some hope that the comic Spider-Man wave that was listed may also be accurate and I'll be pretty stoked if that's true.


The reality is that it's actually a fairly low tooling required wave it would seem. 

 Arachno Man is just an easy repaint -  although Spider-Man in yellow and green is something I didn't know I needed.

Slyde is a super basic costume that wouldn't required much tooling beyond goggles and knee pads (and maybe there's parts for those, I didn't do any research)


Princess Python could be essentially a painted female body if they elect not to sculpt snake scales on to the arms and legs -  and lets be honest, they won't.   Then they just have to add in the snake accessory.


Hypno Hustler might require a few new overlays and parts - and a new head surely -  but how much you want to bet they recycle the guitar from the Spider-Verse Spider-Punk for this guy?    I bet they do.


Bug Eyes armor is cool looking - but again does not need any new tooling to get done,  that's all executed in the paint job.


And for Spider-Boy - they already have the small Sam Alexander Nova body they've used before.   They tooled up the new shoes they showed us.     Maybe a new head.


This entire wave could be very light on newly sculpted pieces so I see it as entirely possible.


And honestly I'd be into it.   I'd buy the entire wave.      The variant Spider-Man costumes would add a TON of color to my Spider-Man shelf.     The non-spidey characters are fun, deep cuts that I would love to have.    I don't even need to know what the BAF would be to be all in on this wave.     I can't bring myself to believe it would be Big Wheel.    It would be too ridiculous (in the most fun way ever).



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If the X-Men Film Legacy figures are real, I'll be so happy. I hate those movies but still feel nostalgic for them.

hmmberto and Ru1977 reacted
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I really hope the X-Men movie wave is all figures from the first trilogy. The 2010s X-Men movies were meh after Days of Future Past. Besides Professor X, Magneto, Beast, and Jean Grey, the rest of the cast felt like CW TV actors.

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Posted by: @ru1977

@e-rock They very well could be. "Phoenix" makes me think more of Sophie Turner than Famke Janssen,but of course that figure could still be from X3.

I can also see this being a situation where it's maybe based on one or the other and they give an alt head. Like the Charles/Magneto 2 pack. So could be based on the Sophie Turner look, but has a Famke head or vice versa. I definitely think Beast, Nightcrawlet, and the others are def X1-X3 era.


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From this wave, Spider-Man India and Miles Prowler are only ones I am interested in. Meh to the rest.

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Posted by: @gpmartin414

I really hope the X-Men movie wave is all figures from the first trilogy. The 2010s X-Men movies were meh after Days of Future Past. Besides Professor X, Magneto, Beast, and Jean Grey, the rest of the cast felt like CW TV actors.

I think I liked Apocalypse more than some, but it definitely wasn't nearly as good as DOFP or First Class, but those costumes at the end were just the ultimate for me. The movie could be utter trash but I'll still be happy to put the figures on the shelf. I think I had the movie Venom figure for a couple years before even trying the movie.


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Posted by: @e-rock

Posted by: @ru1977

@e-rock They very well could be. "Phoenix" makes me think more of Sophie Turner than Famke Janssen,but of course that figure could still be from X3.

I can also see this being a situation where it's maybe based on one or the other and they give an alt head. Like the Charles/Magneto 2 pack. So could be based on the Sophie Turner look, but has a Famke head or vice versa. I definitely think Beast, Nightcrawlet, and the others are def X1-X3 era.


The alt head thing is a really good idea, especially after they did with that set.

Honestly, as badly as I want Apocalypse costume figures, I will be very surprised if this list has anyone from after X3. And with people like Nightcrawler, yeah... the characterization and performance were great, but not at all the sort of look I want on the shelf. If he's going next to yellow suited Wolverine and movie Colossus, I want Nightcrawler in the black suit with the red 'V'.

And again, I will be surprised if they do these, BUT... come on. That list would make sense for Apocalypse. Look at this lineup:

These costumes were just perfect! : r/xmen

It's that list, with two people who probably can't be done as figures. And Wolverine was in that too:

Wolverine is supposed to be ugly" : r/Marvel



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