Appreciate the perspective and am not going to get into the minutiae of the list, but we had Gen X and AoA ToyBiz figures when the comics were fresh and they stiffed then. The AoA wave of ML stiffed.
They stop buying X-Men assortments, which means fewer X-Men assortments and therefore characters. I'd be happy if they put a couple cartoon costumed figs in every assortment even if I already have them, just so the line keeps selling and retail buyers keep stocking them.
See, but if we lean into that logic, then the waves will be Wolverine, Wolverine, Cable, Deadpool, Deadpool, and maybe a Gambit or Cyclops to round it out. No females ever in the boy toy aisle, for goodness sakes. That's self defeating in a different way. I honestly don't care if Marvel Legends keeps going if that's all it becomes. I don't want nothing but endless variants of the 10 most important characters - but retail absolutely does.
Also, this wave doesn't appear to be going to Target or Wal Mart so you don't have to worry about their buyer on the selection front there, I guess.
Hasbro is starting to understand better who their Legends market really is - and appear to be splitting their marketing approach with Legends waves. Many of the movie waves, the X-Men 97 wave, and the Spider-Man product are going to big box retail. The straight comic book themed BaF waves are now basically fan channel releases through Amazon, GameStop, and collectible outlets like BBTS, EE and comic book shops.
Yeah if the Legends character selection ever reaches McFarlane levels, I’m probably out.
Also, but framing the debate of classics vs modern around what does or doesn’t pegwarm is always a little silly because a lot of the classic characters people ask for would also likely pegwarm.
Once you get past a certain tier of notoriety most characters don’t move all that well. Thats just the nature of the line and is why waves with obscure characters usually have one or two a-listers strategically inserted to offset the fan favorites who have more limited appeal.
I asked this already but since the books are out for a while now, would guys Hasbro to make a wave(s) for the X-Men From The Ashes comics?
I think we could get some cool waves for the characters. If I had to come upe with some line-ups this is what I would like:
Wave 1:
Wolverine (uncanny)
Storm (solo series white costume)
Psylocke (x-men)
Beast (x-men)
Ms Marvel (nyx)
Anole (nyx)
Forge (x-force)
BAF Juggernaut (x-men)
Wave 2:
Cyclops (x-men)
Jean (solo series)
Quentin (x-men)
Betsy (x-force)
Rachel (x-force)
Jubilee (uncanny)
Nightcrawler (uncanny)
BAF Tank
Wave 3:
Gambit (uncanny)
Rogue (uncanny)
Sage (x-force)
Magneto (x-men)
X-23 (nyx)
Prodigy (nyx)
Prisioner X
BAF Magneto's chair
I would need them to redo Magik on a bigger, pinless buck with face printing. But considering they just re-issued her again (without any improvements), I don't foresee that happening...
I would need them to redo Magik on a bigger, pinless buck with face printing. But considering they just re-issued her again (without any improvements), I don't foresee that happening...
That figure is pretty good as-is EXCEPT......the buck is too small and she looks like a little girl in an S&M outfit. I tried to get over it.....I couldn't. I think all the New Mutants that us 40+ year olds remember from the 80s are now aged up to their 20s in the comics, correct? Or something like that? Yeah, she needs a bigger buck if they're going to do that look (and by the way, is S&M Magik now on every variant X-Men comic book cover? I think she is. Marvel really wants to push that look hard. I wonder why? Leather, little shorts, crop top, boob window, thigh-high boots, BIG sword. Literally every beat that I female character being sold to a mostly-male audience could ask for. OK, I answered my own question).
I just want her (and the rest of the New Mutants) in the original black and yellow uniform. That would be the only Magik figure needed for my collection.
Yep, give me the New Mutants in matching uniforms — and slap some eldritch armor on Magik's right arm and I'm completely happy.
I have always hated her current look.
Good lord I would be entirely miserable if the line laser focused on a single moment in the comic timeline with three waves like that. That's like two years worth of X-Men product focused exclusively on a single sliver of the 60 year time line - that would be awful for me. I don't mind dipping in to that era for some of those looks but completely ignoring the bronze and silver ages or even the 90's when there are still characters we want and need from those eras would be atrocious.
And if I'm counting correctly in those 3 waves they are delivering what 3... maybe 4... new characters total, one of which is a BAF in a wave of figures that would all be redos. That would definitely be an approach that made me pretty sour about the line, frankly.
Legends needs new teen bucks; 4 versions. Tall and short male. Tall and short female bucks. Ilyana belongs on the short lady teen Buck in her training uniform. Dani and Canonball the only characters on the taller versions of their bucks. I need to finish painting my GIJoe wolf for Wolfsbane FA
Big cosign for the original New Mutants. After the absolutely incredible Warlock BAF I was hopeful the rest were coming soon - not so! Gimme the whole crew - Moonstar, Cannonball, Sunspot, Karma, Wolfsbane, Magma, Magik, Cypher. Make a Bird-Brain too if you really want to get weird with it.
The only real From the Ashes look I absolutely NEED is Storm, because that's an incredible redesign. But I don't really need an entire wave, let alone several. They can easily pepper those looks into mixed X-Men waves.
Legends needs new teen bucks; 4 versions. Tall and short male. Tall and short female bucks. Ilyana belongs on the short lady teen Buck in her training uniform. Dani and Canonball the only characters on the taller versions of their bucks. I need to finish painting my GIJoe wolf for Wolfsbane FA
It is my hope the upcoming Miles Morales figure that was in the leaks might be on a new teen body with better articulation than the previous one.
Big cosign for the original New Mutants. After the absolutely incredible Warlock BAF I was hopeful the rest were coming soon - not so! Gimme the whole crew - Moonstar, Cannonball, Sunspot, Karma, Wolfsbane, Magma, Magik, Cypher. Make a Bird-Brain too if you really want to get weird with it.
I put that team on my top ten list. I too want new teen bucks and if Hasbro plays it right, they can get away with the whole team in their original uniforms with a decent amount of reuse. It would also be a prime time for the to double dip on Warlock and offer him up again as a single.
Big cosign for the original New Mutants. After the absolutely incredible Warlock BAF I was hopeful the rest were coming soon - not so! Gimme the whole crew - Moonstar, Cannonball, Sunspot, Karma, Wolfsbane, Magma, Magik, Cypher. Make a Bird-Brain too if you really want to get weird with it.
I put that team on my top ten list. I too want new teen bucks and if Hasbro plays it right, they can get away with the whole team in their original uniforms with a decent amount of reuse. It would also be a prime time for the to double dip on Warlock and offer him up again as a single.
While responding to you I just realized that Adam Warlock has his Magus counterpart, and the New Mutants Warlock also has his father/patriarch called Magus. Huh.
I wouldn't be mad about another offering for Warlock. He's got loads of different accessories, faces, weapons, etc they could include in another version. Use him in a deluxe set with a few of the New Mutants we need, and release the rest in whatever way makes sense! As you point out it seems like a few bodies would get them most of the way there, plus all of the other teen/young adult heroes that could be made.
Makes the most sense to do a New Mutants # 1 5-pack with Cannonball, Sunspot, Mirage, Karma and Wolfsbane in their black and yellows
Then, do a 3-pack with the later additions to the team, Cypher, Warlock and Magma. That knocks them all out in a cohesive fashion that makes sense.
I don't know if I asked this question before or not, but did the Marvel Legends guys at Hasbro say if the next Iron Man wave was going to be in the retro cards?
I don’t think they confirmed one is coming, we just know about it from the leaks.
I'm... pretty excited we're getting a new MCU Daredevil and Punisher this year. Random thought - yes. But I am.
I also hope they actually release a sleeveless MCU Wolverine (bonus points if the should pads can somehow be added and removed, similar to how the Mk 3 Iron Man was done.
That is all.