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Posted by: @h-bird

The SHIELD set with the extra heads was something I actually really liked - its one of those ML moves that feels like its aimed at the long-term collectors. Because I picked up about 8 Nick Fury figures (from the MCU Giant-Man BAF wave) that needed heads, so the extra heads in the 2-packs really came in handy.


Right... it was the same with the female SHIELD Agent / Hydra Trooper 2-pack.   It came with those 3 extra heads so I finally had a use for all of the cheap Quake figures I had picked up on a whim.     


hmmberto reacted
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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @h-bird

The SHIELD set with the extra heads was something I actually really liked - its one of those ML moves that feels like its aimed at the long-term collectors. Because I picked up about 8 Nick Fury figures (from the MCU Giant-Man BAF wave) that needed heads, so the extra heads in the 2-packs really came in handy.


Right... it was the same with the female SHIELD Agent / Hydra Trooper 2-pack.   It came with those 3 extra heads so I finally had a use for all of the cheap Quake figures I had picked up on a whim.     


I found that the blonde from that pack made a good alternative to the Sharon Carter from the 3pk with the heavy eye make up. Sharon's factory head with the hair down will work for the upcoming Karla Sofen Ms. Marvel. Could also work for unmasked Carol, but it looks so sinister to me. The other two head from the 2pk are generic enough to me to just use as agents.


Akatsuki reacted
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Not thinking of many others.  Arguably one could make a case for the Magus mead that came with GotG Adam Warlock.  We’ve never had a dedicated Magus figure.

We've never even had a classic Warlock with the costume that would accomodate a Magus repaint. And the upcoming Warlock, while no doubt an improvement on the old version, it's the version with the cape.

These classic characters missing - while unknown modern pegwarmers stiff at Target and Wal-Mart - then flood the shelves of Ross, is very discouraging. And it makes me worry that the bog box stores who think "Spiderman / X-Men wave! That will sell!" will get frustrated and back away from the line (already happening, see Strange Tales wave).

My enthusiasm is at an all-time low. With the rare exception of stuff like the SHIELD pack, ROM or the new Sentinels, there is little in the pipeline to excite me. As a longtime fan, there's one figure I want from the ST wave & I can & will wait for her to clearance. The upcoming X-Men BAF Wave doesn't have a single figure I want. That's never happened.

I'm sure there are people excited for these figures and I'm happy for them, but I don't think it's good for the health of the overall line to focus on more modern comic characters that the general public hasn't been seeing on calendars & t-shirts for 50 years. They aren't going to buy Elektra in the DD costume or Spider-(inset variant here).

I just want the line to go on, but decisions made in the interest of "synergy" are killing it.

Classic red/white Falcon, anyone? If not now, when?


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Posted by: @panthercult

Posted by: @h-bird

The SHIELD set with the extra heads was something I actually really liked - its one of those ML moves that feels like its aimed at the long-term collectors. Because I picked up about 8 Nick Fury figures (from the MCU Giant-Man BAF wave) that needed heads, so the extra heads in the 2-packs really came in handy.


Right... it was the same with the female SHIELD Agent / Hydra Trooper 2-pack.   It came with those 3 extra heads so I finally had a use for all of the cheap Quake figures I had picked up on a whim.     


The thumbs up/down display was playing tricks on me, so just in case - any thumbs-downing was the opposite of what was intended! I also picked up a silly amount of Quakes that the extra 2-pack heads were great for.


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Posted by: @jroug

Not thinking of many others.  Arguably one could make a case for the Magus mead that came with GotG Adam Warlock.  We’ve never had a dedicated Magus figure.

We've never even had a classic Warlock with the costume that would accomodate a Magus repaint. And the upcoming Warlock, while no doubt an improvement on the old version, it's the version with the cape.

These classic characters missing - while unknown modern pegwarmers stiff at Target and Wal-Mart - then flood the shelves of Ross, is very discouraging. And it makes me worry that the bog box stores who think "Spiderman / X-Men wave! That will sell!" will get frustrated and back away from the line (already happening, see Strange Tales wave).

My enthusiasm is at an all-time low. With the rare exception of stuff like the SHIELD pack, ROM or the new Sentinels, there is little in the pipeline to excite me. As a longtime fan, there's one figure I want from the ST wave & I can & will wait for her to clearance. The upcoming X-Men BAF Wave doesn't have a single figure I want. That's never happened.

I'm sure there are people excited for these figures and I'm happy for them, but I don't think it's good for the health of the overall line to focus on more modern comic characters that the general public hasn't been seeing on calendars & t-shirts for 50 years. They aren't going to buy Elektra in the DD costume or Spider-(inset variant here).

I just want the line to go on, but decisions made in the interest of "synergy" are killing it.

Classic red/white Falcon, anyone? If not now, when?


I'm reposting this from another conversation elsewhere - not to start an argument or disagree with your overall opinion on ML, but to provide some additional texture to the conversation around where the focus of the line is:




These are all the pre-90s characters I count from 2024 alone. Never before made characters in bold:

  • Quicksilver (green)
  • Secret Wars wave (Titania, Beyonder new characters)
  • Dragon Man
  • Kang
  • Crystal & Lockjaw
  • Wong
  • Phoenix
  • Rogue & Destiny
  • Death's Head
  • Odin
  • Blackheart
  • Moon Knight (WCA)
  • Baron Zemo & Arnim Zola
  • Iron Fist (classic)
  • Arcade Sentinels
  • Warbird/Ms Marvel
  • Giant-Man Haslab
  • Giant-Man & Wasp
  • Nick Fury
  • Nick Fury & Dum Dum Dugan (not counting that pack-in head from the old days)
  • Iron Man Model 01
  • Blackheart
  • Count Nefaria
  • She-Hulk
  • Prowler
  • Ka-Zar & Zabu
  • Ikaris
  • Angel
  • Patch & Joe Fixit
  • Lilandra & Broodverine
  • Tombstone
  • Jack o'Lantern
  • Spider-Man (FA)
  • Crystar
  • Vision

There's probably some missing and maybe some that are arguable. But this list represents a good chunk of the total figures made this year, and probably more than half of the comic figures.

ditko and NORM reacted
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Yeah... I mean, I get being disappointed that the characters you specifically want aren't being made,  but complaining that Hasbro is ignoring old characters is a bit disingenuous.    Hmmberto did a pretty good job outlining all of the many pre-1990 figures Hasbro released in 2024.  


Additionally, while the upcoming X-Men wave didn't pull heavily from the 60's, 70's and 80's -   It is pretty 90's heavy and those stories are 30 years old now.    Kids that were 9 and 10 when those comics came out are pushing 40.    They are appealing to an adult consumer base -  just not the oldest segment of that base.   


But X-Factor Cyclops dates to 1986

Fabian Cortez first appeared in 1991

Generation X Husk is from 1994

Marrow first appeared in 1995

Age of Apocalypse Gambit debuted in 1995


Almost that entire wave is 30 years old or older.    That is not modern characters.   They aren't pulling "flash in the pan" looks.      Maybe these aren't the characters you wanted -  I had others I wanted first as well -  but you can hardly call this a focus on "modern characters"

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Posted by: @panthercult

Kids that were 9 and 10 when those comics came out are pushing 40.

HEEEEEEYYYYYY - 40 is pushing ME.

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Posted by: @jroug

Classic red/white Falcon, anyone? If not now, when?

He'll probably get the same treatment as Skurge, the Warriors Three, Attuma, and M'Baku got when they were in current movies.  Nada...

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@puckace In the last 18 months Dwight even mentioned classic Falcon being something they need to do.

puckace reacted
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Dan hinted at classic Falcon in one of their livestreams either late 2023 or early 2024. I want to say in the same livestream where he said something like Whiplash/Blacklash would look cool, and now we got him. I really need to start notating dates of info because it would come in handy in discussions like this.

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Appreciate the perspective and am not going to get into the minutiae of the list, but we had Gen X and AoA ToyBiz figures when the comics were fresh and they stiffed then. The AoA wave of ML stiffed.

I realize that doesn't mean that some collectors / 90s comic fans don't want them, but it's absolutely a smaller subset than say (also '90s) X-Men animated characters, which is far more resonant '90s nostalgia, if only based on the exposure it had on TV and now on D+. The TV show is how most people in the 90s were exposed to X-Men and the depth of characters, not from reading Gen X or X-Men 2099.

But that aside, my point is when the dolt buyer at Target orders an X-Men wave, he doesn't know or GAF about AoA or Gen X. He knows the 90s cartoon and the movies. The Wolverine and Cyclops will sell because they always do and are recornizable. But they want charcters that sell through. If they don't, they're going to think no one cares about X-Men anymore and then guess what?

They stop buying X-Men assortments, which means fewer X-Men assortments and therefore characters. I'd be happy if they put a couple cartoon costumed figs in every assortment even if I already have them, just so the line keeps selling and retail buyers keep stocking them.

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Posted by: @jroug

Appreciate the perspective and am not going to get into the minutiae of the list, but we had Gen X and AoA ToyBiz figures when the comics were fresh and they stiffed then. The AoA wave of ML stiffed.

They stop buying X-Men assortments, which means fewer X-Men assortments and therefore characters. I'd be happy if they put a couple cartoon costumed figs in every assortment even if I already have them, just so the line keeps selling and retail buyers keep stocking them.


See, but if we lean into that logic,  then the waves will be Wolverine, Wolverine, Cable, Deadpool, Deadpool, and maybe a Gambit or Cyclops to round it out.    No females ever in the boy toy aisle, for goodness sakes.    That's self defeating in a different way.   I honestly don't care if Marvel Legends keeps going if that's all it becomes.   I don't want nothing but endless variants of the 10 most important characters -  but retail absolutely does.


Also, this wave doesn't appear to be going to Target or Wal Mart so you don't have to worry about their buyer on the selection front there, I guess.   


Hasbro is starting to understand better who their Legends market really is - and appear to be splitting their marketing approach with Legends waves.   Many of the movie waves,  the X-Men 97 wave,  and the Spider-Man product are going to big box retail.   The straight comic book themed BaF waves are now basically fan channel releases through Amazon, GameStop, and collectible outlets like BBTS, EE and comic book shops.


hmmberto reacted
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Posted by: @panthercult

Yeah... I mean, I get being disappointed that the characters you specifically want aren't being made,  but complaining that Hasbro is ignoring old characters is a bit disingenuous.    Hmmberto did a pretty good job outlining all of the many pre-1990 figures Hasbro released in 2024.  



  Hmmberto nailed his point..  Usually I see a lot of classic stuff like that poster sees a lot of things he doesn't want I guess.  


Meanwhile the case soldout on EE already 😀 So now I will figure out another way, but I can say as a 90s guy that yes I am very happy with this wave and am excited for the '97 wave as well.  However this year is the first time in a while I feel like I'm getting love again.  I can appreciate only getting one wave a year to get your wants, but I hardly feel like I have been eating good when it comes to my favorites until now.  And these characters aren't new lol.  And modern is hardly bad either.  


I will buy Fantastic Four or probably Spidey figures that capture a 60s feel because.....why else are we here!?  But my main wants are 90s and whatever new cool look exists today.  I just wish they could pump out more team completions soon.


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Did the Marvel Legends team at Hasbro say when can we expect the first livestream of 2025?

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Regarding the 2025 Top 10 vote thread -

44 votes so far with two more weeks to vote. We're doing great!

The ultimate goal is 100 votes or more, similar to how it used to be, 50 votes at bare minimum, but I'll take what I can get.

There were 63 votes last year.

BAT and SDcomics reacted
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