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Posted by: @basil-elks

@detectivehoag Wasn't that the original Timely hero Black Knight head, the ancestor to both Dane and Nathan?

There have been several holders of the name Black Knight.  Four prominent ones of whom are related starting with Sir Percy, and including Dane Whitman. The forth modern Black Knight, who appeared in Black Panther, has no revealed relation to the others.


If you’d like a more comprehensive listing you can check here:


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So based on this thread, the figures who got heads but no dedicated figures are:

  • Sir Percy Black Knight (packed w/Black Knight)
  • Dirk Anger (Nick Fury)
  • Macon (Skullbuster)
  • Shadow King (Professor X)
  • Madcap (Deadpool)


I'd consider Karma a complete figure in her own right, though a second figure with her cybernetic leg wouldn't go unappreciated. Same with MCU Minerva - she even came with extra hands and a scarf to get her look correct.

Anyone else missing?

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Posted by: @detectivehoag

The fourth modern Black Knight, who appeared in Black Panther, has no revealed relation to the others. 


We have all collectively agreed to pretend that never happened.


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@panthercult of those, I think Shadow King has more of a shot at getting made. Not holding my breath tho. I think the Reavers might be too obscure, but we are three deep on official Reavers, the ones with the least possibility for reuse at that.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, the torso articulation on that Marrow will keep her from being a good action figure.  I'm guessing that upper torso gets a negligible amount of crunch, especially with that bulky bone trim at the bottom.  The sculpt was there to give her Warbird-style setup and they just couldn't be bothered.  We're not getting any MvC2-style poses out of this one.

TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posted by: @normdapito

@panthercult of those, I think Shadow King has more of a shot at getting made. Not holding my breath tho. I think the Reavers might be too obscure, but we are three deep on official Reavers, the ones with the least possibility for reuse at that.

I'm guessing Shadow King's official figure will be the monstrous "Astral plane" version.

I *hope* we get official figures of Macon, Cole, and Reese. The Reavers is one of the best obscure teams they've done in the line and I want official figures of the whole bunch.

Dirk Anger works great on the modern Taskmaster body - I could live without an official version if they never get around to it.

Madcap will never be acceptable without a full figure.


Basil Elks and NORM reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the torso articulation on that Marrow will keep her from being a good action figure.  I'm guessing that upper torso gets a negligible amount of crunch, especially with that bulky bone trim at the bottom.  The sculpt was there to give her Warbird-style setup and they just couldn't be bothered.  We're not getting any MvC2-style poses out of this one.

I hope not. This is the pose I really hope is actually achievable by the figure:


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Posted by: @h-bird

So based on this thread, the figures who got heads but no dedicated figures are:

  • Sir Percy Black Knight (packed w/Black Knight)
  • Dirk Anger (Nick Fury)
  • Macon (Skullbuster)
  • Shadow King (Professor X)
  • Madcap (Deadpool)


I'd consider Karma a complete figure in her own right, though a second figure with her cybernetic leg wouldn't go unappreciated. Same with MCU Minerva - she even came with extra hands and a scarf to get her look correct.

Anyone else missing?

Not thinking of many others.  Arguably one could make a case for the Magus mead that came with GotG Adam Warlock.  We’ve never had a dedicated Magus figure.

There was the SHIELD two pack that came with three unique portraits (and two helmets).  If you want to display all the portraits then you had to buy multiple two packs.  


Basil Elks reacted
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Posted by: @vicious7171

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the torso articulation on that Marrow will keep her from being a good action figure.  I'm guessing that upper torso gets a negligible amount of crunch, especially with that bulky bone trim at the bottom.  The sculpt was there to give her Warbird-style setup and they just couldn't be bothered.  We're not getting any MvC2-style poses out of this one.

The Black Widow body needs to become the new standard. The ladies have lagged behind the men for too long.


hmmberto and vicious7171 reacted
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Don't forget the New Mutants heads.  We already got Wolfsbane.  To do Karma correctly in that era she needs a body with a cybernetic leg.

Basil Elks reacted
Basil Elks
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Posted by: @detectivehoag

Posted by: @h-bird

So based on this thread, the figures who got heads but no dedicated figures are:

  • Sir Percy Black Knight (packed w/Black Knight)
  • Dirk Anger (Nick Fury)
  • Macon (Skullbuster)
  • Shadow King (Professor X)
  • Madcap (Deadpool)


I'd consider Karma a complete figure in her own right, though a second figure with her cybernetic leg wouldn't go unappreciated. Same with MCU Minerva - she even came with extra hands and a scarf to get her look correct.

Anyone else missing?

Not thinking of many others.  Arguably one could make a case for the Magus mead that came with GotG Adam Warlock.  We’ve never had a dedicated Magus figure.

There was the SHIELD two pack that came with three unique portraits (and two helmets).  If you want to display all the portraits then you had to buy multiple two packs.  


Oh yeah, Magus, I forgot about him. Probably 'cause he's on a rumored list, so I blocked him out. lol


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Posted by: @detectivehoag

Posted by: @h-bird

So based on this thread, the figures who got heads but no dedicated figures are:

  • Sir Percy Black Knight (packed w/Black Knight)
  • Dirk Anger (Nick Fury)
  • Macon (Skullbuster)
  • Shadow King (Professor X)
  • Madcap (Deadpool)


I'd consider Karma a complete figure in her own right, though a second figure with her cybernetic leg wouldn't go unappreciated. Same with MCU Minerva - she even came with extra hands and a scarf to get her look correct.

Anyone else missing?

Not thinking of many others.  Arguably one could make a case for the Magus mead that came with GotG Adam Warlock.  We’ve never had a dedicated Magus figure.

There was the SHIELD two pack that came with three unique portraits (and two helmets).  If you want to display all the portraits then you had to buy multiple two packs.  


That's a good point that Magus has never had a figure. I think that head technically works on the exact same body for a comic-accurate Magus from that era. I still want a proper classic Magus.

The SHIELD heads have enough available bodies to make comic-accurate figures, plus those portraits are only vaguely named characters. If they wanted to make proper Jimmy Woo and Gabe Jones figures I'd take them in other looks besides SHIELD uniforms though.

Did Karma always have a bionic leg while wearing the modern costume? I thought that was another case of technically correct, but lazy. Either way she needs to be made again - classic New Mutants most of all, but I'd take a better modern version too.


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Posted by: @panthercult


And Madcap 100% needs a dedicated body and not just a left-over Deadpool body. 

Here here!

Basil Elks reacted
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They need to do a proper classic Adam Warlock and classic Magus two-pack. 

The SHIELD pack was really a matter of annoying ratio.  Three unique portraits to two bodies was irritating.  Five characters if you wanted to use the helmets also.  You ended up with three packs, several duplicate heads, and one potentially extra agent body.  From a buyer standpoint, it wasn’t helpful.

As for the New Mutant ladies.  I’d like to see Karma and Moonstar revisited, with a proper height difference if possible.  Dani was taller than both Karma and Wolfsbane.  It’s probably not going to happen but it would be nice.

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Posted by: @detectivehoag


They need to do a proper classic Adam Warlock and classic Magus two-pack. 

The SHIELD pack was really a matter of annoying ratio.  Three unique portraits to two bodies was irritating.  Five characters if you wanted to use the helmets also.  You ended up with three packs, several duplicate heads, and one potentially extra agent body.  From a buyer standpoint, it wasn’t helpful.

As for the New Mutant ladies.  I’d like to see Karma and Moonstar revisited, with a proper height difference if possible.  Dani was taller than both Karma and Wolfsbane.  It’s probably not going to happen but it would be nice.

Definitely need a classic Warlock/Magus 2-pack. The Warlock staff team looks like it's going to be the 90s look.

The SHIELD set with the extra heads was something I actually really liked - its one of those ML moves that feels like its aimed at the long-term collectors. Because I picked up about 8 Nick Fury figures (from the MCU Giant-Man BAF wave) that needed heads, so the extra heads in the 2-packs really came in handy.

Agreed re: the New Mutants. But c'mon and just make the classic team properly already Hasbro, please.


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