@reno That Shadow King head was meant to fit on the Kingpin body, so I don't think we're getting a full figure for him. Same as the Onslaught head that came with Kitty Pryde, which was meant to fit on the Red Onslaught body.
Reese was the extra Reaver head that came with Skullcrusher. The head that came with Nick Fury was Dirk Anger, the villain from NextWave, and not a Reaver. I put the Reese head on a Classified Gung Ho body.
Madcap is probably the only head that still has no body associated with it.
@normdapito Yep, you're right about all of that! It was Dirk that came with Fury, not a Reaver. My bad!
I mean... here's the thing - if you bought Kingpin and wanted a Kingpin figure then Farouk still has no body for that head. Saying they meant for that head to be on that body is a bit of a cop out frankly.
And the Reese head absolutely does NOT work on the Skullbuster body it was packed with. So saying that one is good because you put it on a body from an entirely different figure line isn't a real Marvel Legends fix. Even the people that fudged and put it on the Nuke body were just making due as that body wasn't quite right either.
Would be nice if they made a Reavers Macon figure with swappable arm or something so we could buy a second one and pop the Reese head on. Maybe do a two pack with Cole - have a few interchangeable parts, I'd buy a second set just to get a body for Reese and then maybe use the spare with my Joes or something.
And Madcap 100% needs a dedicated body and not just a left-over Deadpool body.
And Madcap 100% needs a dedicated body and not just a left-over Deadpool body.
Absolutely. In fact, I may have go tweak my top 10 list.
@panthercult Well, what I did was bought a Kingpin for Kingpin, and bought a Kingpin for Shadow King. Or maybe I even just used the BAF Kingpin body for the Shadow King head, and bought the dedicated retro card Kingpin to be Kingpin. I wouldn't say that's a cop out. I'm not expecting them to release a full Shadow King at this point. Don't mean it won't happen, but there's almost no reason to.
Reese (and Cole and Macon) seem too minor to get their own figures at this point, but if Skullcrusher got one, then who knows what could actually happen. Your 2pk idea is a good one, and I'd buy a second just to make an official Reese (even though that old Reese head would probably look super dated next to current (or hypothetical figure) figures. But he's pretty minor to me, so using the Classified body suits my purposes. He's not disqualified out of my collection.
But Madcap doesn't have any semblance of a body yet. Was he supposed to use a Deadpool body? I don't even really get why his head was included.
Well there is that original, villainous Black Knight head they packed in with a modern Black Knight, with their “close enough” philosophy.
This thread just reminded me In ever did anything with that Shadow King head and was like "I wonder what the all-white suit Kingpin is going for these days!"
Now I'm wondering if the head will look okay on purple pants Kingpin instead cos that first Kingpin is still going for some scratch.
I didn't end up getting the Retro carded Kingpin until the relatively recent re-release and wanted to keep my all white Kingpin BAF as Kingpin, so I used the Joe Fixit BAF for Shadow King and like that well enough. I imagine that JF BAF goes relatively cheap now that a new better Joe Fixit has been released. That whole wave went pretty cheap for awhile. I feel like I got the whole wave on clearance from BBTS for like $80. I know that I've seen others use that JF BAF suited body for Apocalypse as well. Now that I've got the retro carded Kingpin I might use the BAF for Shadow King, but haven't made the switch yet because I left retro carded Kingpin on card so far.
@normdapito Madcap, Shadow King, Dr. Minerva (MCU version, but I'd count a comic book version full figure.), Karma, and possibly that one head, that wasn't Fury, that came packed with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, from 10ish years ago. Oh yeah, and whichever Reaver that is.
@panthercult Well, what I did was bought a Kingpin for Kingpin, and bought a Kingpin for Shadow King. Or maybe I even just used the BAF Kingpin body for the Shadow King head, and bought the dedicated retro card Kingpin to be Kingpin. I wouldn't say that's a cop out. I'm not expecting them to release a full Shadow King at this point. Don't mean it won't happen, but there's almost no reason to.
Reese (and Cole and Macon) seem too minor to get their own figures at this point, but if Skullcrusher got one, then who knows what could actually happen. Your 2pk idea is a good one, and I'd buy a second just to make an official Reese (even though that old Reese head would probably look super dated next to current (or hypothetical figure) figures. But he's pretty minor to me, so using the Classified body suits my purposes. He's not disqualified out of my collection.
But Madcap doesn't have any semblance of a body yet. Was he supposed to use a Deadpool body? I don't even really get why his head was included.
I get what you're saying - I guess.
I also have the Farouk head on the Kingpin BaF body with the Monster Venom hands as my Shadow King in my collection.
I also have Reese on a modified Classified body (mine is a kit bash of Gung Ho and Road Block and some other gear)
And I don't have Madcap on a body at all - he is the one character head I have that is just there waiting.
But Hasbro did eventually release a full Silvermane and a Lilandra and so it feels like maybe they aren't past delivering those others?
@detectivehoag Wasn't that the original Timely hero Black Knight head, the ancestor to both Dane and Nathan?
I have my Shadow King head, and Venom hands, on the retro carded Kingpin, and I think it looks neat/good. 😀This thread just reminded me In ever did anything with that Shadow King head and was like "I wonder what the all-white suit Kingpin is going for these days!"
Now I'm wondering if the head will look okay on purple pants Kingpin instead cos that first Kingpin is still going for some scratch.
@basil-elks I was going to do the Venom hands, too. Retro KP can be picked up at a reasonable price, so I reckon I'll finally find a home for Farouk's currently disembodied head.