I'd tend to agree with no categories (BAF, HasLab, multipack, etc) and just do our most wanted figures, let Hasbro figure out how to deliver them... whether that's 10 or 20 or whatever is less important in my mind. Top 10 just seems to be the general standard to me, but I could easily do a Top 200 personally.... but you have to draw the line somewhere. It has to be manageable to count at the end due to the way they're being entered with no automated way to do totals. For that reason, I'd lean towards just 10. That will also give you the "priority" wants and not just a big list of "nicer to have". Priority wants become even more important if there really is any chance that Hasbro doesn't keep the license long-term.
Thanks, Beamish!
Happy wife-Happy life. 😊
An expanded top list (15,20, 50) might be for the best. Giving the powers that be a look at the desired characters, and letting the toy makers decide how they’re going to release characters. I imagine many of the Fwooshers could willingly and easily expand their lists
Hasbro has always seemed to hold the Fwoosh Top 10 in some regard - I know I bring this up every year, but people like Boog and other... toy influencers 🤢 ... wish they got the sort of attention the Fwoosh Top 10 does. Resorting to spouting off wish lists from their followers during interviews awkwardly. Very cringe-worthy.
That said - sticking with the tried, tested and true Top 10 list is always preferable. We've had wish list threads until the cows come home... the Fwoosh Top 10 should stick as closely as possible to tradition.
Yeah, at this point, BAF is a little meaningless. A figure of any size could be a BAF, it might as well just be a regular vote. And if it's a massive character, people can figure out if they need to be a HasLab or the Made-To-Order format. I'm in favor of 20 character votes.
Top 20 with no BAF/Oversized/Haslab designations makes good sense.
I'd keep it as is. As long as the full results are available, there's no material difference between making it a top 10 or a top 20.
If anything, I could see a top 20 skewing the results. While Executioner isn't in my top 10, he'd definitely make my top 20. Now instead of, say, 45 votes, he's at 80. It makes the entire list incongruous with previous lists.
I think it would completely change the makeup of the list, as well. While our current top 10 will be mostly Avengers with some X-Men interspersed, I can't see the X-Men having a fighting chance in a top 20. I admit characters like Attuma, Mantis, etc. should be made even if I'm not an Avengers fan. Outside of Banshee, Rachel, armored Psylocke, and a few others, I'm not sure the X-Men have that consistent backlog. We X fans have disparate wants while I think the Avengers fans have the same core 10 or 25.
I'm somewhat indifferent about including/excluding the BAF/deluxe categories, but if I were at Hasbro, I'd like that information separate so I could look at it without having to parse the full list.
Yeah, I'm with TSI and going to disagree with most everybody else. I say leave it the way it is for now.
I am staunchly against expanding the list to 20 or even 15. I think it dilutes the importance of the characters chosen frankly, and diminishes which characters are truly MOST wanted. A character that is 4th most wanted on 28 people's lists should be emphasized more than a character that is between 16th and 19th on 30 people's lists.
With a top 20 there'd be no differentiation. Even if you ditch the BAF and Deluxe/Giant designations gooing forward you expand to a top 12 maximum in my estimation.
I do understand the logic about doing away with the BAF category and letting Hasbro figure out the delivery method - and maybe should consider that for next year, but this is the way the poll has been run for years and you may as well let it play out this way for now. Although... revamping and redesigning to unveil an All New, All Different Fwoosh Poll would coincide with the 50th anniversary of Giant Size X-Men #1 and the debut of the All New, All Different X-Men.
I actually agree with you, @panthercult , and like it the way it is. Even though it killed me not to include my Warriors Three multipack on that list.
I tried to spread my list out among characters despite the near-overwhelming urge to make it Asgardians top to bottom.
Ranked choice voting!
Regardless of future changes, I think we should let the 2025 poll continue as-is.
In the future, I definitely don't think we should add any more categories (multipacks, etc) but this current arrangement (Top 10 + BAF + Haslab) might be the sweet spot of complexity. Stick with this setup or consider expanding to a Top 15 w/no categories (I agree that 20 is too many).
Beamish, I wouldn't change a thing.
While I could easily expand to a top 20, this poll should reflect the most important characters we want Hasbro to add to the Legends line. The more focused the results, the better.
You can go ahead and strike the Warriors Three from my list, but I sure hope Hasbro finds a way to get them out some day. Thor needs some of his homies.
Do you think that this year we'll get anymore figures of characters that were formerly just a head pack-in? I believe that we have like 4 or 5 heads left.
Interesting query! Though I can't recall exactly which heads haven't gotten full figures. I can only think of the heads that DID get bodies (Hammerhead, Lilandra...) Who is left?Do you think that this year we'll get anymore figures of characters that were formerly just a head pack-in? I believe that we have like 4 or 5 heads left.
@normdapito Madcap and Shadow King are the 2 that come immediately to mind for me. I think that there was also a Reaver head that came with a Nick Fury body several years ago.
I've had the Madcap head on a Deadpool body and the Shadow King head on a Joe Fixit BAF body for the time being. I don't recall whose body I have that Reaver head on, but I think it was another Reaver body. Sorry the Reaver character names are escaping me at the moment.
Silvermane got a body too - right?
We got the Madcap head for sure that doesn't have a body. We got one of the Reaver's heads - Reese, maybe? that is still bodyless. Umm...
Right... Shadow King