@retrovintage It says that there're no text channels, and nothing else comes up.
@basil-elks Weird. Works for me. There's only one text channel and two voice channels. I pulled the link from earlier in this thread. Try this one: https://discord.gg/wvMFbW5r
@schizm I'm not incredibly informed, but I'm guessing maybe some stuff later today, then the breakfast thingie tomorrow morning?
Wings look nice, though a big lighter than I'm used to seeing in comics. The effect piece is nice also. I'd considered buying him just for the wings and effect, but honestly I'm content with my pink/blue Warren. If they do a redux of the 90s one with some new heads, like a decently uncloaked mulleted look, I might bite on that version. As for Warpath / X-23, they'll join this Archangel on the "maybe if I see it on sale" list. Hope we see the Capcom stuff so I know if I need those or not too.
Archangel looks great.
Really digging those wings on Archangel
X-Force Archangel looks fantastic! Great head sculpts and cool wings.
So psyched for this version of Archangel.
Something else is getting announced on Tuesday, I'm guessing Daredevil since the show premiers next week.
I guess that unexpected livestream derailed their Toy Fair plans. Toy Fair isn't what it used to be, but one figure is a weak showing.
Archangel looks good enough, but I'm one of those that just only likes to keep one version of any character in my collection. While I really enjoyed reading this run of Uncanny X-Force, this look for Warren (or any of Nightcrawler, Warpath or X-23) just isn't that one figure I want of the character. It's the same reason why I'm not into the X-Factor Jean and Scott or Savage Land or Warlord Prof X. If I'm only going to keep one version, then those just aren't going to be it.
I’m starting to doubt there’s going to be any more reveals this weekend. It’s been pretty quiet.
On Twitter Dan just thanks everyone for ToyFair, and said they'd only be showing "one or two things", so I'm confident that we're not getting anything else. The Doom roleplay helmet and Archangel appear to be it.