Probably will look at getting Warpath and X23 if they're on sale at some point, if not, can't say I really need either. I would prefer if the 90s Warpath looked that good face-wise though. I don't feel like Warpath was as big as Omega Red in the comics, though I know they drew him rather tall in the 90s (Capullo drew him like a behemoth like Tusk at times though). Contemplating the all black Kingpin just for a ShadowKing kitbash, but if he's too hard to get or never goes on sale, maybe it'll just make the other Kingpins cheaper etc.
I never saw a Gamerverse Black Cat shown? $60 bucks for the Venom seems like major price creep, so I'm happy with the Retro Venom I have and don't need any others thankfully, pinless or not.
Money saved overall on these reveals which is nice to say.
Nothing for me here
Sure, making Venom, Symbiote Spider-Man and Black Cat from the Game is reasonable. Some people will buy them. Maybe even KingPin (wonder if the new heads can fit the old body). But the rest are just CRAP.
"Move on, these are not for you". So who are they for then? Who needs these ugly, shitty costume designs? Discount Store? Ollie's?
Why not make another villains like Kraven or Scorpion?
"Blah blah, we don't have enough budget, blah blah. Here, another shitty spider-man repaint!"
FIVE Spider-Man figures in one wave. What is this? Toy Biz 1990's toy line? Hope we can get Hydro Blast Water Web Cannon Spider-Man next then...
This is where I admit I wasn't paying enough attention and literally spent all day thinking "I really don't need a Spider-Man 3 Tobey Maguire symbiote suit figure. I actually kinda dig the textured look of the gamerverse one as an alternative to the sleek/untextured black suit spideys we've had already.
I wondered how they'd get more use out of that Mr. Fixit body. should've guessed Kingpin. That's probably a good choice and I might be tempted by that. I'm not super attached to the game so the rest of the wave is a bit of a miss for me, but it does feel nicely cohesive and the figures do look pretty solid across the board. The X-Force reveals make me more sure the version of archangel we're getting is that one which bums me out. I was really hoping for the blue and pink suit, or even the blue and white Angel suit with a different set of wings. Alas.
Hopefully Toyfair has some good stuff coming.
I was just going to post the same thing about the black suit spidey. I have no connection to the game whatsoever but I've always been a fan of the black suit and the textured look of this new one is pretty striking. Will definitely pick it up.
I don't really need any of them but I thought all the Spider looks revealed today were pretty cool, with the exception of Spirit Spider (yuck). I'm really drawn to the patriotic Miles figure for some reason.
And I'll take a Kingpin, too. He looks great as well.
The X-Force reveals make me more sure the version of archangel we're getting is that one which bums me out. I was really hoping for the blue and pink suit, or even the blue and white Angel suit with a different set of wings. Alas.
Same thought occured to me. Really want a blue Halo Angel, or a bigger Archangel not on the Bucky Cap body - but hey, I'll just buy that from DST. Fingers crossed.
I hope they don't re-do Psylocke in this color scheme before they do a better regular-colors version.
@schizm That X-Force version of Psylocke is recent-ish I feel. I'd be surprised, presuming she gets a redo, if it isn't the more classic one.
Really hyped about more Gamerverse figures and especially for Spiderman Parker and Morales. I like this Kingpin. He's going to be my number one. Warpath is a let down using that Omega Red body again. Warpath is 7ft2 so 3 inches less than Colossus. The body of AOA Sabretooth is a better fit for Warpath. That body almost mirrors the body used for Warpath in the 2-pack with Deadpool. Hasbro could have re-sculpted the boots and sculpted gauntlets and there would be a very formidable Warpath. Laura looks good hopefully the hair on the unmasked head is not super stiff. Oh, forgot Black Cat, similar to the modern comic one we got some years back now. Nothing special about her sill get her though.
Definitely want that Warpath and X-23 Pack. And I'm glad it was revealed and true, because that gives me hope that Deathbird and Gladiator 2 Pack is legit from the rumors list.
I'm in for all that X-men stuff from the rumor list. The iron Man Retro card Wave too.
I have to ask again, how do we know if the next Iron Man wave is a retro carded wave?
KingPin doesn't look at all like his game version. But you can use him for comic DD, I guess.
The fact that this new Fisk looks more like the comics than the game is exactly why I love him. Truly can’t wait for this one.
I think the Venom and Kingpin looked great and am excited for them. They could easily be used for comic figure, especially Kingpin. For the actual wave, I’m disappointed it’s almost entirely Spider-Man variants. I’ve played through the three Spider-Man games for PS5 and PS4 and think there are a lot of cool villain designs. It’s disappointing we’re not getting any others. Kraven and Scorpion in particular would be awesome.
Also, glad that the X-Force rumors appear to be real. I have the old X-Force X-23 and Warpath figures, but they’re pretty old, especially Warpath (which is like 15 years old I think). I’d love if they release the original version of this X-Force team quickly. Would love a Wolfsbane and Vanisher. And the X-Force Archangel is also pretty dated (and very expensive on eBay).
We don't know it for 100% sure. It's just what has been leaked and rumored. And so far, the majority of the 2025 leaks/rumors have been accurate.
And when folks started leaking the info about this possible Iron Man Wave, their sources were saying it would be a Retro card Wave.
So, not for certain the wave is real, and even if it is real, it's not certain it will be on Iron Man retro cards.
But I'd say it's very likely.
Huh. I thought $60 was pretty reasonable for a brand-new 10.5" Venom. They just revealed a $50 Spider-Man.
I hope they don't re-do Psylocke in this color scheme before they do a better regular-colors version.
The next Psylocke is in a Marvel vs. Capcom set, so it'll definitely be her iconic purple ninja costume. Unfortunately for those wanting her comic look, I'm guessing the colors will be brighter and it could have pixel shading.
The X-Force reveals make me more sure the version of archangel we're getting is that one which bums me out. I was really hoping for the blue and pink suit, or even the blue and white Angel suit with a different set of wings. Alas.
Hopefully Toyfair has some good stuff coming.
I would bet the same. I think it'll be a few years before we get another blue and pink version.