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I'm a little surprised RekRap wasn't the BAF for the Gamerverse wave to try to get all the comic collectors.

Perpetually Confused
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Most of the Gamerverse figures aren't exciting. Should have done a new sculpt for the default Spider-Man (Peter Parker) suit. Might pick up symbiote suit, black cat, and venom.

Glad they're doing more for the games, it's just not quite what I want. Kraven would have been cool.

Red Ogre
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Posted by: @jayjonah

If I can take a $25 action figure and throw it at the wall at a speed...

Did anyone else catch Dwight's comment about throwing figures into a wall at the 37:50 mark?

Rob W
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Kinda glad to have been at work through this stream. As soon as they started the show surrounded by gamerverse stuff, I knew I could safely fast forward through most of it. And I’m also entirely unfussed by monochrome X dudes, so that took me the rest of the way. Stream killed in about 2 minutes…

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Honestly, even if it's a full hour of figures I'm desperate to pre-order, I'm still happy to miss the stream. They're lovely fellas and all, but I prefer bullet-points and pictures. No patience for banter in these situations, nor drawn out reveals. I appreciate the pre-orders are rarely, if ever, the same day as the reveals, so I'm fine waiting for a recap after they 'air' it.

puckace and aceofknaves reacted
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Ended up missing the livestream because of work, but scrubbed through the recording just now.

Glad I missed it. Not a worthwhile damn thing for me. Would have been a waste of my time.

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @ashtalon

And potentially the Capcom packs, but I'm almost expecting them to have pixel deco.  The Hasbro ML team wouldn't be that silly, would they?


I think you're right, unfortunately. I'm in for the Cap/Venom and Psylocke/Thanos packs if not.

Just give us obnoxious colors. I don't need the pixel art.


Pretentious Buck
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I just can't see a Pixel deco on 6 inch figures looking great at all. Bright colors, absolutely. 

I do hope for some great releases of figures I want on updated bodies. Seems like a layup at this point. Cap on the Secret Wars body. Psylocke on the new Black Widow. Wolverine on the X-Men 97... but a new Maximim inspired body would make a lot of sense...

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Nothing I'm interested in in this livestream w/ the possible exception of Kingpin. Still I don't mind. The last two streams have given me plenty I want and I have been slowly preordering. I think with this wave and all the MCU stuff yet to be revealed this will likely be a light year for me in Marvel Legends. I only buy the comic stuff now. Maybe I can get caught up on comic figures I have not gotten yet the last couple years. I know the 2 X-Force figures ended it but I am not into that version of X-Force.

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Honestly... there's probably a couple of these gamerverse figures I may pick up.    The Spider-Man costumes look pretty sharp -   I don't need the all black,  but a couple of the others look nice.   


Spirit Spider is awesome and I will definitely pick him up -  though Wal Mart exclusive is lamer than it needs to be.


Upgrade suit Miles is pretty sharp and may get a spot on my Spider-verse shelf.    The Boricua suit is cool, though too much texture on it may make me skip it.   If the upper torso and head were smooth it would be a definite buy.   The blue and silver anti-venom suit Spider-Man is solid and will probably get me as well.    The Brooklyn 2099 suit is wild and fun and will probably get me as well.      I'm honestly surprised how much of this wave appeals to me.   And I'll get the Black Cat to support female figures in the line -  though this is not my favorite look for the character.      All in all I'm surprised they get me for most of this.    Black suit spidey is the only definite skip.   Well,  the Venom is a skip as well.   Absolutely no interest in that 10 inch tall textured Venom.

hbhfback reacted
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Kingpin looks great! That's the one reveal I'm definitely in for, but in no rush to pick it up. Gonna go up with my Into the Spider-Verse figures. I really like the smiling portrait.

The Gamerverse wave got a LOT of new sculpt love - that's fantastic, but I hope the next couple waves of other franchises get as many new sculpts - and paint! - as all of these variants. Black Cat is the only one I'm actually interested in, though her pelvis looks disproportionate to the rest of her body? I can't quite figure out what looks off. At least they deigned to make A female. 🙄 

The lack of BAF is very discouraging - this is a prime wave that would benefit from that something extra to encourage people to pick up every character - especially when most are just coming with extra hands a head.

The X-Force pack looks okay - not doing Warpath pinless when he's supposed to be a modern update is just lame. Laura's unmasked portrait looks good but very mature - how old was she at this point? But it's moot - the torso on that body needs to go away and kills any excitement for characters on it - it doesn't move, nor it is that great a sculpt to begin with.


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That's a lot of new sculpts for the Spider-Man games. Further proof that anything Spider-Man probably outsells every other ML product.

Obviously would have loved to see some comic stuff, but happy for those that want the Gamerverse figures. Boricua Miles is my favorite Miles suit from the second game, so I'm stoked to get him - probably Spirit Spider too.

Posted by: @tsi

I would've gotten the X-23/Warpath two-pack for Laura, but the torso articulation is killer. The double-jointed elbows are the only major upgrade on her previous figures.

It's so hard to see any new female figures get made with just that top torso joint, much less to see a redo that repeats the one major flaw from the first go 'round. Every character should have double torso articulation and butterfly joints at this point, but Laura especially. Warpath looks pretty fantastic though.


Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @schizm
Laura's unmasked portrait looks good but very mature - how old was she at this point? But it's moot - the torso on that body needs to go away and kills any excitement for characters on it - it doesn't move, nor it is that great a sculpt to begin with.


That torso piece is basically immobile. I have as much trouble buying a figure on that base body as I do one with single-jointed elbows.


Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @h-bird

Posted by: @tsi

I would've gotten the X-23/Warpath two-pack for Laura, but the torso articulation is killer. The double-jointed elbows are the only major upgrade on her previous figures.

It's so hard to see any new female figures get made with just that top torso joint, much less to see a redo that repeats the one major flaw from the first go 'round. Every character should have double torso articulation and butterfly joints at this point, but Laura especially. Warpath looks pretty fantastic though.


Heh, you beat me by a couple minutes.

I couldn't agree more. Double torso articulation, double-jointed elbows, and butterfly joints for all. It's the new industry standard.


Good grief. Admin
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Posts: 421

My initial reaction is "Gamerverse, bah," but the Spider-Man costumes in those games are usually pretty cool. I haven't played Spider-Man 2 yet.


Spirit Spider was one I always hoped they would make, so I'm definitely getting that.

Kingpin looks cool in all black, will get.

I like the blue and silver on that Anti-Venom suit, that's a maybe.

The Brooklyn 2099 Miles is overall pretty cool, he's a maybe.

Boricua, Upgrade, Black Costume and Black Cat don't do anything for me. I already have a Venom I like.

X-Force X-23 and Warpath are fine, not terribly exciting but probably will get.

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