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I'm seeing enough people voting for Skurge the Executioner; I am among them. At this point, it's been so long since Enchantress has been released, that they should update her and release Amora in a two pack with Skurge. Getting that 2pk, and a 3pk of the Warriors Three, would make this one of the most amazing years for ML.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm seeing enough people voting for Skurge the Executioner; I am among them. At this point, it's been so long since Enchantress has been released, that they should update her and release Amora in a two pack with Skurge. Getting that 2pk, and a 3pk of the Warriors Three, would make this one of the most amazing years for ML.

Preach it. It’s ridiculous and more than a little insulting that he’s been neglected this long. 


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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm seeing enough people voting for Skurge the Executioner; I am among them. At this point, it's been so long since Enchantress has been released, that they should update her and release Amora in a two pack with Skurge. Getting that 2pk, and a 3pk of the Warriors Three, would make this one of the most amazing years for ML.

In years past I've skipped voting for some characters that I technically wanted more because I knew they'd run away with the votes (Rachel Summers and Feral, for example). I think Skurge, Attuma, and Man-Ape are all in that camp but I'm voting for them anyway - I want to see them as high on the list as possible! Way way way overdue.

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Hasn't Rachel pretty much been confirmed for this year or am I imagining I saw a strong hint somewhere. If so I need to take her off my top 10.

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Posted by: @basil-elks


Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Daredevil are all characters that could be done, too. <3



I mean...   a Luke Cage list is going to get pretty granular to find 10 Legends worthy characters -  Especially if Iron Fist gets a separate list.     


We could do a list for Moon Knight, say, but I think once you get out of the top three or so it's probably all just total pipe dreams anyway.   

Consider that in the, what, 30+ years that Marvel action figures have been getting cranked out by Toy Biz and Hasbro the only Moon Knight villain figure that's ever been made is the Khonshu baf,  and that was because of the MCU show.    I guess if you want to count Taskmaster you could - but let's be honest, he didn't get a figure because he fought Moon Knight a few times.     

I'll be perfectly honest -  I couldn't do a top 10 list for Moon Knight - because I probably couldn't name 10 figure worthy Moon Knight characters (by figure worthy, I leave out his various civilian alter egos and non-costumed supporting cast, which I am against having in the line).    And I'm a guy with a deep and vast understanding of Marvel lore.   If I can't name 10 Moon Knight characters worth doing there's no way there are 10 figures that could sell.      


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Posted by: @justice

Hasn't Rachel pretty much been confirmed for this year or am I imagining I saw a strong hint somewhere. If so I need to take her off my top 10.

I didn't vote for Rachel for that reason, I remember she's been strongly rumored. I didn't hear the same about Banshee, so I kept him on my list.

@thor-el I keep voting for Skurge year after year, and yes, it's almost insulting at this point that he hasn't been made. But I know that when they do finally make him (and an updated Enchantress), it'll have been worth the wait.

I don't really ever vote for the Warriors Three, because I don't want to take up three spots. I would never vote for just one or two of them. They have to be a set of 3.


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Rachel, Mandarin, Gorgon, Triton, classic Banshee, Deathbird - they are all on the rumor/leak list, but that doesn't mean the list is accurate. Last year Mystique/Destiny 2-pack was on the rumor/leak list and we all know how that turned out.

It's a gamble as to who to leave off our lists. Deathbird is my top #1 want, but I left her off hoping and anticipating we'll get her this year.

NORM reacted
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I'm having the same conundrum right now.    Rachel and Deathbird are both squarely in my top 5 -  I do not know if I should include them or not...   I feel like I should since there is no confirmation they are actually coming... and it will be more satisfying to cross them off my official list if/when they are announced.   


Gorgon and Triton are in my top 20, but probably don't crack my top 10 anyway...  and classic Banshee is a given and wouldn't have made my list regardless.    I can't bring myself to vote for "re-do's"  even for those we desperately need like Banshee and classic Falcon.   Sigh.   I could vote for Blastaar though - since I never got the SDCC version and I want his classic costume anyway.    

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Posted by: @beamish

Rachel, Mandarin, Gorgon, Triton, classic Banshee, Deathbird - they are all on the rumor/leak list, but that doesn't mean the list is accurate. Last year Mystique/Destiny 2-pack was on the rumor/leak list and we all know how that turned out.

It's a gamble as to who to leave off our lists. Deathbird is my top #1 want, but I left her off hoping and anticipating we'll get her this year.

Thanks for that update. I might pull my votes for Gorgon and Banshee in that case.


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Keep in mind whatever you post in the Top 10 poll thread can be altered until the last day in three weeks. I have at least one vote so far that I'm contemplating altering.

I'm hoping someone like Rachel or on of the Inhumans will be revealed before the cut off date so that'll give everybody a chance to alter their votes. 

Andru reacted
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If they haven't been solicited, I'm going to have them on my list.  I'm not worried about playing 3-dimensional chess with Hasbro via votes, I just want what I want.

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That's the philosophy I went with as well.   So Rachel and Deathbird are right up there front and center in my top 5.   And if they get announced as coming soon - great.   Frankly, I'd be happy to get to cross some off my list, since as I said -   last year's releases only eliminated ONE of my top 10.    Sigh.

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Crystal and Lockjaw were knocked off my list, but no one else.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm seeing enough people voting for Skurge the Executioner; I am among them. At this point, it's been so long since Enchantress has been released, that they should update her and release Amora in a two pack with Skurge. Getting that 2pk, and a 3pk of the Warriors Three, would make this one of the most amazing years for ML.

Yeah, we definitely need a figure of Skurge the Executioner. And an updated of Enchantress with pinless limbs. I have both the SDCC Enchantress and the single-carded version, and their legs are wilting under their own weight. Pinless limbs are a big upgrade. 

The Warriors Three are needed in Legends, too!


TheSameIdiot reacted
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This would be an amazing 2-pack:


They did the small scale, bring on the big scale!

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