Truthfully I love the heck out of her first Captain Britain outfit, but that's a HUGE long shot.
Isn't she Captain Britain again now? That might make her original look more likely.
Gosh, it feels so good to be back!! I kinda wanted to do a new screen name but it's nice to see so many familiar faces...err um screen names lol. So I figure I'll keep mine the same too.
I like how The Leader is just listed on its own but not as a deluxe. Is that like a store exclusive?
I really hope the Deadpool wave is all movie because of the sheer amount of rumored characters but I could also see it being a NWH situation all over again.
I hope since Sam is a deluxe that he won't also be in the wave as to free up space for others. Although it is his movie lol. I was also hoping for Red Hulk to be in a 2 pack with civilian Ross. I guess I could cobble one together from Solo or Indy.
I'm also super excited to eventually get the next D+ (wave 7?) line up cuz I'm hoping for WBN, Titania, Abomination, and Darcy at the very least! With this writers strike I wonder if Hasbro can give us a couple catch up waves while we wait.
Also, that Sergio.thecollector on Insta posted in box pics of Bruce, Tony, and Widow for the I.S. wave. The boxes are on par with the previous waves. I really hope we see a full 10 set wave like we have in the past. Or is this the same wave that Rectangular leaked a while back with Thor, Fury, and stealth Cap and nothing else, making Banner the unknown one on that list?
I've had so much to say with the forums being down but I'll stop there for now haha.
The leaked list is exciting. Count Nefaria would be incredible!
Heroes Reborn Iron Man would be super fun. Picked up one of those issues while on a vacation back in the day and loved it. (Featuring Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man). That’s what inspired me to start reading Iron Man religiously once Heroes Return started.
Iron Man 300 does feel like another Modular Armor figure. That’s one of the best figures in the line, so I’m happy with that.
I'm not sure which version of Count Nefaria I want more, the black & white power suit version, or the suit & tie, and Monocle version.
I'm not sure which version of Count Nefaria I want more, the black & white power suit version, or the suit & tie, and Monocle version.
Man.... if they cheap out and do a suit and tie version of Nefaria I might riot. Now I'm mad at you for even mentioning the possibility.
This little list is nice but I REALLY enjoyed having 2023 pretty well mapped out a year ago. It was just fantastic being able to plan spending ahead of time like that. I know that probably won't happen again, at least to that degree, but it was wonderful for this once at least.
This little list is nice but I REALLY enjoyed having 2023 pretty well mapped out a year ago. It was just fantastic being able to plan spending ahead of time like that. I know that probably won't happen again, at least to that degree, but it was wonderful for this once at least.
I totally agree - and, they still managed to sneak a few surprises in the schedule that weren't on the leaked list. I definitely prefer having that information ahead of time.
Wuv you. 😉 😆
See... I can't stay made at you 🙃
That can be the first version. 😀 Then a few years down the road, they can do the Monocle version.
I'm not sure which version of Count Nefaria I want more, the black & white power suit version, or the suit & tie, and Monocle version.
Man.... if they cheap out and do a suit and tie version of Nefaria I might riot. Now I'm mad at you for even mentioning the possibility.
Same same! Or if they do the more modern blonde version. If we get one of these first I will be sorely disappointed. I will refrain from calling customer service and giving them hell, however.
Count Nefaria is my number one most wanted villain by a ridiculously wide margin.
That can be the first version. 😀 Then a few years down the road, they can do the Monocle version.
So, the only hint of possibilities off this list from PulseCon are;
Lilandra or Wolfsbane - Character previously released as an alternate head
Ka-Zar - Only a Con exclusive
I was hoping Count Nefaria would have been revealed in the Avengers wave to give this list any semblance of reality, but that obviously didn't happen.