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2024 Rumored Leak List

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90's X-Factor Rahne or bust!

TheGillMan reacted
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Posts: 79

So glad the Forums are back! missed interacting here on TheFwoosh. How do I change my profile picture though?

From this rumors (hope they are true), the ones I'm super excited for are Psylocke (duh!), Lilandra, Wolfsbane, Sabretooth and Angel. 

Secretly I'm hoping Betsy will be in her pink outfit since we now Outback armor will come eventually but I know I'm delusional.  

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Posts: 3157


I feel this.   It literally would not let me register under my old User name.   I tried 30 times over the course of the last two days but  it said PantherCult  used incompatible characters.    So apparently I'm the artist formerly known as PantherCult now.    Sigh.


As for the list -  I'm a fan.   Lots of good stuff to like on there.    Even if it's just spitballing things they might do.

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Posts: 1050

Posted by: @panthercult


I feel this.   It literally would not let me register under my old User name.   I tried 30 times over the course of the last two days but  it said PantherCult  used incompatible characters.    So apparently I'm the artist formerly known as PantherCult now.    Sigh.


As for the list -  I'm a fan.   Lots of good stuff to like on there.    Even if it's just spitballing things they might do.


Go into your profile. You can edit your nickname and use capitals. It will change how you appear but not how you log in. You can even give yourself another monicker. I used that to list my old name DerRabbi so people could identify me from boards of old. 


PantherCult reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 118

If this hold true, I’m in for quite a bit next year, on top of the SDCC reveals and teases. 
Count Nefaria must be joining Vision, Power Princess and Justice in an Avengers wave.
Ikaris and Kazar, interesting hoping they won’t be Wal Mart or Target exclusives. 

Angel: long overdue, and there are several iterations of this costume I need.

I’m eager to see which Psylocke they meant by “classic” (fingers crossed for Outback, I don’t need another Kwannon) and Lilandra is Welcome. The rest of the Wolverine two packs aren’t of much interest to me. I have come to loathe the Hulk sized Creed from TAS, so if that’s what they are doing it’s a hard pass from me. 

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Posts: 317

I would have to imagine we might see some of these leaks at Pulse Con next month...maybe.

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 12

Stoked for the forums to be back and to finally update that username after using the old one since the mid 2000s. Still really excited for those Wolverine anniversary figures to be revealed. Wolverine figures are what pulled me into this hobby and lead to finding fwoosh originally so thats a group of figures just tailor made to my interests.

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Posts: 3181

Posted by: @beamish


Sam Wilson Captain America Brave New World - deluxe figure

Brave New World wave

Beyond The Spider Verse wave

Thunderbolts wave

Red Hulk - deluxe figure

The Leader

Deadpool 3 wave


Thank you for posting this again! Always nice to refer back to. My initial reaction to the MCU list was "those seem obvious", but it's definitely good to see at least a couple of villains will be released. I'm really hoping the DP3 wave is entirely movie and I want all seven as well as the BAF.



JOEL aka JoMiHa
Lover of D-List Characters
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Posts: 831

I'll most certainly buy several of these if the list is accurate, but I'm most looking forward to Count Nefaria (hopefully powered up classic version), Angel and Jack O'Lantern (again, hoping for an 80's classic version). Ka-Zar and Ikaris are also exciting if executed correctly.

Pretentious Buck
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Posts: 15

Posted by: @jamgut

Posted by: @beamish

Posted by: @basil-elks

Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.


4 times for me. Also it absolutely would not allow me to capitalize the "B" in Beamish during any of the registrations, so I guess I'm lower case now.


I submitted multiple password reset requests yesterday but never received the email link...until this morning when all of them were in my inbox.  😀 




I submitted a ton of requests for my 'enforcer' login yesterday - still haven't gotten anything. I managed to get this one working under a different email with on try today. Technical difficulties abound. 

Actually - the email for this account is working, so there is just something up with the other one. Lame. 

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 93

Curious as to what Iron Man 300 could be.

Gay Geek & Gold Star Legends Collector
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 125

oh... this change is jarring to me lol. Looks around. I had to re-register as well, this is going to be an adjustment. 

As for this leaked list... i have some doubts. but some stuff i'd still love

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 18

Posted by: @onetwelfthghoul

Curious as to what Iron Man 300 could be.


Same here.  Iron Man #300 was the issue the Modular Armor made its debut, but we just got that one twice, so I doubt it's that.


Magneto Was Right
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Posts: 1501

Posted by: @derrabbi

Posted by: @panthercult


I feel this.   It literally would not let me register under my old User name.   I tried 30 times over the course of the last two days but  it said PantherCult  used incompatible characters.    So apparently I'm the artist formerly known as PantherCult now.    Sigh.


As for the list -  I'm a fan.   Lots of good stuff to like on there.    Even if it's just spitballing things they might do.


Go into your profile. You can edit your nickname and use capitals. It will change how you appear but not how you log in. You can even give yourself another monicker. I used that to list my old name DerRabbi so people could identify me from boards of old. 


I do miss your old hooded cat(?) avatar. That thing was sick.


Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1050

Posted by: @tsi


 I do miss your old hooded cat(?) avatar. That thing was sick.


Wolf? Its medieval marginalia



Basil Elks reacted
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