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2024 Rumored Leak List

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From Displaying Model Behavior about 2 months ago. He does clearly state that he trusts the source, but also "he knows a guy that knows a guy" and "to take this with the biggest pinch of salt in the world".

Also, to point out during one of his podcasts after SDCC the question of the leaked list came up and he didn't quite remember that he was the one that leaked the list. 

So definitely only rumors at this point.

Wolverine 50th Anniversary:

2-packs - 

Psylocke (1st appearance) and a Wolverine

Lilandra and civilian Wolverine

Jim Lee Sabretooth and a Wolverine

Patch and Joe Fixit in tuxedos


Herald Thor re-release in darker colors

Angel - red halo suit deluxe figure


Ikaris - comic version


Heroes Reborn Iron Man

Iron Man 300

Count Nefaria

S.H.I.E.L.D. 3-pack with Nick Fury (classic head and modern Samuel Jackson swappable heads), Dum Dum Dugan and Sharon Carter

Ben Reilly

Jack O'Lantern



Sam Wilson Captain America Brave New World - deluxe figure

Brave New World wave

Beyond The Spider Verse wave

Thunderbolts wave

Red Hulk - deluxe figure

The Leader

Deadpool 3 wave


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.

Anyways, I like the rumored list, hopefully it's decently real. 😀

alkatrazzz reacted
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Posted by: @basil-elks

Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.


4 times for me. Also it absolutely would not allow me to capitalize the "B" in Beamish during any of the registrations, so I guess I'm lower case now.


Basil Elks reacted
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Posted by: @beamish

Posted by: @basil-elks

Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.


4 times for me. Also it absolutely would not allow me to capitalize the "B" in Beamish during any of the registrations, so I guess I'm lower case now.



You can goto your profile page and change your nickname to reflect the capital B.


But I like the cookie
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I'm in for all the comic figures except Thor, Iron Man and Ben Reilly.  Angel is my #1 most wanted character and Wolfsbane is my #2.  So, if this plays out, 2024 will be a good year for ML.

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Posted by: @kvhulk

Posted by: @beamish

Posted by: @basil-elks

Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.


4 times for me. Also it absolutely would not allow me to capitalize the "B" in Beamish during any of the registrations, so I guess I'm lower case now.



You can goto your profile page and change your nickname to reflect the capital B.



YOU ROCK!!!!!!


Basil Elks
Member with ecclectic taste in characters
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Posts: 1163

@kvhulk Thank you. 😀

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Absolutely on board for an 80s Angel, and I'll be keeping my eyes open for which costume they're putting that Wolfsbane in. 


And just between us, I could be talked into a SHIELD 3-pack.

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@beamish @basil-elks
Glad I could help. 👍 

Basil Elks reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Obviously it's totally dependant on the movie's new release date, but I wonder if the Spider-Verse wave will be delayed. I'd imagine at least some of the toys are ready to go, like what happened with Into the Spider-Verse, and got put on shelves way before the movie. Can't imagine Hasbro would wanna just sit on a bunch of stock for an indeterminate amount of time. I hope it's still released in 2024, but who knows at this point?

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I'm still really curious to see what this rumored Ben Reilly figure will be like, especially with them just releasing two figures based on him this year. If it's his classic Scarlet Spider or Spider-Verse movie design, I'll likely get him. That said, I'm starting to wonder if it might be him in civilian clothes. Would be a very easy repaint from the civilian Peter Parker. Don't know if I'd buy him, but it would be interesting to see.

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Angel and Wolfsbane are on my wishlist.

Rob W
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Ikaris, Red Angel and classic Jack o Lantern are the big wins for me - hopefully Jack comes with his flying disc, and Ikaris heralds lots more classic Eternals.

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Posted by: @beamish

Posted by: @basil-elks

Hopefully this time it keeps me registered. I've literally had to re-register for this site, over 5 times. Simply because after the first initial day of registering, it would say I I wasn't a member, and didn't have an account.


4 times for me. Also it absolutely would not allow me to capitalize the "B" in Beamish during any of the registrations, so I guess I'm lower case now.


I submitted multiple password reset requests yesterday but never received the email link...until this morning when all of them were in my inbox.  😀 



Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1580

Posted by: @rob-w

Ikaris, Red Angel and classic Jack o Lantern are the big wins for me - hopefully Jack comes with his flying disc, and Ikaris heralds lots more classic Eternals.


Yeah I'd love a proper classic Jack O'Lantern this time. He's had a couple of shots and I enjoyed the other figures they made, but it's time to do the classic design justice.

Ikaris is very exciting to me. I don't expect we'll ever have all the Eternals I'd want, but he is obviously towards the top of the list.

Classic Angel is so long overdue - really hoping they put the work in on this one. Static wings a la the All-New X-Men/original 5 box set would be a big disappointment.


TheGillMan reacted
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