@chooch555 I would buy everyone on your list. Love it! I don't think you could do Atlas justice as a BaF though. He's going to need to be a Haslab IMO.
I'm largely in "I'll take what I can get" when it comes to hopes of complete teams, but I'll drop $200 on an Atlas no problem.
It's been a while since I posted here, so this might not be my exact list, but these are the first ones that came to me off the top of my head just now:
1. Razor Fist
2. RazorFist
3. Razorfist
4. Raise!
5. Your!!
6. Fist!!!!!!!
7. Razor Fist's sweet ride (a Haslab that would surely get unanimous support)
8. Monaco Whiplash
9. Scarlet Scarab
10. Rachel Summers
Iron Fist (Vintage/classic)
Count Nefaria
BAF: Lockjaw
And as always, ROM.
Mine gets easier and easier to narrow down each year:
1. Zaran the Weapons Master (yes, I'm that guy)
2. Baron Blood
3. Attuma (comic)
4. Dreadnought
5. Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
6. Dracula (Gene Colan)
7. Falcon (classic 70s)
8. She-Hulk (first appearance/torn dress re-do)
9. Mimic (classic orange suit)
10. Nick Fury (classic Steranko re-do)
BAF: Champion of the Universe
Serpent Society. All of them.
This year for me was pretty easy
- Marrow
- Mantis
- Hulkling (preferably 2nd costume (the one with yellow sholder stripes)
- Wiccan (preferably 2nd costume)
- Blacklash/Whiplash
- Mandarin (Green Robes)
- Lillith (comic)
- Executioner
- Crystal
- Swordsman (this was Destiny, but since she's a rumored leak, she's been removed)
BAF wise... Attuma is overdue
Box Set.... Give me a Supernatural Box Set primarily themed around The Midnight Sons
Large Deluxe Figure... Danny Ketch Ghostrider w/bike
Small Deluxe ... Lockjaw (well overdue)
HASLAB... My vote goes to Shuma Gorath
Speaking of the hopefully upcoming poll - just so we are all on the same page - are the following characters standard figures or BAF's? They don't always combine the totals for characters that get votes in both categories:
I personally don't think Skurge or Attuma qualify as oversized.
Shouldn't Skurge more or less be on the Controller / Classic Thanos body? Not sure if that classifies as oversized.
I'd classify Skurge as "possible build-a-figure" or a "small deluxe" like Angel and the hulk figures, etc.. have been
Large Deluxe for me now is like the Riders, or like Super Adaptoid or Surtur.
I collect all teams, but X-Men remain my true love. I really hope Hasbro can fill in some of the lingering gaps (Giant-Size X-Men, Outback X-Men, 90s X-Factor & Excalibur, Freedom Force). Plus I would like for them to start building out the Marauders and Imperial Guard.
01 Banshee (Giant-Size classic green)
02 Psylocke (Outback armor)
03 Arclight
04 Scalphunter
05 Destiny
06 Colossus (Outback)
07 Phoenix (Rachel Grey Excalibur hound costume)
08 Wolfsbane (90s X-Factor)
09 Oracle
10 Polaris (classic 1st appearance)
BAF Blockbuster
Large Deluxe Warstar
Small Deluxe Deathbird (classic)
Boxset original X-Factor (Cyclops updated body in blue and white, Marvel Girl red and yellow costume, Beast human non-fur, Iceman with metal belt, Archangel updated metal wings)
For MCU, which is always my priority...
- Christine Palmer (Multiverse of Madness)
- Ancient One (Endgame)
- Aunt May (No Way Home)
- Frigga (Endgame)
- Janet Van Dyne (Quantumania Flashback Suit)
- Kaecilius
- Whiplash (Armored with unmasked head)
- Justin Hammer
- Aldrich Killian
- Malekith
- Darcy Lewis (WandaVision)
- Titania
- Abomination
- Scarlet Scarab
- Jack Russel
- Elsa Bloodstone
- Man-Thing
- Jake Lockley
- Werewolf by Night
- Echo (Tactical Gear)
- Felicia Hardy (Animated Series)
- Lilandra (1st Appearance/Spider-Bikini)
- Rachel Grey (Excalibur)
- Banshee (Green & Yellow)
- D'Ken
- Ruckuss
- Gorgeous George
- Hepzibah
- Erik The Red
- Hussar
The facebook group I manage Marvel Collectors Assemble just finished there yearly top 10 we had over 150 participants this year. The winners were a mixed bag of surprises and expected.
The Winners (in order of top to bottom)
- Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
- Mephisto
- Werewolf By Night
- Wolfsbane (X-factor)
- Jean Grey (X-factor)
- She-Hulk (80s)
- Feral (X-force)
- Banshee (classic)
- Psylocke (outback)
- Destiny & Jack of Hearts (they tied)
Runners Up
- Crystal
- Mandarin (Green Robe)
- Deathbird
- Hellstorm
- Beast (X-factor)
- Executioner
- Ironfist (classic)
- Mantis
- Titania
- Quicksilver (classic)
This was all interesting because we've had years with Marrow, Deathbird, and Mandarin in the top 10, we also had Graviton last year and he didn't even make it into the runners up this year.
We also vote on other offerings like
Build-A-Figure: Attuma
Box Set: Warriors 3
Large Deluxe: Aragorn & Valkyrie
Small Deluxe: Lock Jaw
Haslab: FinFangFoom