My last top 10 list (from 2022) got 4 figures checked off (Avalanche, Iron Man (Heroes Return), Ronan, and USAgent. Marvel Select is making 80s Crimson Dynamo, so he's checked off the list as well (bring on a ML as well but like classic Titanium Man, a MS drops the immediate desire for an ML version back a bit).
Count Nefaria
Deaths Head
Thor, Simonson armored
Valkryie, classic
Whiplash (or Blacklash)
BAF Dragon Man
A BAF may not allow for a large enough Dragon Man. I don't discount the ability to make a larger than BAF sized Dragon Man as some kind of boxed, deluxe figure, but I do think a BAF is more likely. I think a BAF could be larger than the Toy Biz Dragon Man as well.
I would like to see more Inhumans get made, as well as Hepzibah and Raza (to finish off the basic/original version of the team). And figures like Excalibur Rachel Summers. I feel all those are inevitable and probably rising up Hasbro's shortlist, so a team like Serpent Society gets more votes from me. With Count Nefaria rumored, maybe he'll get removed off my list next year. And wasn't there some kind of Thor rumor, although I think that was pointing toward a Copiel redo.
I was wondering about this. I would say this years official top 10 wanted vote is going to be a waste of time. This years list will probably be basically last years. Maybe a few New Warriors and Gen X characters may turn up on the list. Somebody made an interesting comment on a you tube video that even a carrot on a stick will rot eventually.Here's the top 10+ from last year's Fwoosh poll if that helps with anybody's wishlists.
I marked off who we've gotten, including "wrong costume" Moondragon and the animated version of Goblin Queen since this may be the only shot we're probably gonna get at these characters.
Destiny (58 votes)
Rachel Summers (57)
Wolfsbane (45)
Crystal (40)
Feral (39)
Angel (35)
Psylocke (Armored, 34)
Moondragon (31)
Skurge the Executioner (29)
Goblin Queen (27)
Exodus (26)
Luke Cage (23)
Iron Fist (23)
She-Hulk (22)
Deathbird (22)
Attuma (22)
Lockjaw (33)
Armor (14)
Annihilus (11)
Holocaust (11)
My list from last year was mostly AOA stuff we still need, or at least I do to be content. I didn't get any figures crossed off, so it's the same low number votes as last year from me.
My top ten are also all classic females that have never been done and complete teams:
2-Phoenix (Rachel)
9-Red Guardian (Tanya)
BAF: Phoenix raptor.
So are we counting this thread as the Official 2024 Top Ten Wish List? And if so, is someone keeping a tally yet?
I'll add my two cents:
Master of the World
Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
I don't remember all the characters who made it from my list last year...Clea was definitely a big one.
MCU Guang Bo (I know this seems random, but it would be a figure of prolific martial arts actor Yuen Wah.)
MCU Ying Nan (It's Michelle Yeoh.)
The Owl
Troll [Gunna Sijurvald]
Typhoid Mary [Classic]
BAF: Troll's Dragon
Iron Fist (Classic)
Warlock (Classic)
Valkyrie (Classic)
Falcon (Classic)
Yellowjacket (Classic)
Damien Hellstrom (Classic)
Banshee (Classic)
Crystal (Classic)
Wizard (Classic)
Trapster (Classic)
BAF: Atlas
Rachel, Wolfsbane and Feral seem like they're coning soon and Lilandra is an obvious Psylocke. So I'd say they're getting there. Would like to see Armor and Holocaust soon. And Rockslide
1. Valkyrie (classic)
2. Damon Hellstrom (classic)
3. Gargoyle
4. Devil Slayer
5. Rachel Summers Phoenix (Excalibur)
6. Falcon (classic)
7. Dracula (Gene Colan)
8. Hercules (classic with leggings)
9. Nightmare
10. Iron Fist (classic)
Honorable mentions:
11. Psylocke (Outback)
12. Beta Ray Bill (classic)
13. Satana (classic)
14. Mephisto
15. Howard the Duck (classic)
16. Banshee (classic)
17. Bug (classic)
18. Baron Blood
19. She Hulk (classic)
20. Shang Chi (classic)
1: Slapstick--Probably my most-wanted character right now outside of Rom. At this point I don't know which has the better shot.
2: Beyonder (in his full 80s look)--I liked and still like Secret Wars 2, and I tend to ignore anything done to the character afterwards. Because I can.
3: Count Nefaria--The strongest villains needs the greatest figure.
4: Graviton--Like Count Nefaria, one of the most needed villains.
5: Wizard--Same as above. Yet another glaring villain hole.
6: Hercules (classic)-- I was trying to keep to characters that have never been done, but Hercules has had two of the best Marvel Legends of all time with his modern and his 80s look. If they could continue the trend and make the definitive redo of a previous Hasbro blunder, it would be the greatest trifecta since the Original Star Wars trilogy.
7: Death Adder--My favorite Serpent Society member.
8: Titania--One step closer to all the Secret Wars villains.
9: Gargoyle: He'd just make a fantastic looking figure.
10: Gorgon: The Inhuman I want the most.
BAF: Lockjaw. forget what I just said. This is the Inhuman I want the most.
@thegillman I like your list even better than mine! I would buy every single character on your list. In fact, I would buy multiples of every single character on your list if it would get them made. A Santana in her purple/maroon jumpsuit with the horns and fur boots are a grail for me, but there’s so much going against her being made that I don’t even bother to ask.
@xavion2023 That's EXACTLY the version of Satana I want! I wish they'd just do her as a convention "exclusive" boxed set that they also sell through Pulse. Doubt there'd be too much manufactured outrage over it if she wasn't offered at regular retail, and there is precedent since her previous figure was in a convention boxed set! This time do one of classic Satana, classic Hellstorm, classic Mephisto, and maybe classic Blackheart. Call the set "Children of Darkness" or something! I'd be all over a set like that!
- Spikey-Pinapple Thing (from FF 310)
- She-Thing
- She-Hulk (Classic, smiling)
- Rachel Summers – Excalibur Phoenix
- Adam Warlock – Infinity Gauntlet
- Crystal (Preferably with 2 heads, so I can put one on the Retro Invisible woman)
- Cyclops – John Byrne/Cockram
- Psyclocke – Purple Armor
- Brood
- Deathbird
BAF: Blastaar (Classic)
Honorable mentions:
Mole Man
@chooch555 I would buy everyone on your list. Love it! I don't think you could do Atlas justice as a BaF though. He's going to need to be a Haslab IMO.