When you say new characters, do you mean "never before made, for Legends" new characters, or "new, not yet fully established characters" new characters? My preference is that they make every character. 😀 😆
Oh it's definitely the former - I mean "not yet made in Legends and so not yet on my shelf"
But if that includes some characters in the latter category -Â Hallow's Eve comes to mind - I'm not mad at that.
Here is my overall top 10, BAF's and all, in no particular order
1.) Wolfsbane
2.) Deathbird
3.) Exodus
4.) Genesis
5.) Xorn
6.) BAF Holocaust
7.) BAF Brood
8.) Killspree
9.) The Mandarin
10.) Skurge the Executioner
Yeah, Hallow's Eve is a must have, for me, too. 😀When you say new characters, do you mean "never before made, for Legends" new characters, or "new, not yet fully established characters" new characters? My preference is that they make every character. 😀 😆
Oh it's definitely the former - I mean "not yet made in Legends and so not yet on my shelf"
But if that includes some characters in the latter category -Â Hallow's Eve comes to mind - I'm not mad at that.
I am with you on 90s X-Force for sure and characters like Feral, Gideon and Forearm would be "First time Legends"Â I honestly don't think Feral has ever had a figure before anywhere.
'97 Cable would work for me or a comic redo. Shatterstar 2.0 and Kane for sure.
Want 90s Kaine from The Clone Saga and a Spidey to go with.
Still want Ottley Hulk - Starship, Titan and Monolith.
Keep the dream alive! Cable should happen, but hope LooseCollector at least blows out the 90s Extreme stuff next year. 😀Â
Only got to scratch Justice from my top 10 this year.
Synch (Krakoa)
Psylocke (Outback Armor)
Ms Marvel/Warbird
Beast: Perez/Byrne style
Banshee: Green costume
Adam Warlock: Classic
Classic Angel has been one of my most wanted, so happy he is coming out! But lots of missing characters...
1 - Rachel (Hound) - Excalibur, obviously.
2 - Marrina - Needed for first Alpha Flight team.
3 - Male New Mutant (match the Female outfit), with Sam, Roberto and Doug heads.
4 - Air Walker - Last of the classic Heralds.
5 - Balder - Need more Simonson Thor era (see below)
6 - Skurge - Why? "He stood alone at Gjallerbru... and that answer is enough."
7 - Gorgon - Last of the Inhumans I would need after Crystal (see below)
8 - Wong - Last Dr Strange associated character I really need (once they re-release the Mindless One)
9 - Jarvis - Last Avenger I really need
10 - Aunt May - Last Spidey associated character I really need
BAF - Harry Leland - need to finish the main Hellfire Club
Bonus ideas:
Re-do - Shadowcat with more accurate first Excalibur look.
Deluxe Set - Lockjaw and Crystal
Pulse Army Builder - Female AIM
2-pack - Gladiator and Owl - Need more DD villains - probably the last I'd need of those as well.
3-pack - Warriors Three - I mean, this seems so obvious...
Amazon 5-pack - X-Factor X-uniforms (Cyclops Blue/Yellow, Jean Red/Yellow, Human Beast Brown/Yellow, Bobby non-iced Lt Blue/White, Angel Red/White)
HasLab - Danger Room/Mansion Playset with Graduation Angel, Graduation Beast and Sprite Kitty (three outfits not sure will ever get a release)
Bonus bonus MCU idea:
Iron Man 2-packs - pick an unmade IM repaint from the House Party protocol and pair with these IM villains, Whiplash (Armored), Justin Hammer, Trevor Slattery (as Mandarin), Aldrich Killian (Extremis/Foom)
@fac That's probably a good idea about the Iron Man sets, but I hope they do just a handful of new Iron Man sculpts before any more repaints. In one of the threads here, I figured out if they did around a dozen Iron Man armors, you can mix and match parts from those to make the entirety of the House Party. And maybe 6 or 7 of that dozen lend to the majority of the HPP.
But I know that will never happen. At least do ones like Sneaky, Nightclub, Heartbreaker, Striker, Silver Centurion, and Shotgun. That would cover the ones he wears in the battle, and all of them have straight repaints as well.
Heck, I'll play. Love seeing the remaining Inhumans so prominent on a lot of lists here, so I'll add my voice to the chorus for completing them. As PantherCult pointed out, a lot of choices across the board are pretty disparate, so it's probably smart to find commonality for a handful of characters, to motivate them getting made sooner than later.Â
1. Crystal
2. Triton
3. Gorgon
4. Yellowjacket
5. Banshee (green costume)
6. Destiny
7. Marrina
8. BA Falcon
9. Swordsman
10. Mantis (comic version)
BAF: Lockjaw
These are my top wants, but I'd definitely be happy to see other recurring choices like classic Warlock, Skurge, Valkyrie, Rachel Summers, new She-Hulk, Air-Walker, etc. Let's hope for a lot of movement this year!
I am with you on 90s X-Force for sure and characters like Feral, Gideon and Forearm would be "First time Legends"Â I honestly don't think Feral has ever had a figure before anywhere.
Toy Biz came out with this in 1996.  Marvel's Gold series. It was a mail-away figure from ToyFare magazine.
She definitely needs a Legends figure.
So many female characters on every list. Legends is slacking!
@doober Whoa good to know! I was still into it in 1996 but had no idea of that figure. I think we see her in Legends soon, hopefully along with a new Cable and finally, Kane.
I think Legends does a ton of female figures, looking forward to the Wolverine anniversary, but wish we got a Team X Logan and/or ALBERT to balance it out. The females get the cooler designs - Lilandra and Lady Mandarin in my opinion and would have liked a Robot Wolverine at least. Maybe with some Reavers in the not-too-distant future.
If we can't get a Jet, I would be all about some Mansion or Danger Room Set. That would be pretty fun.
That's what I'd like to see - an all-female Legends wave in 2024! We've never had one - the Sharon Carter D+ wave was I think the the closest we've ever gotten with four.
Let's top that in 2024! BAF included! 🙂
That's what I'd like to see - an all-female Legends wave in 2024! We've never had one - the Sharon Carter D+ wave was I think the the closest we've ever gotten with four.
Let's top that in 2024! BAF included! 🙂
It could double as a team completing wave since they seem to always leave the ladies out.