1. Swordsman
2. Mantis
3. Starfox
4. Mimic (Classic)
5. Air-Walker
6. Marrina
7. Baron Blood
8. Gargoyle
9. Diablo
10. Moonstone (classic Karla Sofen)
BAF - Black Goliath
Banshee (Green)
Valkyrie (Classic)
Hercules (Classic)
Baron Heinrich Zemo
Generation X - yep, all of them get one spot 🙂
MCU High Evolutionary
MCU Gamora v3
MCU Aunt May
Deluxe: Queen Ramonda with throne
Man… I don’t feel like there’s been a substantive change to my list from last year despite some fantastic output. Monica Captain Marvel came off the list and apparently soon Count Nefaria (fingers crossed), but I’m not sure how many others
Top 10:
M’Baku the Man Ape
Skurge the Executioner
Jack of Hearts
Rachel Summers/Phoenix
BaF/Deluxe: Lockjaw
I guess Monica *should* count as one of my Top 10 that got made this year - she'd been on my list for forever, but I dropped her after seeing her on the rumored list. So that should really count as one of mine getting made.
1. Psylocke (Outback)
2. Banshee (Classic)
3. America Chavez
4. Viv Vision
5. Monet/Penance (House of X era)
6. Synch (House of X era)
7. Exodus
8. Destiny
9. Scarlet Witch (modern)
10. Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
1.Rachel Summers (Excalibur)
2.Psylocke (Outback)
3.She-Hulk (Fantastic 4)
4.Typhoid Mary (Classic)
5.Storm (Outback)
6.Colossus (Outback)
7.Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
8.Cable (Marvel vs Capcom 2)
9.Banshee (Classic Green)
BAF: Warstar
Army Builder: Brood
I guess mine is pretty easy, assuming the two most obvious characters in DP 3 are part of that wave:
Captain America - Winter Soldier Smithsonian suit
Kurse - The Dark World
War Machine Mark 4 - Infinity War
Nebula - Endgame
Rocket - Endgame
Falcon - Falcon & Winter Soldier Falcon costume
Thor - Ragnarok first act
Electro - No Way Home
Colossus - Deadpool
1. Skurge the Executioner
2. Attuma
3. Destiny
4. Wolfsbane
5. Swarm
6. Carrion
7. Screwball
8. Phoenix II (Rachel)
9. Crystal
10. Triton
BAF: Lockjaw
1. Crystal
2. Marrow
3. Destiny
4. Skurge the Executioner
5. Magma
6. Gorgon
7. Deathbird
8. Mantis
9. Colleen Wing
10. Triton
I’d also like a classic Harry Osborn head that I can throw on a suited body.
Classic Adam Warlock
Psylocke Outback
Psylocke "Jim Lee" (take cues from this year's Black Widow)
Colossus (shirtless)
I think I only have 5. I'm not even going to list Wolfsbane and Rachel Phoenix anymore. Hasbro knows the fans want this, they're just choosing not to make them.
- Magma
- Cypher
- Magik (redo)
- Wolfsbane (werewolf as drawn by Sienkiewicz)
- Marinna
- Triton
- Gorgon
- Crystal
- Lockjaw
- Harry Leland
1. Adam Warlock (classic BA)
2. Banshee (GS X-MEN)
3. Swordsman
4. Mantis
5. Valkyrie (classic BA)
6. Iron Fist (BA)
7. Triton
8. Gorgon
9. Crystal
10.Falcon (BA)
BAF - Lockjaw
Angel (Blue Halo)
Cable (90s Blue & Yellow)
Cannonball (90s Blue & Yellow)
Colossus (Astonishing X-Men)
Cyclops (New X-Men)
Iceman (Jim Lee)
Psylocke (Jim Lee - Super Articulated)
She-Hulk (Classic)
Yellowjacket (Hank Pym)
BAF: Holocaust
Ack.... how did I leave Deathbird off my top 10 list? That's what happens when you don't keep the previous year's list. Here's hoping she's coming this year... it would be wrong to get her sister as a figure but not her since she's got more comic appearances
Sadly my list hasn't changed much since last year.
1) Namorita in green - I appreciate that we're getting a Namorita, but I'm hoping for some consistency in my New Warriors.
2) Marvel Boy - I get why they did the version of Justice they did, but again... consistency.
3) Silhouette
4) Turbo
5) Wolfsbane (X-Factor)
6) Feral (Liefeld X-Force)
7) Rachel Summer Phoenix
8) Banshee in Green
9) Techno
10) Jolt
BAF Atlas