Now that the last livestream of the year is out, we know what's still unannounced from our wish list. Here's mine for 2024:
- Albert (Robot Wolverine) & Elsie Dee
- Brood Army Builders
- Adam Warlock - Classic
- Roughhouse
- Wolfsbane - Liefield XForce
- Iron Fist - Classic
- Bolivar Trask
- Hobgoblin - Comic
- Gideon (last made in 90s ToyBiz)
- Forearm (last made in 90s ToyBiz)
BAF = Holocaust
My rationale is I want to build out more of the 80s and 90s Wolverine series characters.
Brood army builder will go with Lilandra and Brood Wolverine. Without the Brood Army builders I'll skip the 2-pack because just a sole Brood Wolverine on a shelf will not excite me.
Bolivar Track can go with our Sentinels.
Hobgoblin desperately needs a comic re-release, the last one is going for $100 and we're getting so much great Spiderman, it's a shame that we need to resort to spending $100 on an outdated figure body to complete the shelf.
As goofy as the art is, I love the 90s Liefield stuff, and loved the 90s 5" ToyBiz line and want to see all of those XForce characters built out.
Holocaust as the BAF to finish out AoA stuff.
My honorable mentions are to re-release the Black Widow figure that had poor distribution. I know I'm not the only one, Nerdzoic just made a video last week saying he never saw any for sale and wasn't able to get one and he's freaking Big Nerdy! There's precedent for Hasbro to make exclusives available on BBTS and Pulse after a year or two passes.
I'd also love a re-release of 90s comic Ice Man, which the last one from a few years ago suffered from a line down his skull due to poor tooling.
And I'd like a release of Wolverine in Brown Suit on a retro card using the Uncanny Men retro styling card art from a few years ago to complete that set. And a Cyclops and Jean Grey. I put these as honorable mentions because I know they have zero chance of getting made because they just put them out in Cartoon Form on the XMEN 97 art card backs. Which would't work for me, trying to build out an Uncanny Men Retro cardback set.
- Crystal
- Gorgon
- Triton
- Attuma
- Skurge
- Blastaar (classic)
- Adam Warlock (classic)
- Annhilus (classic)
- Baldur
- Odin
BAF: Dragon Man
Honorable mentions: Classic Iron Fist, Starlin Gamora, Pip the Troll, Wizard, Diablo, Trapster, Sandman (armored), Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Karnilla, Korvac (hovering mech lower body), Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo IV
Here's my wish list, it's a long shot but here goes:
1. Wolfsbane (90s X-Factor)
2. Falcon (classic toybiz costume)
3. Wonder Man (classic toybiz costume)
4. Punisher (trench coat from epic heroes wave)
5. Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)
6. Abomination (classic with bigger body sculpt)
7. Red Skull (classic toybiz costume)
8. Mandarin (90s animated)
9. Blackheart (classic)
10. Crossbones (Winter Soldier story arc)
1) Dracula (classic Gene Colan style)
2) Baron Blood
3) Lilith, Daughter of Dracula
4) Werewolf by Night
5) Zombie: Simon Garth
6) Monster of Frankenstein
7) Blade (classic)
8) Mephisto
9) Morbius (90s animated look)
10) Baron Heinrich Zemo
BAF: Dragon Man
Now I can finally replace my vote for Angel with AOA Angel. Such progress.
Deathbird is #1 on my Top 10 list, but I'm actually going to skip her for 2024 since Hasbro probably wouldn't get us both sisters in the same year. So, she'll re-appear on my 2025 wish list.
I'm also not including an update to Pym Yellowjacket because that is just too obvious. He has to be coming out to compliment Giant-Man.
Top 10 Never Made - classic comic versions:
1) Jack of Hearts
2) Mantis
3) Skurge
4) Gargoyle
5) Attuma
6) Swarm
7) Red Wolf
8) Crystal (Triton/Gorgan) - classic Kirbyesque
9) Firebird
10) Titania
BAF 1) Lockjaw
BAF 2) Korvac - cyborg box
Top 5 updates:
1) Dracula - Gene Colan
2) Iron Fist - 1970's classic
3) Falcon - 1970's classic
4) Dragon Man
5) Mandarin
This is my Top 10 for this year:
1. Captain America [classic scaly chainmail costume with round shield and triangular shield]
2. Doctor Octopus [white Armani suit with bendable wire tentacles]
3. Mary Jane Watson [first appearance]
4. Hulk [Professor Hulk in brown Pantheon-era jumpsuit - Deluxe]
5. Storm [black Outback era uniform with yellow lightning insignia and long hair]
6. Thor [classic Silver Age]
7. Daredevil [classic red costume with alternate Matt Murdock head]
8. Invisible Woman [1995 sleeveless/opera gloves uniform]
9. Jubilee [Generation X uniform]
10. Colossus ['90s Jim Lee Gold Team]
BAF N'Astirh
Basilisk (Basil Elks)
Plantman (70s)
Titania (classic 80s)
Shotgun (JR Walker 90s 2nd costume)
Blacklash (80s)
Diamondback (80s Rachel)
Goliath (Eric Josten 80s)
Dr. Octopus (suit and tie)
Boomerang (80s/90s)
Iron Fist (classic)
Mandarin (80s Handbook costume)
Deathlok (90s)
Edwin Jarvis
Classic Simonson Beta Ray Bill
Valkyrie (Classic)
Count Nefaria (costumed version)
Deluxe: Odin (Simonson costume)
Multipack: Warriors Three
BaF: Stranger (Classic)
Adam Warlock (Starlin)
Death's Head
BAF: Gatecrasher
At this point in my collection, I'm more interested in filling holes in the display than getting new characters or favorite characters.
In no order:
1. X-Factor - Wolfbane
2. X-Force - Feral
3. Alpha Flight - Marina
4. Excalibur - Rachel Summers
5. Inhumans - Crystal
6. Masters of Evil - Titania
7. FF4 - Mole Man
8. Rider - Danny Ketch GR w/ Bike
9. Trooper - Kree Soldier 2 Pack
10. BAF - Holocaust
Haslab - Fin Fang Foom
Personal Pick: Sidewinder
01. Wolfsbane (X-Factor)
02. Feral (X-Force)
03. Banshee (Giant Size)
04. Psylocke (Outback)
05. Colossus (Outback)
06. Rachel (Excalibur)
07. Destiny
08. Titania
09. Executioner
10. Crystal
Man… I don’t feel like there’s been a substantive change to my list from last year despite some fantastic output. Monica Captain Marvel came off the list and apparently soon Count Nefaria (fingers crossed), but I’m not sure how many others
Top 10:
M’Baku the Man Ape
Skurge the Executioner
Jack of Hearts
Rachel Summers/Phoenix
BaF/Deluxe: Lockjaw
Meanstreak (X-Men 2099)
Gambit (AoA)
Iron Fist (classic)
Banshee (Giant Size)
She-Hulk (classic)
Havok (90's X-Factor on pinless body with thigh belts plugged in and photo real)
Archangel and Blue Outfit Angel
Psylocke (Jim Lee on pinless body with updated head sculpt)
MJ Watson (Spider-man 1 in red dress)