Ikari would be cool and fairly easy to make.
Was literally just about to post about how much I'd want to see an Ikari in a potential DD wave.
If this gets me a comic Echo I'm in.
Well I can’t visit this thread without mentioning how I really want classic Daredevil on the Vulcan buck. 🙂
So, next year is Daredevil's 60th and so far not a peep of recognition by Hasbro. As a fan from loooooong ago I find it somewhat annoying that he's always been treated like Randy to Spider-Man's Ralphie. He's always simply been included in a Spidey wave but never had one of his own - unless you want to call the recent 3-pack a "wave". It's high time Matthew received his own wave. At least one in honor of 60 years.
Have they done an anniversary event yet for a solo character that's not Spider-Man?
Yet? No, but next year they'll be doing an anniversary event for Wolverine.So, next year is Daredevil's 60th and so far not a peep of recognition by Hasbro. As a fan from loooooong ago I find it somewhat annoying that he's always been treated like Randy to Spider-Man's Ralphie. He's always simply been included in a Spidey wave but never had one of his own - unless you want to call the recent 3-pack a "wave". It's high time Matthew received his own wave. At least one in honor of 60 years.
Have they done an anniversary event yet for a solo character that's not Spider-Man?
Just two villains away from getting the complete Emissaries of Evil!
Still kinda hard to believe we got Stilt-Man and Leap-Frog before Gladiator, especially since they've had Whirlwind's wrist-blades for nearly a decade now. At this point I expect Matador before poor old Melvin...
If Black Series can have yearly Christmas releases then give me office party Matt
As for a wave..
Daredevil (Either a repaint of the 3 pack in more distinct colors or a beefy Quesada version on the Vulcan body)
Elektra (3 pack red repaint)
Echo - they could probably put together a decent one out of existing parts with the Sylvie legs and DD Elektra arms though I would prefer the arms were completely wrapped up to the bicep
Owl - Classic
Mister Fear - Blue skull in a light blue/magenta suit would certainly pop on the shelf
BAF Man-Bull using one of the Hulk bodies
I'd love a Man Without Fear Daredevil and First Appearance Typhoid Mary as well
I'd like to see a FA DD on that 3 pack body, along with Gladiator, the Owl, a comic version of the Romita Jr/Man Without Fear black outfit. Just to name a few.
Maybe instead of a wave, we'll get a Daredevil 5-figure boxed set? I'd hate to see Daredevil himself buried behind another boxed set, but maybe the DD in the set could be another First Appearance version. With a regular Daredevil as a standalone Fan Channel figure (retro card?).
Mr Fear
Gladiator (Melvin Potter)
Mr Hyde (classic)
Daredevil (First Appearance)
Totally agree a "Man Without Fear" black costume would be great