If you could ONLY get twenty more Comic, Animated, or Gamerverse figures from Hasbro and they HAD to make them, no one off limits, who would you want?
I'd wanna see...
- Felicia Hardy (Animated Series)
- Lilandra (Spider-Bikini)
- Rachel Grey (Excalibur)
- Madame Webb
- Erik The Red
- D'Ken
- Warbird
- Chameleon (Animated Series)
- Vulture (Animated Series)
- Ruckuss
- Gorgeous George
- Harry Leland
- Tessa
- Banshee (green and yellow)
- Wolfsbane (X-Factor)
- Bobby Drake (De-Iced Jim Lee)
- Hepzibah
- Mandarin (Animated Series)
- Hypnotia
- Silver Fox
Sure, I'll play - especially since our old most wanted lists are now gone and we've gotten several great characters that were on those lists recently. My top 20 most wanted, all comic figures:
1. Rockslide
2. Pixie
3. Anole
4. Armor
5. Robbie Robertson
6. Edwin Jarvis
7. Husk
8. Magma
9. Rick Jones (Blue A-Bomb)
10. Cypher
11. Crystal
12. Hellion
13. Sage
14. Betty Brant
15. Valerie Cooper
16. Dust
17. Madelyne Pryor (Goblin Queen)
18. Surge
19. Jim Hammond Human Torch
20. Liz Allan
Just missed: Mercury, Foggy Nelson, Dr Nemesis, Volstagg, Glob Herman
This Top 20 list is actually different from my personal Top 20 list. If I can only get 20 more, it's all Avengers related. My actual Top 20 list is a good mixture of Marvel, but I want to complete as many classic Avengers rosters as possible. That means Deathbird, Swarm, Puppet Master, Daimon Hellstrom, Gargoyle, Triton and Gorgon, who are all on my real Top 20, were left off.
1) Jack of Hearts
2) Mantis - classic comic human or green skin tone
3) Stingray
4) Crystal
5) Firebird
6) Skurge
7) Attuma
8) Starhawk
9) Charlie-27
10) Martinex
11) Nikki
12) Two-Gun Kid
13) Korvac
14) M'Baku
15) Titania
16) Starfox
17) Swordsman (Duquesne)
18) Dr. Druid
19) Marrina
20) Jarvis
Mine are gonna be all gamerverse
- Black Cat - Spider-Man PS games
- Shocker - Spider-Man PS games
- Taskmaster - Spider-Man PS games
- Scorpion - Spider-Man PS games
- Kraven - Spider-Man PS games
- Prowler - Spider-Man PS games
- Venom - Spider-Man PS games
- Spider-Man - Symbiote suit, - Spider-Man PS games
- Hawkeye - Avengers
- Sentry - Marvel Future Fight
- Moonstone - Marvel Future Fight (Ms Marvel costume)
- Iron Patriot - Marvel Future Fight
- Bullseye - Marvel Future Fight (Hawkeye costume)
- Wolverine - X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Brown and orange suit)
- Miguel O'Hara - Spider-Man: Edge of Time
- Iron Fist - Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Man... a top 20 list is heartbreaking because really I have a top 200 list that I need in my collection and paring it down to the 20 I want most is excruciating. My list looks a ton like Beamish's
Man Ape... more realistically called M'baku
Jack of Hearts
Count Nefaria
Namorita (the real one) [with a Marrina new head/repaint to follow]
Gorgon (the Inhuman)
Charlie 27
Okay, that was too brutal... I figure if these get made then Triton and Starhawk have to get dragged along eventually. Gargoyle would be 21 on the list. But the mutants got short shrift, I left off Feral, real Wolfsbane, Pixie, Magma, so many original new mutants, New X-Men characters, Gen X characters, ack...
Sigh... this exercise was depressing.
This is really tough. I too have soooooo many more on my wants list beyond these 20. But finishing X-teams is still the top priority.
- Updated classic Archangel on Vulcan body
- Angel (red or blue halo)
- Angel (X-Factor)
- Marvel Girl (X-Factor red and yellow)
- Updated Iceman 80s/90s in the Crystar style
- Beast (X-Factor "human" blue and red costume)
- Cameron Hodge
- Madelyne Pryor (classic Goblin Queen
- Wolfsbane (X-Factor)
- Rachel Summers Phoenix (Excalibur hound)
- Banshee (green and yellow)
- Feral (X-Force)
- Chameleon (90s animated series)
- Kaine (clone saga)
- Cardiac
- Stingray
- Crimson Dynamo
- Crystal (classic or 90s Avengers)
- Mandarin (animated series/90s Toy Biz style)
- Living Lightning
I'd need some New Warriors.
Namorita (First costume)
Marvel Boy (First costume)
Silhouette (First costume)
Turbo (First costume Mickey)
I'd need some X-Team finishers.
Feral (First costume)
Wolfsbane (Blue/Yellow X-Factor costume)
Phoenix (Red Hound costume)
Banshee (Giant-Size X-Men costume)
I'd need some classic Guardians.
Some Avengers
Crystal (Yellow)
Falcon (First Red/White)
Wonder Man (90's Solo Series first costume)
Swordsman (First costume)
Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch first costume w/bike)
Blaze (90's Hellfire Shotgun)
Will o' Wisp
Rocket Racer
Wolfsbane (90s X-Factor)
Abomination (classic) bigger body sculpt
Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)
Mephisto (classic)
Spyke (X-Men Evolution)
Wonder Man (classic) toybiz update
Mercy (Hulk Ultimate Destruction video game)
Magma (X-Men Legends 1 video game) de-powered
Scarecrow (Ghost Rider movie video game)
Falcon (classic) toybiz updated
Bi-Beast (2008 Hulk video game)
Punisher (trench coat) epic heroes updated
Ravage (2003 Hulk video game)
Wasp (first appearance)
Zzzax (90s Hulk cartoon)
Iron Fist (classic)
Wendigo (classic)
Shadowcat (Excalibur II)
Mandarin (90s Iron Man cartoon)
I would love to finish off the OG Guardians of the Galaxy with Charlie-27, Martinex and at least Nikki.
While we're at it, let's finish off the Starjammers with Raza and Hepzibah.
Then it's way past time to get more Inhumans in figure form. Maximus, Gorgon, Triton, Crystal and do not forget Lockjaw.
Finally, if we don't get an updated Angel in any costume...I'm going to start a one man riot!
I would love to finish off the OG Guardians of the Galaxy with Charlie-27, Martinex and at least Nikki.
How are you going to include Nikki but leave off Starhawk? Unfathomable 😉
America Chavez
Iron Patriot (Toni Ho)
Atlas (Erik Josten)
Hulking (King of the Alliance)
Black Mamba
Cypher (Krakoa)
Khora of the Burning Heart
Valkyrie (Jane Foster)
Omega the Unknown
Gorilla Man
Storm (X-Men Red)
I haven't wishlisted in a while, so here goes (all classic Silver/Bronze/Copper Age comic versions):
4.Rogue (80s green and white)
5.Training uniform Kitty Pryde/Sprite
7.Son of Satan
8.Gargoyle (Defenders)
9.Baron Blood
10.Rachel Summers Phoenix
11.Dr. Druid
12.Moonstone (Karla Sofen fin helmet)
18.Destiny (BoEM)
Count Nefaria would make the list but I'm going to assume he's coming next year as rumored. And I bumped any highly desired redone figures (like Angel, Banshee, and Iron Fist) because I'd rather have all-new characters/costumes to fill out some team rosters.
Wasn't able to come up with a full list of twenty, but I at least got halfway there, lol. Admittedly, I'm not nearly as big of a figure collector as most on here.
01. Black Panther (same design as that Retro ML figure they did)
02. Jubilee (Ultimate Universe, Generation-X, or redo her vampire look)
03. Ms. Marvel (Carol, black outfit, yellow logo, red belt)
04. Wolverine (Laura, yellow and black outfit)
05. Blade (1st appearance, green jacket)
06. Scarlet Witch (Ultimate Universe)
07. America Chavez (AC:Made in the USA #1 cover)
08. Honey Badger (yellow and black outfit)
09. Echo (usual comic design, black outfit and wraps)
10. Uncanny Spider-Man (Kurt, red and black outfit)
I just want to say that a Last 20 scenario is freaking tough 😅.
I’m a pretty basic, and probably boring, ML collector these days
so as of this moment, I’d go with:
- Silver Surfer - classic, redone on Vulcan buck / alternate Kirby head
- Iron Man - classic accurate red/yellow deco all around
- Archangel - classic, redone on Vulcan buck / new open wings & retracted wings
- Human Torch - classic accurate / opaque
- Green Goblin - classic accurate / all-new mold / razor bats,sparkle spray,etc…
- The Punisher - 1st appearance on Vulcan buck
- Cyclops - classic Byrne, redone on Vulcan buck
- Hulk - classic / purple trunks
- Falcon - classic
- Loki - classic Simonson / winged headpiece
- Black Panther - Jungle Action deco / no ninja boots
- Daredevil - classic, redone on a Vulcan buck
- Adam Warlock - classic Starlin
- Moondragon - classic
- Storm - classic / outback jumpsuit
- Rogue - classic / aerobics outfit
- She-Hulk - classic / Avengers
- Beast - classic / Avengers
- Apocalypse - the retro figure w/ classic blue colorway
- Quicksilver - classic green