Just give us Shanna with rubber overlay parts (loincloth?) that we can remove. Win/win! They've made like 10 Legends that are just buff dudes in underwear but god forbid we get a female. I know I'm parroting what has been said but it's just annoying. Leaving money on the table.
I also agree that getting all these jungle characters in a multipack would be great and I'd absolutely bite. But that would make too much sense for a ML multipack.
"We want figures that match the art!"
Hasbro: Not a problem, here's Tigra in her iconic bathing suit!
"But that doesn't match the art I'm talking about, why is it not a thong and why is her top covering her entire breast?!? AND SHE NOT THICC"
Hasbro: Well because making characters in a 'cheesecake' manner for male gratification is no longer appropriate in 2024!
"HOGWASH. damn you woke soccer moms!!!!!"
How is "make the figure match the official comic art" a negative argument sometimes, and a positive argument other times? Feels very subjective.
"We want figures that match the art!"
Hasbro: Not a problem, here's Tigra in her iconic bathing suit!
"But that doesn't match the art I'm talking about, why is it not a thong and why is her top covering her entire breast?!? AND SHE NOT THICC"
Hasbro: Well because making characters in a 'cheesecake' manner for male gratification is no longer appropriate in 2024!
"HOGWASH. damn you woke soccer moms!!!!!"
How is "make the figure match the official comic art" a negative argument sometimes, and a positive argument other times? Feels very subjective.
Because the argument of "we just want the figures accurate to the source material" is a front, mainly brought up about female figures who were drawn in revealing and over sexualized costumes, just so you can get away with having your toys look "hot". It's not the get out of jail free card you think it is.
@darkxorn and your straw-man arguments aren't matching what people are saying in this thread
And Hasbro's figures won't match the comic art you salivate over!
We're arguing about the comic accuracy of a Shana figure that doesn't exist? Oh you nerds. Not to mention, "XYZ figure isn't comic accurate" is usually demonstrably false, which is why our smarter contrarians have switched to "Hasbro just googled the character and picked some random appearance from comic that I didn't personally read, therefore the figure is bad."
Meanwhile Zabu is proudly flaunting his sabre-toothed dong like a build-a-thirst-trap. Stupid sexy tiger.
Is Ka-Zar’s spear the closest to this version of Cable’s psimitar? Or is there a better spear that would work?
The psimitar's been drawn differently over the years. This i the simplest version, and it's close, but I think Ka-Zar's spear is too primitive looking to stand in for the psimitar.
Amazon has posted the turnaround videos for this wave and Wolfsbane is a different shade of brown: https://www.amazon.com/live/video/0f2a3da3554c413081bc6f6655efe8d2?ref_=dp_vse_ibvc0
Is that closer to what she should have been?
Also, as much as I would have wanted them to not do another Thor on this body, the Winter Herald look is really doing it for me - I LOVE the hair that looks like it's floating in space. He looks like he would be existing in space with Galactus. The other heralds, not so much, but this one is definitely getting posed with Galactus.
I'm not mad at Wolfsbane at all but it's clear she was intended to look much better than she does. I'll chalk it up to the factory getting the completely wrong shade and somewhere in the mass production her hairsculpt got fudged, because it looks like it sits much better on the head in that render, while on the final product it's a pointy hat.
Yeah the colors on that render look so much better than the other pics we've seen! Really a shame she didn't come out like that.
I watched the livestream and was pumped! This was a surprise wave for me more or less. I expected Heroes Reborn Iron Man here, but was pretty psyched for a curveball. Then CABLE. My most wanted Marvel character and they really nailed this look. Plus I can always get my paint and do an updated earlier version. On top of Loose Collector's Extreme Universe figures going up for preorder tomorrow this is a special time for me. Pumped.
So will likely pre-order the entire wave for the first time since the Apocalypse series. This closes some old wounds for me. Very nice work! btw I loved Neil Gaiman's Eternals and have wanted figures ever since. I recommend it and Ikaris.
You've been rattling the Cable cage for a long time - glad to hear you like the figure!
I'm not just speaking about Shanna when I say I want them to look like the comic book. I bought Hercules and Namor in their speedos. Why? Because it was comic accurate and those are the looks they've used for decades. It's not cause I "want sexy figure, thirsty". Like I said, if I wanted Hentai figures, I'd buy them. I just want them accurate to the source. And Tigra is close but she definitely was off. She was Cheeto fricken orange, which was a travesty. The lack of noticeable cleavage was completely second fiddle to the ridiculous color. And I don't wanna have to buy a 5 pack with other figures I could care less about to get a "fixed" version. That's why I kinda still like the old one Hasbro did forever ago. She at least doesn't blind me when the sun hits her. And she doesn't look awful. She just can't pose. And I haven't looked yet, but since Tigra was one of the big reasons to buy that box set, I doubt she'll be cheap on the aftermarket.
As for that Marvel Universe version of Shanna, I think I'd be ok with that. I vaguely remember her wearing something extremely similar. I don't think its 100% accurate, but it's really really close. And then just pull off the loin cloth. It'd be closer then dangerously cheesy. I also don't want them to give her the Sue Storm treatment either, with that butter face. I don't wanna search for an alternate head for her.
I also want a new Slave Leia figure. A better one. With a good face, and not a garbage skirt that frays and rips when you touch it. On a better body. They've done a couple really nice Carrie Fischer likenesses recently and I would love to have them put that effort into remaking some of the older stuff that doesn't hold up. ANH Han should be ok the redo list as well.
They're up for order at BBTS too. I preordered the 3 I want. I'll hope Zabu comes out again later, hopefully with a good Shanna. I can't justify those other figures. They look cool, but I have less then 0 interest in any of them. Plus money and space are both limited. So if I miss out I miss out.
Damn, this wave isn't due until July. It's not that big of a gap from reveal to release, but I haven't had a good plastic fix in a while.