I love that we're getting an official Nick Fury Jr. - he's been in the comics for over a decade now, and while I would have preferred his more unique Commander Rogers-esque look getting him in a SHIELD uniform is fair game. It's not like we don't have several previous 616 Nick Fury Senior figures to work with.
Bummer that Zabu is a BAF, because I'm only interested in him and Ka-Zar from this wave. Hopefully they'll release Zabu again later in a 2-pack or something.
Random to me would have been Steve Rogers Nomad (Cap/Avengers/wave anchor), Wolfsbane (X), Wizard (FF), Gargoyle (Strange/Defenders), Phyla-Vell (GOTG), Swarm (Spidey/Champions), Blackheart (GR) and BAF Orka (Namor) - a little bit of everything from all over the Marvel Universe.
I would buy the crap out of that wave.
I love that we're getting an official Nick Fury Jr. - he's been in the comics for over a decade now, and while I would have preferred his more unique Commander Rogers-esque look getting him in a SHIELD uniform is fair game. It's not like we don't have several previous 616 Nick Fury Senior figures to work with.
I've got the Giant-Man wave Nick head on the Commander Rogers body now and it sits high, but looks good. Wonder if I'd be able to swap the two.
That shot of the three of them all checking their guns is pretty great.
This has surpassed The Void wave as the strangest assortment in Marvel Legends history for me. It's anchored by ugly, cheap-looking Thor and Iron Man variants and features a desperately needed team-completing X-Man, a famous X-Man in a costume popularized by a video game, a D-list Avengers villain, an unpopular Jack Kirby creation* with a ton of new sculpted detail, and two Savage Land characters. The conventional wisdom that these were the non-MCU figures in a Deadpool wave and Avengers wave reads true to me.
* = warning, I'm prepared to argue about Ikaris' popularity. I seriously cannot believe he got half the wave's budget three years after Eternals floundered at the box office.
I assume this hodgepodge wave is a one-off, so I won't start bitching about the death of themed waves just yet.
Just Cable for me, though.
Am I alone in thinking of Ka-Zar as being outside the X-books? Dude gets around.
X-Men Legends II was where I first encountered him, so I guess I’ve always thought of him as X-adjacent even if they don’t interact that often.
Weird wave but it’s a must-have for me overall.
Superior Iron Man looks awesome. Strikes me as MCU Endgame legs reuse but otherwise all new. This is a fully evil genius Iron Man, which is a fun concept. The armor is supposed to be white with blue energy highlights. The two head sculpts look great. It’s a niche look that I never thought we would get a figure especially with so much original sculpting, but I love it. Such a unique look for Iron Man.
Ikaris— his classic comic outfit looks fantastic in figure form. I loved him in the movie, too.
Red Widow is a very cool mysterious addition to the modern Winter Guard from Avengers comics. She is basically the secret leader of the team. Very cool new character with staying power. And her figure and character design look awesome.
Black Winter— I read about this character before, but I was not familiar with the visual. Interesting look.
Wolfsbane— I barely know who she is, except I read her in the modern black and silver era of X-Force. But I think I ended up with most of the rest of her team.
Cable— cool look for him, even if I prefer Cable vs Bishop costume.
Kazar— looks very cool. Definitely a must-have.
BAF Zabu— what a great look super articulated Sabretooth tiger. Looks wonderful and fun. Definitely need this one. Hope Hasbro makes Shanna, too.
So overall it’s a very fun wave. Three villains is a lot of fun— Superior Iron Man, Black Winter, and Red Widow.
Am I alone in thinking of Ka-Zar as being outside the X-books? Dude gets around.
I’m with you there. His first appearance is in X-Men, but I’ve always thought of the Savage Land as its own section of the Marvel Universe, not as an X offshoot.
I agree with you guys as well. Ka-Zar is, for lack of a better term, his own animal in my mind. I don't consider him part of the X-catalogue. To me, he's just a "greater Marvel Universe" character.
I think of Ka-Zar as a mutant the exact same way I think of Namor as one--it's a ret-con by Stan to fit them both into Marvel comics. As with Namor I mostly associate Ka-Zar with the older version more than the ret-conned mutant version.
Wait, he's a mutant now...? I thought he was just a jungle-raised dude.
Ka-Zar and Zabu for me... hopefully i'm able to unload the others. Tempted to keep Cable though too.
The Shanna we'll get is probably going to be wearing the same outfit as the 3 3/4" figure Hasbro made of her a few years ago.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they rereleae at least Zabu, with all that unique tooling. Not only will he probably get into a multipack of some sort, most likely with Shana, but the body may even be repurposed for another animal character down the line. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything not obscure. But I'm sure they'll think of something. They usually do. So I'm gonna skip getting them all.
I'll get Kazar, probably, just in case he doesn't come in said new pack. And Cable, cause I love the outfit, even though I think it looks a bit odd, not sure what's wrong with it, just looks odd. Maybe the legs? And Rahne, cause I've been wanting one forfuckingever. She is a bit of mixed bag though. The yellow does look wrong compared to the rest of the team. Her entire fur coloring looks wrong, too bright, kinda like they did with Cheeto Tigra, and then fixed her later. And I'm not 100% sold on the face yet. I'll buy it, and if I think it needs changes, I'll paint the fur, and give her the old Rahne head from Walgreens. I personally like that one. She'd be easier to paint then Tigra was. No stripes. Just worry about paint rub in the joints and getting all the nooks and crannys considering I won't be able to take her apart like older figures. One of the drawbacks to pinless joints. I was honestly mowing over doing a custom with the Walgreens versions parts and a Polaris figure. Now I don't have to.
Speaking of Tigra, they did her. She was fan channel, and the rerelease "fixed" version is in a multipack. But, they didn't oversexualize her like they could've (should've?). She has basically the same outfit as a Lady Death figure would, without all of the horny put into the sculpt. So I can see them doing the same with Shana. Probably could use the same basic design, scrap basically any cleavage or a thong, throw on maybe a cloth overlay on her crotch and butt, and still throw her in the fan channel section or mutlipack with Zabu. Their fear of making any kind of remotely close to sexy figure is asanine. They know it's not 10 year old kids buying these anymore. They know it's us. I'm not asking for one of those anime statues that has removable clothing here. I'm asking for something that looks closer to the comic art then a TV Y nick jr version. Angela was a surprise they did her the way they did. Scarlet Witch is another figure who actually got the good upstairs treatment, but all subsequent releases of that body have had painted chests and necks. No flesh. Again, I'm not asking of hentai figures. If I wanted those I'd buy those. But boobs exist, and to pretend they don't is a bit... I can't think of a good word. Suppressing? Reverting? Naive? Someone smarter then me can find the word. Let the soccer moms complain, they're not buying this shit anyway. We are.
I don't particularly want to see any of that, and I'm buying this "shit".