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2024 Avengers Zabu BAF wave

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That was one random ass wave.

Only Cable for me. Maybe Marvel's He-Man too...but that's it.

Superior Milkman looks bad. Hated that story in the comics too, pass.
Icaris - Eternal peg warmer.
Red Widow or whatever - don't need her.
Black Friday sale Winter (Thor) - yeah, no.
Wolfsbane - looks ok. Happy for people who can now complete that team.  I don't care about X-Factor, so pass.
Tetris Cable - great. The only figure from this wave I need.
Ka-Zar - hey, it's a new body for Future comic Namor figure or Conan custom or whatever.
Zabu as BAF in this wave is just...cruel. I would buy him in a two-pack with naked man without hesitation. But in this wave? No.

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I don't get the thinking behind not just making another Ka-Zar, Shanna and Zabu three-pack. They are going to make three packs. There are three characters... making us wait for one is not fun. Unless they plan on getting their money back by re-releasing Zabu with Shanna in a two-pack. Or a corrected arms Ka-Zar. 🙄 

So if Shanna ends up in a multi-pack, I'm guessing it would be with Savage Land Rogue and maybe a Sauron re-release? Safari Xavier, if he doesn't end up on a Retro card (which I sincerely hope he does)?

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Posted by: @schizm

I don't get the thinking behind not just making another Ka-Zar, Shanna and Zabu three-pack. They are going to make three packs. There are three characters... making us wait for one is not fun. Unless they plan on getting their money back by re-releasing Zabu with Shanna in a two-pack. Or a corrected arms Ka-Zar. 🙄 

So if Shanna ends up in a multi-pack, I'm guessing it would be with Savage Land Rogue and maybe a Sauron re-release? Safari Xavier, if he doesn't end up on a Retro card (which I sincerely hope he does)?

One problem with Shanna is that...she's almost a naked lady. And we know (or don't at this point) how Hasbro feel about something like this: Goblin Queen, Slave Leia, Moondragon, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't release her at all. So start customizing...



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Apparently my Marvel Legends jam is "super random comic book waves," cos I love this one even if it makes zero thematic sense. I was just about to pick up a cheap movie Ikaris to try to create a comic book version, so this saves me that hassle. I do wish they just did Ka-Zar, Zabu, and Shanna as a three pack again, but Zabu gives me hope we get Lockjaw soon (and speaking from the GI Joe and D&D lines, Hasbro has been knocking it out of the ballpark with animal figures lately, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with Zabu). 

This is the first time in a while they released X-figures and non-mutants in the same wave, right? Or am I misremembering? 

I worry the folks who point out Shanna won't happen because of their being gun-shy about that kind of figure are wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised. It'll feel weird to have Ka-Zar but no Shanna. 

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Nick Fury 3pk the jury is still out on as I'm waiting to see if it's original Nick or only Sam Jackson again.

I think they referred to him as Nick Fury, Jr. in the stream.  Does he have a son in SHIELD now?  I'm not up on the latest.

Looks patterned after Sam Jackson, sorta.  It doesn't really look like him, but the head has all of the same features as Fury did in the films.

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I do need the story on Sharon Carter's head sculpt though.  WTF?  Why so much nefarious makeup, and why the droll expression that makes her look like she's a HYDRA spy?  Is this some alternate universe version of her?

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If anything this is Hasbro defaulting back to the way things were since the lines inception with ToyBiz, all the way until the infamous X-Men/F4 embargo that lasted until the Juggernaut BAF wave. During that time waves became mainly Avengers/Spider-Man/Marvel Knights centered as they couldn't use any other characters.

People beg for the good old days of ToyBiz until they start giving you the exact same wave structure they used to use!

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I'm very glad that they didn't reuse the "furry" sculpted limbs from Tigra for Wolfsbane - they barely seem to have any hair! These limbs look great. The head though...I'm hoping the New Mutants head works, but the colors probably won't match.

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@darkxorn I mentioned that earlier, it’s been since Return of Marcel Legends series 3 over a decade ago since we’ve had an assortment like this and it’s wild it took so long! I was so bummed at the time that we never got the Dani Moonstar from that proposed wave but she came eventually!


Idk but I’ve been looking for a head to make a Lady Mastermind kitbash from the spare WG Emma I have… hrmmm

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@enigmaticclarity Silver Age Nick Fury is Sr. His son is the modern Nick Fury Jr based on Samuel Jackson. In comic 616 universe.

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@enigmaticclarity Whether it's Nick Jr. or Carl's Jr, I think Hasbro's biggest concern was "how do we make it look like Ultimate Nick Fury who was patterned after Samuel L. Jackson in the comics without making it look like MCU Nick Fury who quite literally was Samuel L. Jackson, all while still avoiding giving folks that crotchety old cigar chomping Clint Eastwood-esque white guy that Marvel left on the moon to die?"

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us a reissued Dirk Anger head and told us it was OG Nick.

Sharon Carter needs to lay off the botox in that 3pk.  Maybe she chooses to wear diabetic shoes in that costume and it's accurate to something I'm not aware of, but they really should have had her feet match the others.

The Vulcan forearm slice needs to go.  It was obnoxious on the last couple of figures that had it needlessly.  They can't engineer the exact same forearm that doesn't have that slice mark?


That aside, I'm noticing the new Wolfsbane legs look like fish scales in parts to me.



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Posted by: @jtmarsh

I try to be less negative about stuff lately but Wolfsbane, for as many people as had asked for her, and waited all these years, looks abysmal.  It looks as if they started making Feral and then decided that they wanted to make it Rahne instead.  Neither of these are pivotal characters for me as I've never been a major fan of either, but between the ugly facial expression, hair that belongs on the Daredevil Owl character, orange rather than brown plastic and yellows that look like it will match the Uncanny 275 crowd but NOT the previous X-Factor figures we've gotten I'm tempted to just keep my eye out for a serviceable brown wolf figurine and call it a day.  Given Hasbro's penchant for sloppy Googling, is there an iteration of the character that looks like this?  The orange rather than dark brown really throws it off for me.  I feel for all of those that really did want this character and campaigned for it because even a straight reissue of the Walgreens pack-in head would have been better than this.

Cable looks serviceable.  Not certain that color of blue matches any other blue/yellow X-Men related plastic, but he'll likely be the only one I get unless Kazar goes on heavy discount.

Nick Fury 3pk the jury is still out on as I'm waiting to see if it's original Nick or only Sam Jackson again.

I love this Wolfsbane and have been pretty vocal about wanting a new head with bigger hair than the weird one that came with Dani so that is a plus for me.


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I'm loving this entire wave!! I actually had a smile watching the entire fan stream.

I will definitely take Kazar's glove lines over what McFarlane does for the DC Multiverse line.

I finally had enough of the crappy reuse and canceled all my preorders and in the process of returning around $300 worth of previous buys.

I like and love everything else shown on the fan stream except Morbius who seems to have a very large head.

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Shanna will happen. Dan told us to let them know if we want her in the livestream chat, which I found a little lame and got a big old eyeroll from me at the time. Of course we want her to complete the team. She'll be a Pulse exclusive because of her attire, probably wearing something like this:

As for the randomness of the figures: I don't think it's random at all. Four X-related characters and four Avengers-related characters, well, Ikaris fits an Avengers wave just like Namorita, Nighthawk and MACH -1 - friends/allies sometimes enemies. Each set of four was probably originally envisioned for a more specific X or Avengers wave, but due to the unstable continual shifting MCU project release dates, they probably threw this wave together to compensate and get something out there for us to purchase. This wave might actually take the place of the original release of the MCU Cap film wave.

Random to me would have been Steve Rogers Nomad (Cap/Avengers/wave anchor), Wolfsbane (X), Wizard (FF), Gargoyle (Strange/Defenders), Phyla-Vell (GOTG), Swarm (Spidey/Champions), Blackheart (GR) and BAF Orka (Namor) - a little bit of everything from all over the Marvel Universe.

puckace and supreme_d reacted
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

I do need the story on Sharon Carter's head sculpt though.  WTF?  Why so much nefarious makeup, and why the droll expression that makes her look like she's a HYDRA spy?  Is this some alternate universe version of her?

Hopefully the blonde ponytail head from the female Shield/Hydra trooper pack fits nicely. 


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