Superior Iron Man was on Amazon's black friday sale so I picked him up. It's a really nice figure. Very tempted to make him more chrome looking, but that'd take a lot of work and I don't know if I care enough about the figure to do all that work.
Anyone use Red Widow as a substitute for Crimson Cowl? I was getting ready to sell mine as I have no familiarity or use for the figure when it hit me that it passes very well for a Crimson Cowl. I don’t see Crimson Cowl ever getting green lit, so this may be as close as we get.
Anyone use Red Widow as a substitute for Crimson Cowl? I was getting ready to sell mine as I have no familiarity or use for the figure when it hit me that it passes very well for a Crimson Cowl. I don’t see Crimson Cowl ever getting green lit, so this may be as close as we get.
Yep, I do. I’ve no connection to, or real knowledge of, Red Widow, so she’s Crimson Cowl on my shelf.