Also, I picked up 2x Cable on Amazon, but it just shows order received, which I guess translates to backordered. I have assumed the position.
I just got Cable actually. I don't hate the yellow on his legs. I think I'll leave it there. The figure is pretty cool. Still not sure about the strap thing but it's growing on me. I gave him a shotgun I had from fortnite since I like the design. I wish he had weapon storage for his other guns though. He feels a little bare bones in that aspect, since the XForce one has like an overload on everything.
I was looking at the other figures, and I may end up picking up Red Widow if she goes on sale or clearance. She looks cool, and I like ninjas, even though I have no clue who she is. The other 2 I need to finish Zabu I'm not sure I care about. And I'm still thinking they will repack him again later.
Also, if we're comparing things, where's the line for the people that require microscopes and tweezers? Asking for a friend...
I just gave NORM a thumbs down as an experiment and also because he bragged after he said he was not going to brag.
for the record, I took back the thumbs down from Justice’s post about his broken Fraggle.
Made some mods to Wolsfbane. Whited out her eyes, gave her some fangs, blended her hair into the head sculpt, and finished it with some washes and dry brushing. I also dremmeled away some of the upper hip cut to free up her leg articulation.
OOOOOOoooooohhhhhh pretty.
Did you fill her sideburns with clay or do more than that? And the extra hair on top helps a lot.
Jealous. This is a character I only want to complete a team and I hate that I'm tempted to do all of this modification because Hasbro dropped the ball so badly.
Her sideburns and the hair from her crown was brought in with ProCreate then blended!
I actually liked the color Hasbro used for her fur, but it was in desperate need of printed shading or a wash, something of that nature. Which they can do and have done, so it's baffling why after going to all this effort to sculpt the fur texture, they didn't ensure it looked it's best.
That looks awesome. I wish I was that good. I did a heavy wash and threw the older head on. I didn't even match the colors, I don't know if it looks good or not honestly.
It's weird that the only detail where she excels her teammates is the silver-painted zipper.
I ordered a Cable from Amazon global. It shipped from Australia 🦘.
I brought the new Cable into work to sit on my desk today. This is definitely my favorite ML Cable. I put the Domino from a few years back next to him. She is in serious need of an upgrade w/ all the new female bodies and face printing tech available now.
Copycat? Or actual Domino? Cause Copycat is fine I think. And the old Domino is the one I have displayed since I don't like the Copycat design, and it's not Domino anyway. I would really like a new Domino with maybe the outfit they used in Fortnite. Or something a little less Leifield.
@trunks3540 I never got that 3 pack with Copycat so yeah the first Domino they made in a BAF wave-can't remember which BAF it was. She is in need of a serious upgrade.
Gotcha. It's not a bad figure but definitely showing its age. She needs a new outfit instead of a remake of that one.